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 Feb 2017 claire
storm siren
I have sunset eyes
That see through facades
And every disguise
You could front.

I have midnight eyes,
That create oceans of tears,
Produced from lies,
Yours, theirs, and mine.

I have sunset eyes,
That bring forth life
And revitalize
Those without purpose.

I have midnight eyes,
That pierce through your soul,
And no one really can realize
Until it's too late.

But you have sky blue eyes,
That hold the sun just around your pupils.
And your eyes remind me
That I too can fly.

Your eyes are sky blue,
With a sunny forecast ahead.

I always thought blue eyes were pretentious,
And that brown eyes were boring.

But when I first fell in love with you,
I could feel the honesty flowing off you,
And when I touched you that fateful Saturday,
In a friendly hug,
Gentle kindness rolled off of your colors,
And I was finally home.

And now when I look in your eyes,
I am reminded that blue is now my second favorite color,
And when you look at me,
I realize brown isn't so bad
the moon
rises me

I'm more home

locking eyes
with you

than anywhere
on Earth
 Feb 2017 claire
Every day I lay my head down upon my pillow
Is a day of victory
Every day I rise again to see the sun
And another day of victory
to sleep
to rise
To breathe again
To praise your name and know your heart
in each one
is my joy and duty
But even if I forget
A day of victory
it still is yet
For I breathed the breath you gave me
 Feb 2017 claire
My body is your
Instrument; so please, play the
Music of my soul.
February 11, 2017.
 Feb 2017 claire
 Feb 2017 claire
Ten. Where are you? Are you there yet? It's been so long since we last met. I've missed you.

Nine. With only a few seconds to go, doesn't it feel like hours until we can be together once again?

Eight. Be patient. I'll be there soon enough. Wait for me.

Seven. Waiting sure does weigh an eternity. My heart is getting heavier by every passing moment.

Six. Think of the weight on your heart as a paper weight, atop the receipt I gave to you the last time we met, with our meeting place and time scrawled on it. Don't remove what anchors me to you.

Five. Pulling heartstrings won't get you anywhere, you know. Hope can be the worst betrayal.

Four. And hope can be the best loyalty. Now, will you hope and be loyal?

Three. Anything it takes to be, as long as it's with you. You have my pinky swear.

Two. Give me your four other fingers. And your eyes. And your attention. All of you, I miss it and I long for it.

One**. Midnight. He turned me around, 180 degrees, a half-moon, a lemon-slice, a perfect arc right into his arms. The minute hand has finally reached the hour hand. And our hands have finally reached each other.
waiting will always be an eternity
 Jan 2017 claire
blue mercury
moments are ephemeral
so i hold on tightly
to the closeness of you.
our arms linked together,
you keep bumping into me
and i keep colliding into
it's as if we are stars,
and we make our own
little boom
in this sky.

we're almost a firework, honey.
we're almost-

long haired sweetheart,
golden boy of no where,
your halo is skewed,
but i bet you'd taste like lights.
you're the brightest
type of shine.
sure, you glow in the dark,
but you're glowing in the light too.
and they say,
you're brighter with me,
they say you are
just as smitten
as i am.

maybe we can make this work, honey.
maybe we can-

what if i was to paint you in indigo,
sew patches of
a blank night sky
onto your dimples,
and hang stars from your
butterfly lashes?
would you
let me sit on your lap like
it's a throne,
make me your
so that i can say i've made
the human form of night time
my lover.
king of hearts, conqueror of the day.

we hold on, because it heals our tired hurt, honey.
we hold on-



lasting for a very short time.
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