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Oct 2016 · 288
Tark Wain Oct 2016
I think that you can hear winter
The leaves whisper as they fall if you listen closely
The trees call out, not to say anything, just to be heard
And the birds voice their discontent with their absence

There's something about the ability to see my own breath
that I find to be a jarring reminder of my humanity
Tark Wain Sep 2016
It was the first time I had fallen in love on a Tuesday
The crimson skies played tongue hockey
with cumulus clouds that begged so heavily
to be carried into the night

It was a feeling that produced so much awe
that it was necessary
for it to dissipate
within the blink of an eye

I never got your name
that doesn't matter
Bees know not the name of nectar
just that they need it to live

It was raining when you left me
each drop fighting to hit the ground first
in some cosmic sign
that maybe the destination meant more than the journey

Sometimes I feel
the only one that wants me to stop and smell a rose
is my nose
everyone else is content to let me pass by

I'd never stopped to speak to the old lady
at the end of the street
but I did today
and I'm glad I did

Because her eyes showed me
that below her face-scarf a smile hid
It's not always superman that saves someone's world
but who would watch that movie?

My mind is stuck on an endless loop
of play then stop then rewind
I tend to linger on one moment
although I'm not sure why... perhaps it's because

           It was the first time I had fallen in love on a Tuesday
Sep 2016 · 639
She was the type
Tark Wain Sep 2016
She was the type of girl that read books no one had assigned to her
She refused to take the sidewalk if the quickest path went through the grass
Her eyes were the color of mud saturated with rain from the night before
I loved her and that was the biggest mistake I'd ever make

This isn't a poem about how girls are evil
or how the world is rigged
it's just that when I saw you I believed in love at first sight
and maybe that was wrong of me
Aug 2016 · 283
Tark Wain Aug 2016
Like a raindrop down a window
or a rope down a well
I didn't mean to fall
But once I started I couldn't help it
Aug 2016 · 582
Tark Wain Aug 2016
You remind me of my eyelids
because when I close my eyes
all I see is
Aug 2016 · 240
Tark Wain Aug 2016
I've traveled every mountain
descended every valley
seen every shade of blue

yet I'd trade it all
to sit on the couch
and eat a pizza with you
Aug 2016 · 204
Morning Coffee
Tark Wain Aug 2016
I know I'm your morning coffee
I know you can't start your day without me
Aug 2016 · 243
Depression in my own words
Tark Wain Aug 2016
Tark Wain
May 5, 2015
You read about it.
See it on Tv.
I always thought it was a filler.
An quick way to describe a character.
"Oh He's depressed"
Everyone took a slow nod.
And then the show went on.
The character wasn't depressed.
Sad sometimes, maybe.
But that wasn't Depression.
I didn't know that.

I was blissfully unaware as a kid.
Most kids are happy obviously.
But I was something else.
I never stopped smiling.
When people asked me why.
I told them I had no reason not to.
I thought that would always be the case.
I mean why wouldn't it be.
But then time went on and I had reasons.
I kept my smile through it all.
And then one day.
One solemn day.
It just stopped.
I couldn't smile.
Maybe I had crossed some cosmic line.
Regardless I couldn't smile.

Suddenly I had too many reasons not to.
That's fine I thought.
You can be successful without a smile.
So I kept moving forward.
Into a forest that constantly grew darker.
You're still the same person I told myself.
Just because you don't smile anymore.
Doesn't mean you didn't used to.
It was weird.
Happiness only existed to me in forms of nostalgia.
I remembered the golden times.
And thought their existence validated my lack of current ones.
This was the hard part I thought.
It will go uphill one day.
That's how life works.

But that isn't how it works.
It isn't how anything works.
You can't sacrifice your present for your future.
Present sadness does not guarantee future happiness.
Life is a set of greased monkey bars.
Just because you've made it this far.
Does not mean you were meant to make it any further.
So soak in today.
Because it arrived although it wasn't promised.
Don't just smell the roses.
Pick them.
If only to do so before someone else does.
You don't combat Depression by thinking about your potential.
Or reminiscing over your past.
You defeat Depression by remembering.
That today.
You are You.

That's reason enough to smile.
Aug 2016 · 295
Tark Wain Aug 2016
Everything happens for a reason
Said one man to another
that’s ******* you know he responded
and even if that was so
should it be some consolation
should I be amazed by the worlds complexity?
should I applaud the interwoven madness
if the one left out is me?

Does a bull admire a matador’s technique?
Does a building admire the strength of a wrecking ball?
Tell me why the system is great
why I should care about the meaning behind it all
what you have is what you love
and I could never love a theory
I believe in the material
because it’s the only thing my eyes can see

Tell me why my wife died
Was it to save a thousand lives?
because I would **** a thousand more
for one more look into her eyes
Maybe her death
somehow saved my life
well one day I will die
without the comfort of my wife

That’s all it really is my friend
a celebrated rain delay
God’s in his high chair
choosing who will go and who will stay
but eventually we will all leave
despite all the magic this universe has to offer
you believe in faith sir
but sadly I am bogged down in fact

The man was choked up
as he searched for words to answer the other
I did not know your babies mother
but my son did
She pushed him to safety from a car
taking the impact that was meant for him
so while I'm sorry for your loss friend
there is a reason behind everything
Aug 2016 · 536
The Last Thing
Tark Wain Aug 2016
I wonder what I'll see right before I die
Not the moments flashing bright
nor the memories passing by

I mean the last thing
the image that I'll see
the feelings it'll bring

Will it be a neat summary of things I've seen
or perhaps a dying shout
at what things could have been

Or maybe it will be nothing at all
just a slab of concrete
after one long fall
Tark Wain Aug 2016
One Day there was A Bee Named Beevis

Beevis was the fastest bee in the garden

He won all the races

And won all the medals

But still Beevis was sad

Because no matter how many races he won
Or how many medals he was awarded

He still couldn’t smell

Because he had a deviated septum

But Beevis was in luck

Because the Bee Grand Prix was soon approaching

And the Prize was a check for $100,000

And Beevis knew it cost $2,435 dollars to repair his septum

He realized he would be rolling in money.
(Figuratively, of course. Not Literally)

That would be wasteful

So he raced

And he won

Because like I said earlier he was the fastest bee

So he went to the doctor with $2,435

And had his septum repaired

As soon as he left the office he was overwhelmed by smells

He was drawn to a patch of roses

Beevis slowly took in each one’s distinct scent

Beevis had no desire to fly fast anymore

He always stopped to smell the roses

And You Should Too
Aug 2016 · 516
What's It Worth?
Tark Wain Aug 2016
What's it worth
to be revolutionary
To speak with conviction
while your reality remains imaginary
Speak bigger
increase your vocabulary
Fascism's been tried before
success varied

How far are you willing to drive
if you are willing to carry a gun are you willing to die
Because you say All Lives Matter
but remain silent when a black man dies
And you say you love our military
unless it's a Muslim in camo
Because in your mind they're a vessel
meant to withstand your imaginary ammo

Spare me the details
of your distrust of science
I thought when we left the middle ages
we left ignorance behind us
Only when the last rig is dry
Our final coffer left bare
You realize how foolish you were
for loving the imp with the orange hair
Aug 2016 · 291
The Savior's Call
Tark Wain Aug 2016
Come Round Come Round/ To hear the Savior's call/ Stare upon the sky/ The place from where he'll fall

Born of the Dragon/ He who carries the flame/ The one to end all wars/ The one to end the game

Born of the Father of Fire/ and the Mother of Wind/ He'll come when all is lost/ When all lights have dimmed

We will not falter/ We will not yield/ Until the last Falcon/ Has been Killed
Aug 2016 · 609
What if We're Raindrops?
Tark Wain Aug 2016
I wonder about the rain
A good deal more than any sane person should

The way it falls
the inevitably of it
and then
And just like that
It's as if it never existed

What if we're all just raindrops
falling for what mistakably
seems like forever
and then
the only thing left
being the size of our splash

Memories become
molecules we happen pick up along the way

It must be hard
when you're falling
to think of anything but the ground
who cares about where you fell from
or the places you've transversed
when the only thing in front
is solid asphalt

What I'm saying is
What if we're just raindrops
inevitably falling
and if that's a fact that will never change
what good does it do
to overthink
to stress
to doubt yourself

When in the end
we're all just a splash on the pavement
Jul 2016 · 246
Tark Wain Jul 2016
Wind's Like Life
It blows
And then it doesn't
Jul 2016 · 380
What do you want?
Tark Wain Jul 2016
What do you want?

I want to be king

Do you don't

I d--

My father is a king
A good one
He is loved
Much more than past Kings
He solidified the realm
Kept the peace for many years
And he kills children and nobleman and peasants alike
He killed your mother
And made your father watch before he killed him too
And He is a good king
If you rebel
Even if you win
And **** my father
At best all you will ever be

Is A Good King
Jul 2016 · 709
Can I Believe in Memories?
Tark Wain Jul 2016
A woman once told me
That when we remember something
we remember not the actual moment
but rather the last time we remembered it

A moment
at least in theory
is pure
it represents a certain truth
one that cares not for arguments
nor perspective nor point of view
if we remembered moments I wouldn't be skeptical
but we don't

I've lied before
in fact I do it all the time
I've lied to old women and girlfriends
to my father and kids on my street
whose to say I wouldn't lie to me?
A moment is concrete
but a memory?
That can be anything I want it to be

My life is a story
as is everyone else's
depending on the narrator to find meaning
in anything
What if everyday I stumble upon the answer
but it isn't the one I desire
who's to say
I haven't forgotten and tried again

What exists?
by that I mean exclusively to me
If I'm the architect of my own reality
how do I also serve as the destruction team?
What's the point of building a home
if I was always meant to sleep outside?
If a magician can actually use magic...
Doesn't he become something completely different?

Objectivity is lost on me
its well meaning contribution out of reach
I have just one tool with which to understand me
and unfortunately it's my memory
Jul 2016 · 630
Words I Like
Tark Wain Jul 2016
I find my calm not at the finish line, looking back at the distance I've traveled, but in the moment, on the run, out of breath, looking forward. I don't know where I'm going, and I guess I hope to God I never get there—I'm happy as I am: Chasing something eternal and ethereal. The world is not—will never be—enough for me and that's just the way I like it.
Jul 2016 · 287
What Matters
Tark Wain Jul 2016
There are so many things in this world
I mean that in the literal sense
there are bananas, apples and figs
heroine, needles and cigs
the thing...
the thing I am struggling with
what matters

What should I care about?
really tell me
is there some sort of roadmap
to lead me to my goal

help me
there's *** and there's piety
there's the bottle and there's deities
there's a mountain built above me
full of expectations,
plans and potential
and I have no means with which to climb it

I don't get it
how do other people pick
how do terrorists actually commit to terrorism?
I'm serious
obviously their actions are appalling
but how are they so sure
how do womanizers become womanizers
im serious
is there some threshold I've yet to cross
some achievement I've yet to receive

I feel like everyone around me knows who they are
When I can't figure out what I like
Jul 2016 · 856
At this point
Tark Wain Jul 2016
At this point

we haven't talked in a while
and maybe that's for the best
I don't love you anymore
perhaps that's for the best too
I hate to romanticize the past
a beneficiary of history like socrates
I'll never be

even so

At this point

we are two completely different people
not only from each other
but from past versions of ourselves
we are stationary bayonets
placed dutifully and lazily
on top of the guns
we used to be
Always the second choice

At this point

We are strangers to each other
not that we would not recognize each other
but in the sense
that if I waved to you
or you to me
the other would not know what to do

At this point

I don't feel like checking in
because I know the past was better
and I assume the future will be too
its the middle of the story
the part you don't really need
but where you're still unsure
where it might lead
so how am i?

cautiously optimistic

At this point
Jul 2016 · 349
Home for the Holidays
Tark Wain Jul 2016
Home for the Holidays
Isn't it sweet
Home for the Holidays
Nightmare memories played on repeat

Home for the Holidays
The fighting never ended
Hate out in the open
It was better when we pretended

Home for the Holidays
Still nothing's changed
Home for the Holidays
You all continue to act deranged

Home for the Holidays
I'm still the one in the middle
Home for the Holidays
The never solved riddle
Jun 2016 · 594
The Birds and The Bees
Tark Wain Jun 2016
The father knew it as soon
as his son walked in
it was his first broken heart
and it had been torn thin

so the father followed after
stomping feet and slamming doors
this was the big one the one
that shakes young men to their cores

The father entered
and dropped to his knees
it's time I tell you son
about the birds and the bees

Heart break like this is normal
but a love like yours was pure
even though you will have many
of this one's meaning I know you're sure

love, real love, is everything
it is a cataclysmic spastic
smattering of everything you held true
suffocating as if you were asthmatic

It's not that love is hard
it shouldn't be
in fact that's how I knew
your mother was the one for me

but somethings aren't meant to be
so when it came time for the power's that be
that took her away from me
the falsehood of love was clear to me

love as if you'll die tomorrow
because you might as well should
because a life without love is silly
stupid, and no good
Jun 2016 · 307
The Past
Tark Wain Jun 2016
The Past
is just that
Move on
Jun 2016 · 456
26 Letters is all Need
Tark Wain Jun 2016

There's only 26

I can't wrap my head around it
You're telling me
all I need is 26

That's insane

26 letters
laid out in some combination
could lead you back to me

It's that simple?

How many combinations
and therefore how many realities

How many times do I get it right?
How many times do I dot my I's
and cross my T's
enough to lead you back to me

What was this supposed to be
and overused drawn out symphony

write until you have an epiphany

26 that's all I need
to let you know what you meant to me
to finally
lead you back to me


This must be a lie
I can count that on five hands
provided an extra finger

let that thought linger

it can't be
provided our history
the right answer alludes me
it remains a mystery


that's all it will take
but I can't let myself make the same mistake
it's time I nix
the search for those elusive

Jun 2016 · 674
You Used to Love Me
Tark Wain Jun 2016
You Used to Love Me
Shouldn't that mean something
How can you look at me like I'm nothing
Like I'm a leftover
of a meal you never ordered
like I'm the fifth leaf
of your four leafed clover
The one you wish you could forget

You Used to Love Me
I know you did
You told me
I was the peanut butter
you were the jelly
you would lay on my belly
and tell me anything you wanted
because I was everything you wanted

You Used to Love Me
so why do I find it so hard to talk to you
I used to tell you everything
now I doubt I could tell you the time of day
you look through me
not at me
What am I to you now?
A walking memory?

You Used to Love Me
Sometimes I think
This is going to be hard for me to say
Sometimes I think the past is as fabricated
as our predicted futures
We can rewrite narratives as we see fit
to fit the story as it unfolds

You Used to Love Me
I say it over and over again
constantly unsure if I am lying to myself
maybe each lie
is another knot in the bow
I use to wrap up our time together
You Used to Love Me

I think
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
Maybe I don't have a One
Tark Wain Jun 2016
Maybe I don't have a One

This isn't meant to be depressing
although I agree it may come off that way
I just want to be realistic

Maybe I don't have a One

People die for no reason all the time
I don't mean to be somber
these are just facts
do think they had all fallen in love?
do you think their lives were fulfilled?

Maybe I don't have a One

We're force-fed fairytales
peddled parables of Princes and Princesses
love is just a product
no different than chocolate
or straight to DVD CDs of Dumb and Dumber
Not everybody has a bicycle

Maybe I don't have a One

Don't get me wrong
I'm as hopeless a romantic as the next guy
I'm sure people do find love
and a couple consists of two people
so they very well may make up the majority
but as obvious as it may sound to say
50 is not 100
some is not all
and everybody might not have a somebody

Maybe I don't have a One

This wasn't meant to be sad
I just feel like we're all fed a certain narrative
that may or may not be true
which is fine
I just don't think it's crazy
to admit that

Maybe I don't have a One
Jun 2016 · 569
I am not Me
Tark Wain Jun 2016
I am not me
I am a tapestry of the things I've seen
I am a poorly rendered image
of the reflection of my past

I am everyone I've ever met
rolled into a pie crust
beaten into bread crumbs
and ground into a saw dust

I am not me
I'm a victim of society
a bystander to my own reality
I look in the mirror and nothing I see

What does it mean to exist?
is it to only ask that question?
perhaps to ponder ones existence
is proof enough of existence
Jun 2016 · 431
Blue Eyes
Tark Wain Jun 2016
All words once used
to describe the eyes the color blue
tied together, tried and true
are still nowhere near good enough for you
Jun 2016 · 328
Hello is this thing on?
Tark Wain Jun 2016


are you listening?

Anyone? Really?

I have some things I'd like to say.

Seriously with this Donald Trump guy?
I mean in a vacuum I understand it
like if you don't factor in that his rhetoric
is is right out of Adolf ******'s guidebook
or our very own Joseph McCarthy
but we don't live in a vacuum
open your eyes
even if the dust is clouding them

and another thing

Mass Shootings
what the **** guys?!?
can we not do that
I get it
we all die
life is a flat circle
we'll pray for you blah blah blah
I mean *******
you don't have to love everybody
or even like them
but come on let's not do that

ok you're listening now

and gay people
why can't they ****?
I mean seriously
what's wrong with a little *** play
are you that self righteous



******* ****
cmon guys it's not that hard to get consent
watch a few **** pickup youtube videos
and you'll be just fine
you don't have to be a god awful person

what's up with that whole thing?
I understand that it's brought good things
and that's awesome
but do you guys really have to fight over it
I mean either your religion is the "right" one
or it isn't
and there's a ton of religions
so odds are you're wrong
so why boast about it?

water food and shelter
can we try to give that to all living people
even if their skin is different from ours
is it really that hard guys
I mean Geez

They told me life would be hard
it isn't

or at least it shouldn't be
if people would just listen
Jun 2016 · 268
Tark Wain Jun 2016
All of my let's just be friends
are friends I don't have anymore
my mind races
as I search for reasons why
I'm unironically looking
to Drake for inspiration
Jun 2016 · 427
The 5 Senses
Tark Wain Jun 2016
We can not see the proton
We can not touch gravity
We can not hear silence
We can not taste air

We can not feel love
Jun 2016 · 675
Brain Wrap
Tark Wain Jun 2016
Glossed over pasts plus
Time tested epithets
That indubitably do define
The way you left me that's

Not to deny the truths that do lie
On the static sitting stone
Which are truths I refuse to uncover
Which tend to typify my own

Lack of anything resembling intelligence
I know if you missed me you would say it
Yet it remains categorically impossible
For me to even meagerly admit

That the starry eyed tongue tied
Deliciously delightful strikingly beautiful
Girl I fell in love with

is no more
Jun 2016 · 244
Tark Wain Jun 2016
Memories are as real
as you allow them to be
Jun 2016 · 688
That's Okay
Tark Wain Jun 2016
I lost myself in you
and that's okay

when does the rain
become the ocean?
or the bread become
the ****?

it's all semantics isn't it really
isn't "myself" just my minds interpretation
of its known realities
balanced against my own fantasies
and furthermore if myself does not exist
then it wouldn't be able to be lost


A mind is a beautiful thing
and it's great at convincing itself of things
it knows to be untrue
I lost myself in you
of that much I am sure

How did I lose grip?
when did I let myself get comfortable
why did I
it always ends the same way
in as much in that it ends
but you were supposed to be different
and even though I knew that to be untrue
my mind convinced itself of that

and that's okay
Jun 2016 · 212
Tark Wain Jun 2016
I hate me too
Jun 2016 · 317
A Flap of Wings
Tark Wain Jun 2016
I killed a butterfly today  
then tried to write a poem  
I don’t know why I did it  
It died without a home  
It struck me as compelling  
as I recalled what my parents used to say  
be mindful of your surroundings  
a flap of butterfly wings can change a day  

I thought little of it then  
yet now I obsess as I reminisce  
if a butterfly flap can change so much  
what of the absence of it?  
Have I sealed my fate to infamy  
or paved my way to riches  
but maybe if I **** another?  
my unforeseeable fate switches  

But what’s a butterfly to me?  
it wasn’t much before  
now you expect me to believe  
it holds the key to what’s in store?  
Free will must exist  
at least as long as I believe it to  
foolish of me to think my dead butterfly  
could have some affect on you  

Yet I sit here thinking  
of thoughts I’ve never had  
a liar I would be to tell you  
that I haven’t changed a tad  
It did not have a name  
and I did not have a reason  
yet as I blankly stared down  
I felt as if I had committed treason  

So I sweep away the body  
and leave the room to clear my head  
if my hand’s never clapped  
this butterfly would not be dead  
so be wary of the change you bring  
the waves you choose to make  
that butterfly could have changed a day  
and not believing that was my mistake
Jun 2016 · 531
Foods Getting Cold
Tark Wain Jun 2016
lemonade stained table tops
caramel crusted counters
slightly chipped glasses
and twice used napkins
                                          neatly placed
                                          and set for two
                                          even though you're gone
                                          I can't eat without you
Jun 2016 · 380
Little May
Tark Wain Jun 2016
Little May
dress made of silk
eyes the color grey
hair with silver tips
nails with fierce grips
cries everyday
as if there was spilled milk
please stop for today

we let you down
Little May
it's ok to frown
but please do not cry
please do not be shy
you deserve a golden crown
not memories of that day
when your skin was bruised to brown

Forgive us, what do you say?
it was never our intention
Little May
he never meant to hurt you
his mistakes were true
we foolishly believed what he had to say
we prayed for intervention
but he walks free to this day

We'll burn for what we did to you
that much is set in stone
all we hope is you won't burn too
Little May
Keep those awful thoughts away
we know the good days will be few
and we can never atone
For not seeing your ******'s justice through
Jun 2016 · 443
It's not the Same
Tark Wain Jun 2016
It's not the same

Your dress looks beautiful
the weather is fantastic
this restaurant you picked
the waiter

It's not the same

What did Gina tell you?
That her bladder is so small that she has to ***
every time she washes her hands?
that's hilarious
how inconvenient

It's not the same

Pass the salt
no the other salt
I know that's pepper
what a cute smile you have when you're playing a joke

It's not the same

Always the jokester
never serious

It's not the same

Did you smile like that when you let him touch you it's not the same

What a beautiful dress you have
can I try some of your pasta
you know I heard it was supposed to storm out in--

It's not the same

I think I'm going to use the restroom
*** even though you don't even have to
Now that I am washing my hands I do
I'm no better than ******* Gina
Don't punch the wall

It's not the same

You forgave her
she apologized
she had to apologize
punch the wall

It's not the same

Finish washing your hands
Compose yourself
You love her
and she loves you
she always did
she made a mistake
we all make mistakes

It's not the same

not like that
we don't all do that
is not normal
Honey yes, they do have towels in the bathroom
no I didn't know they used to make creme brulee here
why did they stop?
wow amazing
why did you stop?

It's not the same

I look tired?
Works been crazy
good lie
you're worrying
she doesn't know
or care

It's not the same

You forgave her
That doesn't mean I have to
because I know
as well as you do
as much as you try to fight it

It's not the same
Jun 2016 · 333
Stop With Your Philosophy
Tark Wain Jun 2016
Stop it.

Just stop it.

Stop it with your philosophy.
Your answers
your higher meanings.
Just stop it.

All you talk about is Socrates
you praise his ideology.
Place him on a pedestal of greatness
a shining example of a life lived right.

Where was that ideology
when he hung from the gallows.
What good are one's thoughts
when one's neck fails to connect with itself?

What say you?
Plato is no better.
nonono he is not
the man tasked with carrying on his mentors ideals.
This genius
this beacon of hope.
Spent over 10 pages of his book
explaining why older men should not have *** with younger boys
as if he was trying to convince himself.

Not the reader.

Just stop with it all.

I am not struggling to find myself
I am struggling to find rent money.
My problems are not in my head.
They are in my bank account.

You pine over a greater purpose
like it's some piece of salvation.
You talk of the high pleasures.
You tell me that I have more to gain from sitting and watching an opera
than from ******* a *****.
I don't want to discuss semantics
but I'll talk logistics.
I'll take the latter
not because I love ******* ******
but because I ******* hate the opera.

Pleasure cannot be defined or quantified
My pleasure is solely to see tomorrow.
Something I'm not too confident in right now.
Philosophy is the activity of the man with free time.
But time is not free.
It is expensive and costly.
Those with time don't understand.
Those without it understand it too well.

Love is not my end goal.
A family is not my dream.
A house on a hill would be nice.
But only because of the house.

Not the hill.

So spare me.


When you tell me about the wonders of the world.
Realize all I have seen lately are alleyways.
Don't tell me about different cuisines.
When I can only afford the dollar menu.
Don't tell me I can be anything I want
when I can't seem to be able to be anything I need.

Life is not limitless.
The soul is not infinite.
Everything has an expiration date.

I just hope mine isn't tomorrow.
May 2016 · 517
I miss you
Tark Wain May 2016
I miss talking to you
Actually talking
Not just saying "hi" and "sup"
until one of us gets tired of it and stops answering
I miss laying with you
and pretending like there were stars on the ceilings
and pretending that the only two people mattered
were me and you

I miss kissing in the elevator
and in the hallway
and in the stairway
and anywhere really
I miss your nose
how perfect it was
i've never seen anything like it
Im sure I never will

I miss watching you paint
I miss watching you love doing something
it was so cool
I've never seen someone take art so seriously
I miss making you happy
I miss seeing that smile of yours
I miss when you would tell me you loved me
and I wouldn't say it back

I miss when you'd put your head on my chest
and I'd look in your eyes
and I'd just throw my head back
and close my eyes
because at that very moment
what else could I want?
I miss sitting together
and being together

You kissed me
but it felt like you were kissing me goodbye
I mean we had broken up
what did I expect
I don't know
I miss talking to you
check that
I miss everything about you
Apr 2016 · 516
The Thought Process
Tark Wain Apr 2016
Why do i still care is probably too simple a question
it implies an easy answer like “her eyes” or “her smile”
but it isn’t that
it’s not love at least not yet i’m too young
so it isn’’t that
think think think
there’s been other girls
four in fact
but what did they not have?
what were they missing
what made them Roseline and not Juliet
does “it” exist? it’s possible i guess
maybe nothing tangible could account for what i’m feeling
i doubt it but it’s a possibility
So what is it?
Seriously(tension builds)
Maybe it’s because you still care
sure I only know because of the grapevine
but i’ll just assume it still counts

I refuse to believe im the Pip to your Estella
I’d like to believe I have too much pride for that
Pride pride pride
maybe that’s the answer
I messed you up pretty good the first time
but then again you did win round 2
so maybe it’s just a game
a game my mind is just set on finishing

Maybe you’re just evil
crazy i know
really crazy
lunatic crazy
but still is it that crazy a thought?
you say you love me when you don’t
you say you don’t love me when you do
you say you miss us
but somehow “I” am not included

Maybe I have simply ruined you for myself
I’ve built you up in my head
to be something you simply can not live up to
It’s hard to explain but to me at least in my mind
you are a different type of “perfect”
Flawed in all the right ways
proficient where it really matters
In my head you don’t make mistakes
In my head you choose me first so you don’t regret it later
In my head you act rationally
In my head I create fake things

So to answer my question I must decide on an answer
and i choose all of them
because that’s life
that’s what it is
you’ll meet a girl who you feel is perfect for you in every way
except for the fact that she isn’t
and it won’t make sense
and it will drive you crazy
and you’ll write some stupid poem at a late hour trying to find an answer to your question
until you realize it doesn’t matter
because you’re young and she’s young
because there are mistakes to be made
nights to be forgotten
people to meet
places to see
and all the while there is time to sit down
to really ponder and finally come to the conclusion
that You
yes You
are not the one I end up with
Apr 2016 · 1.9k
Letter To My Future Self
Tark Wain Apr 2016
I know I shouldn't have to introduce myself
for obvious reasons
but it's apparent to me
that we can so readily change who we are
in that matter of a few years
we are a completely distinct
being from what we once are

but enough about me
I'm living me and you lived it
we know about me
what are you like now?
can you even answer that
can you look at yourself in the mirror
how much do you lie
how much do you hate yourself

these aren't fair questions
i know
completely inappropriate for a job interview
i get it
you've changed
i feel the fetus that is you
nestled inside of me
waiting to come out

you are not innocent
none of us are
but you especially
you claim to be something you're not
you gleefully toe the line between good and bad
blissfully confident of your place
there is no line we both know that
but you toe it anyway

why am i so accusatory?
you of all people
the person I have become
I won't have it

They tell us why they are interesting
"because they weren't always monsters"
a caterpillar is still a butterfly
they are one in the same
just because something changed
doesn't mean you changed

I get it
you blame me for you
i get it
well what do you want
what could I do
to make you happy
to make you better
to make you.... loveable

do the right thing
most of the time
when you can
do the right thing
help people
as a matter of self respect
educate yourself
when others fail too

be fair
be strong yes
but don't forget to be fair
money doesn't matter
having enough matters sure
but you don't need a yacht
be the smartest man in the room
even when you know you're not

treat the homeless with respect
they are the ones that need it the most
respect common sense before religion
respect contentness before exhilaration
don't eat when a waiter is at the table
don't let your good idea lose to a popular one
never let someone intimidate you
unless they have a gun

love unconditionally
let your heart be broken
so that one day someone can help put it out together
don't settle
unless you know you should
never become a cynic
please never do that

be better than me future self
I will do my best to make it so
I hope one day you will read this
with a smile
knowing that you became
the person that I
doubted you could
Apr 2016 · 364
Tell me what love is
Tark Wain Apr 2016
Love is not unbreakable
It is not undeniable
Nor is it everlasting
Love can not conquer worlds
Love isn't hard to define
because that implies that it can be
Love exists (if at all) in fleeting moments
so quick that if you blink you'll miss it

We can not see the proton
We can not touch gravity
We can not hear silence
We can not taste air

We can not feel love
Apr 2016 · 866
I should have never met you
Tark Wain Apr 2016
You said there would be a next time
and in that moment I wondered if there wouldn't be
and there wasn't
is that my doing
or was it all inevitable
did there have to be a next time
that wouldn't occur
it was never going to end easily
so what if it just never ended
what if by next time
you didn't mean next week
or next year
but sometime down the road
if there's always a next time
then nothings truly over right?
It's amazing the lack of finality in it all
I just can't let it end
I'm obsessed with writing story book endings
with characters I know all to well
Happily ever after isn't an ending
it's a cop out
nothing ever ends well
that doesn't make sense
if something was so great why should it end
which leaves two possibilites
A it was never that great to begin with
B it hasn't truly ended yet
My heart wishes it was B
but my mind knows it's A
which *****
it does
do you think the eiffel tower was the first thing the french came up with
there must have been other suggestions right?
other options
that didn't allude to that great big beautiful tower
i'm getting drawn into the abstract
but the point stands
the eiffel tower is an iconic message
but at a time it was nothing
just an idea behind an idea
maybe nothing is what we want it to be
maybe we build our own diorama's and view life how we see fit
it would make sense
you see what you want
but if you turn around you'll see the world for what it is
not the candy coated box where you dwell
but an open room where objects lay where they lay
for no other reason than that they lay
I'll never be perfect
I know that
but I think I'll always try to perfect my world
make it better... for me of course but the nobility is just in it's own right
you're too random
you don't fit the script
so maybe you should have never read lines
in the first place
Tark Wain Mar 2016
I Stand Alone in a Quiet Room
It is hauntingly beautiful
I run my hand along the walls
I feel the texture
It feels safe
The silence is comforting
I turn the light on
Nothing in the room can escape my gaze

I Stand Alone in a Quiet Room
As a woman's hair is pulled
As she is thrown around
Screaming and yelling
For someone she knows can not hear her
She struggles to regain her balance
As her virginity is taken
And then she is left to rot

I Stand Alone in a Quiet Room
As a child starves
Because where he lives
Food only comes once a month
Even though his ancestors used to hunt for themselves
But their ways were deemed "savage"
He is left here
Wailing away in a refugee tent

I Stand Alone in a Quiet Room
Even though just a mile away
A man is beaten on the street
  Because the way he walked was different
Because the way he talked was different
Because a man's hips shouldn't move like that
He cried the whole time
I didn't hear any of it

I Stand Alone in a Quiet Room
How selfish of me
But I shouldn't open that door
Then I would hear
And the silence is comforting
The noise is terrible
It consumes my every thought
I will stay here

I Scream in a Room
I am no longer alone
As someone pins me to the ground
taking everything I hold dear against my will
Yet no one will come
Because they are either gone already
Or they are standing alone
in their own quiet rooms
Feb 2016 · 375
Am I....?
Tark Wain Feb 2016
If a tree falls in the forest
and no one hears it
and presumably if the tree fell
it follows that it was dead
if all these things happen
is the tree real?
does it exist?
is it tangible?

let me backtrack
there's a sprout
and it blooms
grows taller
grows branches
and then one day
as you well know
it falls

was it real?

reality is subjective
it makes me wonder
what real is
we are real
in the sense that we, right now, have consciousness
but that's not what I'm worried about
in the grand scheme of things
in the forest that is our universe...

Am I...?

I'm talking about a tree
in a forest
not me
in this world
was it real?
tell me
tell me

did it matter?
did any of it matter?
the time lighting took off a slab of bark
the time two birds made love on it
the time a squirrel nestled inside it
the time a leaf fell and smacked a little boy in the face
yes it happened
but was any of it REAL?

These are somber thoughts
they reek of depression
i've put up walls around myself
which are fine to keep out intruders
but it seems I did not give myself the key
what am I hiding?
what do I not want me to know?

Am I...?
I found it
the key
I need to finish the sentence
but I can't imagine the weight of that question
how can I question that of myself
do it

Am I.......
Does any of it matter?
and if some of it does
am I losing sight of those things
have I lost my connection to reality
am I alone
is this all there is?

If I fall in a forest
and no one hears it
and presumably if I fell
it follows that I was dead
if all these things happen
was I real?
did I exist?
Was I tangible?
Feb 2016 · 473
Tark Wain Feb 2016
I'm struggling to write the first few lines of this poem
1. because I haven't written in awhile
and 2. Because I think it will be a very good poem
and don't want  youto abandon it
trust me
we give up too easily
for example
when I'm older I want to write movies
but when I watch a movie I constantly check my phone
even if I like the movie
we are worse off than we know
I've been thinking
that is a lie
it's only been recently
very recently
why I do write best when I am depressed?
why is that when I am most profound
why must my life be strewn about around me
for me to have a grasp on literary prose
then again is it wrong of me
to consider my only important writing
the ones that can be deemed "good"
is that unfair to myself
there's a select few I always come back to
they are very good
but I was hurting a lot when I wrote them
were they worth it
I remember something I read one time
it was written by a woman
and she was talking about her pain
and her writing
she said that pain was now fluid in her life
all that really mattered was her writing
no matter how much the pain hurt
as long as her writing benefited
she would welcome it with open arms
what a **** way to live
maybe it's just nostalgia
that's *******
you wrote better before
you know that
I'm right
I've become a better person
and a worse writer
and both
frighten me
Dec 2015 · 499
Tark Wain Dec 2015

for friendship
for firsts that last for forever
for felicity fidelity and the occasional felatio
for freedom from fear
for feeling... even when you thought you'd forgotten
for yes ******* but also
for fenagling fanoodling and fondling
for familiar

for absolute
for any day now we'll fall out of love
for alright this can't last
for all the time this was possible?
for always
for absent absinthe abstaining and affirming
for affinity

for trying
for tell me your favorite color one more time
for trash being someone's treasure
for time we get to spend
for tenderness and togetherness
for the truth even when it's hard
for thank god for typography
for take my hand

for everything
for everyone looking at us like we're crazy
for excuse me for finding something that matters
for eclectic electric elements
for especially
for exceptions
for explicit emotions
for enrichment

it takes 4 letters to spell a word
but one more to make it work
and that letter is
Dec 2015 · 585
That's A Feeling
Tark Wain Dec 2015
A team of black doctors
working to save the life
of a KKK member

That's a feeling

A man shot dead
attempting to stop
the **** of a woman he didn't know

That's a feeling

A man not getting a job
because "He Was Mexican"
even though he grew up in Maine

That's a feeling

A Muslim teacher
stabbed by a student
who didn't want to be taught by a "terrorist"

That's a feeling
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