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Nov 2015 · 348
Top of the Mountain
Tark Wain Nov 2015
Is it possible to be too happy?
Can too much go right?
That's sort of a depressing question
and why is it that every time
I feel so happy like I do now
I am brought back to you?
Does that make sense
do you understand what I am saying
I get happy
So i come back to you
the one who makes me not happy
do I hate happiness
do i hate myself
I told you that would be depressing
you're my heroine
my addiction
not in a cute way
or romantic way
or even an ironic way
you are a drug
nothing more
nothing less
you're no good for me
I can't seem to grasp that but I know it's true.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
The Rocking Chair
Tark Wain Oct 2015
It was the 25th
which meant only one thing
a trip to grandpa's house
every 25th of every month
we traveled the 10 minutes
down the gravel road
to see my grandpa
and his rocking chair

man that rocking chair
sculpted from reddish brown wood
balanced perfectly
like a pedestal
I had never sat on it
just out of respect
I admired from afar
every 25th

my grandpa was always in that chair when I arrived
rocking back and forth
and forth and back
like Galileo's pendulum
rain or shine
snow or wind
when I pulled into that driveway
my Grandpa was in that chair

it fascinated me as a kid
like he was some video game character
programmed to do this mundane task
it was familiar
it was calming
but I grew older
and thought about that chair less
along with my family

but every 25th
even on a windy day like today
I'd travel down the gravel road
to see my grandpa
when I arrived the chair was rocking
back and forth
forth and back
but my Grandpa was not sitting
Sep 2015 · 489
I Grew Up On Screenplays
Tark Wain Sep 2015
I can't help it
I guess
I grew up on screenplays
on all of the hidden meanings
the metaphors
they shaped my thoughts

you know I never dated in high school
and I was a looker too
I didn't do it because no girl was perfect for me
there was no princess charming
do you realize how stupid that was
four years wasted

one girl ruined it tho
lisa turner
oh my god this girl
this beautiful body
beutiful smile
perfect everything she was angel
but when she talked
dear god she had a lisp
how could that be
how could the perfect girl be

That's when I first realized
something was wrong with me
I discovered that people weren't archetypes
that events weren't symbols
but most importantly
I learned a happy ending was guranteed
Sep 2015 · 409
Tark Wain Sep 2015
I want to write a poem that rhymes
I haven't done that in a while
it's unnecessary my professor said
the one that never cracked a smile

She told me my work didn't need structure
that there was no need to work within the lines.
It was all ******* to me
no car has ever reached its destination without the aid of signs

No bird has flown his way down south
without another bird *** in its face
and so the story goes
and so continues the race

structure in a sense is supposed to free us
because it brings familiar tones
because after all
What are we all but walking Gravestones?
Sep 2015 · 328
I Am Far From It
Tark Wain Sep 2015
I don't know what
I am trying to attain.
All I know is that
I am far from it.
Sep 2015 · 230
Tark Wain Sep 2015
Im writing this because I need closure and I don't know maybe you do to. I haven't been able to bring myself to talk to you over the last three months for a lot reasons so I'll just get into it. I really thought we were going to get back to together this summer and not just for the summer but a while after. Now I see that that was wishful but honestly I am terrified of how hard I fell for you without even seeing you in a person. I was so astounded by the amount of soreness I felt that I won over your biggest doubter who was of course my self. And then how easily you threw away something that I felt so sure about and so confident in killed me. Hearing your name put me in a **** mood for weeks on end. Honestly it still does. And it's not your fault you don't know how much you mean to me because I've never told you in as many words but I tried. And so even now I can't bring myself to talk to you on a daily basis because I am so sure the story will end in me doubting myself like I do when we stop talking every single year. I guess what I'm trying to say is when I stop talking to you it's not because I'm mad at what you did or mad at what you do its just that I want to save myself of making the same mistake over and over again.
Tark Wain Aug 2015
I can't write anything good anymore
it's annoying
i'm ****** that you did that to me
it really ****** me up
it ***** that you did that
but you could have told me
i acted like i didn't care
I just wanted the conversation to end
but in a way I didn't because I knew once that conversation ended
it could take years for their to be another one
I'm off track
I'm ignoring what really matters
but then again you always distracted me from the bad things
at least as I was hoping you would continue to do so
i guess without you i'm forced to face reality
without you i'm not a starry eyed lover
I'm alone
yes I know I'm not ALONE
but I'm alone
we were meant for each other
I'm off track again
I almost threw my future down the drain
and now i am hanging on the ledge begging for a hand
and my school is trying to kick me off
the one that asks my family for a check sevaral times WANTS TO SEE ME FAIL
THEY ARE waiting
they do not care about
I am just a five digit number to them
one that hopefully recurs 4 times and then maybe 5
but watch this
if i graduate if i make it big
if i become something
they will want me to help them
to nurture them
to everyone how great they are
and when
that day comes
I will tell them in as many words
that they can lick my nuts
and i Know that is graphic but that is how I feel
that is how betrayal feels
and I want so badly to enjoy life
while I still can
while simultaneously creating a life I can enjoy
and it's impossible and it's driving me insane
and it makes me upset
because when people asked me what I wanted to be when i grew up
i responded
and I meant it
no *******
i would do anything as long as i would
and now I feel that whatever I do
Happiness will always be out of touch
and every time i attempt to capture it the world
will shove me back down into my hole like a good little boy
I will get better
I will improve
I will prove people wrong
And I will prove my family right
Aug 2015 · 267
Tark Wain Aug 2015
I waste time worrying about the things that won't happen
therefore preventing things that should
Aug 2015 · 425
The Death Talk
Tark Wain Aug 2015
I want to talk to you all about death

not the idea of it
but the reality of it
When somebody dies that isn't just a statistic
a faceless body thrown to the wind

that person is just like you
it's not someone whose skin was different
who wore their hair a different way


that person ate food like you do
they worried about their future like you do
they turned off the channel when they couldn't find anything entertaining to watch on t.v. like you do
they rode their bike but not as often as they'd like just like you do

they worried if they weren't good enough

they questioned God's existence
they dreamed
they complained when their noses got stuffy
don't agree with death because you believe people are
different from you
revolt against it because
they are the same
Aug 2015 · 390
Am I a Writer?
Tark Wain Aug 2015
Im a writer that doesn't write
I tell myself that's it's normal
That it's natural
That I must have writers block

I know that's a lie

People ask me what I want to do
I say screenwriter
They think I'm smart, witty, creative
All of the above
The look they give me is a drug
I'm one of the special ones
I have ideas
To them I make things

But I don't.

I like to think I do.
Sure I tell myself that.
But I'm stuck writing stories I'll never finish
Down in books I'll never read

Why do I not read them?

I think it's because of a belief that I am inadequate
And therefore anything I create must be that way as well
The belief that someone like me shouldn't be able to create
I think that's why people look at me adoringly when they hear "screenwriter"
They want to love their ideas as much as they think I do mine.
They think I'm one of the ones that made it out
Which is something I desperately I want to be

So for now I am a writer that doesn't write
Which sadly means I am not a writer at all
But maybe I spoke to soon
Because if I wasn't a writer
I wouldn't have written this at all
Jul 2015 · 419
Depression is
Tark Wain Jul 2015
Peeing in the shower
Before you even turn the water on
Jul 2015 · 656
I've Seen People Jump
Tark Wain Jul 2015
A lot of people jump
I've seen it
they climb up on the railing

and they jump

they fall forever
in reality it's only a few seconds

but in their heads

it must feel like forever

do you think any of them regret it?


When the water is washing over them
and the tides engulf their lungs
and the salt stains their skin
and the pressure bursts their eye ***** open inside of their head

do you think they regret it then?

We all die William.

there's no sugar coating that
no amount of my preaching will make that ok
I get that
I can live with that

But if my belief in religion
and in turn my belief in you
keeps one person away from this railing

that would jump over it otherwise

well then that makes it all

seem real to me.
Jul 2015 · 319
Tark Wain Jul 2015
Everything happens for a reason
Said one man to another
that’s ******* you know he responded
and even if that was so
should it be some consolation
should I be amazed by the worlds complexity?
should I applaud the interwoven madness
if the one left out is me?

Does a bull admire a matador’s technique?
Does a building admire the strength of a wrecking ball?
Tell me why the system is great
why I should care about the meaning behind it all
what you have is what you love
and I could never love a theory
I believe in the material
because it’s the only thing my eyes can see

Tell me why my wife died
Was it to save a thousand lives?
because I would **** a thousand more
for one more look into her eyes
Maybe her death
somehow saved my life
well one day I will die
without the comfort of my wife

That’s all it really is my friend
a celebrated rain delay
God’s in his high chair
choosing who will go and who will stay
but eventually we will all leave
despite all the magic this universe has to offer
you believe in faith sir
but sadly I am bogged down in fact

The man was choked up
as he searched for words to answer the other
I did not know your babies mother
but my son did
She pushed him to safety from a car
taking the impact that was meant for him
so while I'm sorry for your loss friend
there is a reason behind everything
Jul 2015 · 926
You Are Special
Tark Wain Jul 2015
from birth everyone is told
that we are special

and we are

you are your own mind
your own body your own soul

that is special
but i think this belief
that we are great can hurt us
the fear that we wont live up to our expectations

can paralyze us

can make us doubt ourselves before anyone else
thinks to do so
we talk ourselves out of things for no reason
"that's not my calling
that's not for me
I mean she is better anyway"

it's *******

the world will tell you that you are not special
don't listen

don't let it conquer you

be remarkable
tell somebody you love them
pick somebody up when they're down

pick up a baby
tell them that they are special
because despite the infinitesimal odds
they made it
they're here
don't expect anything less from yourself
than you'd expect from that child
Jul 2015 · 372
My Future
Tark Wain Jul 2015
I look for twists in the turns
for light in the night
I am constantly aware
that everything I do now will affect my future
but I don't know how
or when
I guess the best thing about trying to "make it"
is not realizing when you actually do
Tark Wain Jul 2015
Do you realize how badly I want to be you
how I would **** to be in your position?
to have the responsibilities
that you are so quick to ignore
you are destined, you are divine
you are the chosen one!
a prophecy passed down for centuries
proclaims you to be a demi-god
and you want to **** that all away
you want to run from all of that
and why? because you think you're not good enough?
i'll say it
but here you have a chance to do something
something great and necessary.

I would **** to be you.
Jul 2015 · 305
Read Below
Tark Wain Jul 2015
Last Five poems were 5 characters from a screenplay I am working on discussing their view of God.
Jul 2015 · 424
A Speech From A Character
Tark Wain Jul 2015
If I had ever met my mother
I assume she would have told me about you
but she did not
so I did not learn until later
you have quite the reputation sir
"GOD" people say as there eyes light up
if you are so great like they say
why did you take my mother away
Jul 2015 · 388
A Speech From a Character
Tark Wain Jul 2015
Is this what you envisioned
when you left our population with this ****
how funny is that the perfect being
can spew imperfection around the world
do you like how I have cleansed it
do you like how I have bested you
come to think of it... yes
I am a better you
Jul 2015 · 354
A Speech From a Character
Tark Wain Jul 2015
My son does not believe in you
he says I spend too much time with my books
maybe he is right
but if he is, won't that mean our downfall is imminent?
if you're not real neither is my hope
and so I must believe
for you are our only chance
Jul 2015 · 405
A Speech From a Character
Tark Wain Jul 2015
He asks of something great from me
but why me
why have I been chosen?
I am not a great warrior
I do not aspire to be a leader of men
I will follow his path
but if I don't follow him wholeheartedly
will he abandon me when I need him most?
Jul 2015 · 400
A Speech From A Character
Tark Wain Jul 2015
There is no God
I abandoned that idea that when he let my ancestors drown in fire
nothing you believe will change that in me
say what you will, just know
there is no god, there is no heaven, there are no angels
there are no prophecies
there are only survivors
and I plan on being one of them
Jun 2015 · 447
Blank Page
Tark Wain Jun 2015
There is nothing uglier than a blank white page
I get sick just thinking about it
It's nothingness
it's meaningless

a blank page disgusts me
because of what it could be
that page could save my life
if only I wasn't so afraid to write on it
Jun 2015 · 522
Let you go
Tark Wain Jun 2015
I should have done something
Shoulda woulda coulda...
Sorry I picked the wrong one
I COULD have done something

Oh you think that's ******* huh?
You thought your mind was made up?

Well I think that's *******
You didn't tell me you didn't want me
You told me you didn't want to see me
There's a difference
The first implies you do not trust me
While the latter implies you do not trust yourself
Which I found very curious I might add
What could I possibly do other than exist?

I've told you how I feel on numerous occasions
Have you simply forgotten?
Im tired of this
Of Grand gestures that will only fall by the wayside
They didn't built the pyramids with the intention of watching in awe as they crumbled

So why me?

What makes me so special
that you can tell me you've moved on and that you never will all in one breath
Do you realize why that should be impossible?

A friend of mine asked me if I love you

I said yes

He assumed this would make everything simple
Go get what your heart desires!
But why?
Who cares?
If I convince you to love me back we both know it will only be for a day
And so then what would you have me do?
Spend the rest of my days proving my love to you?

I am not Prince Charming
You will not find shining armor underneath my button down

I guess it all comes back to what I said before
I know it's not much and I know it's all I have
But I love you
And I don't know if that matters to you or if it's enough or if you care
But that's what I've got
I could write you a thousand songs
But it won't make me love you anymore
I'd start a war for you if it could mean I would love you more
But that is not possible

What your asking me to do cannot be done
For what I feel for you now will never grow as you expect it to
Because you can not add onto infinity
So although yes logically I know I COULD say something
I bear the burden of being the only one that knows I can't
Jun 2015 · 482
Did You
Tark Wain Jun 2015
Did you **** him.

Don't answer anything else
Those four words
That's all I want know.

no apologies.

I don't want you to tell me you're sorry

yes or no
that's all I want to hear.

The answer won't make a difference
we both know that.

it's over
but I still need to know

your answer will be the bow
I use to tightly fasten up the present
I am ready to leave behind.

the color does not matter to me.
Jun 2015 · 787
I Paint
Tark Wain Jun 2015
I Paint.

Not on a canvas of course
My hand shakes much too much for that
I paint in my head.


Shimmerring towers of impunity
Castles of future conquests and quests.  
I paint everything.

I paint you

You're a lot nicer in my paintings
Maybe I'm just a good painter.

These paintings are so realistic
So vivid.
So lifelike.

I see no reason why they should not exist

Because for one I am a great printer.
And for two I am realist.

So I set forth with my brush
Set upon bringing my art to life.

And I am always so close
The broad strokes each stringing together in a cohesive tone.

But still
If you approach it like a Monet
And examine it dutifully
You see it does not match my original masterpiece.

But how is this possible?

I am a great painter

This I know.

Shouldn't I be able to bring my simplest machinations into fruition?

I am a painter sure

If you belive that an architect is a construction worker

I am a painter

But I only build frames
Not Buildings
May 2015 · 392
Tark Wain May 2015
even if you leave
we will gaze upon the same
moon amongst the stars
Tark Wain May 2015
I wouldn't want to live forever
I'm serious
like the way my dad looks at me now
I couldn't imagine seeing that forever.
That look will always be seared into my head
It's not just the good things that stay with you
it's all the bad stuff too
sure dreams exist but nightmares do to.
It won't always be good
you know that right?
You could be buried alive
or live to exist in a world you can't escape

I get why it's romanticized I do
but I don't see how thousands of lives
spent in search of a purpose
are more important
than a life lived right
so spend your life climbing mountains
and volunteering at the shelter
if you want
those things are nice
but they aren't fulfilling
if you don't want it to be with me that's fine
but don't let yourself miss out on this
Dialogue from a man to his girlfriend who is immortal until she falls in love
May 2015 · 408
Tark Wain May 2015
You read about it.
See it on Tv.
I always thought it was a filler.
An quick way to describe a character.
"Oh He's depressed"
Everyone took a slow nod.
And then the show went on.
The character wasn't depressed.
Sad sometimes, maybe.
But that wasn't Depression.
I didn't know that.

I was blissfully unaware as a kid.
Most kids are happy obviously.
But I was something else.
I never stopped smiling.
When people asked me why.
I told them I had no reason not to.
I thought that would always be the case.
I mean why wouldn't it be.
But then time went on and I had reasons.
I kept my smile through it all.
And then one day.
One solemn day.
It just stopped.
I couldn't smile.
Maybe I had crossed some cosmic line.
Regardless I couldn't smile.

Suddenly I had too many reasons not to.
That's fine I thought.
You can be successful without a smile.
So I kept moving forward.
Into a forest that constantly grew darker.
You're still the same person I told myself.
Just because you don't smile anymore.
Doesn't mean you didn't used to.
It was weird.
Happiness only existed to me in forms of nostalgia.
I remembered the golden times.
And thought their existence validated my lack of current ones.
This was the hard part I thought.
It will go uphill one day.
That's how life works.

But that isn't how it works.
It isn't how anything works.
You can't sacrifice your present for your future.
Present sadness does not guarantee future happiness.
Life is a set of greased monkey bars.
Just because you've made it this far.
Does not mean you were meant to make it any further.
So soak in today.
Because it arrived although it wasn't promised.
Don't just smell the roses.
Pick them.
If only to do so before someone else does.
You don't combat Depression by thinking about your potential.
Or reminiscing over your past.
You defeat Depression by remembering.
That today.
You are You.

That's reason enough to smile.
May 2015 · 367
Would I Take It All Back?
Tark Wain May 2015
Would I take it all back?

That's a dumb question.
Not all of it.
A life is a terribly hard thing to repeat.

What was that?

You meant it as in parts?

Things left up to only me?

You should have specified.
Well,  sure.
No one wants to wake up in a hospital.
No one wants to watch their grandmother die.
Nobody wants anything bad to happen.
Which leads to the question you should have asked sir.

Can the good exist without the bad?

Probably not.
Without the bad we cannot learn.
Without failure we forget success.
Greatness becomes the norm.

There are things that I have done.
That I struggle to tell myself.
Much less others.
But I have done them.
Thus the bad decisions shape me
as much as the good ones.

So to answer your question.

Your first one.


No. I would not take it all back.
May 2015 · 553
Stop Your Philosophy.
Tark Wain May 2015
Stop it.

Just stop it.

Stop it with your philosophy.
Your answers
your higher meanings.
Just stop it.

All you talk about is Socrates
you praise his ideology.
Place him on a pedestal of greatness
a shining example of a life lived right.

Where was that ideology
when he hung from the gallows.
What good are one's thoughts
when one's neck fails to connect with itself?

What say you?
Plato is no better.
nonono he is not
the man tasked with carrying on his mentors ideals.
This genius
this beacon of hope.
Spent over 10 pages of his book
explaining why older men should not have *** with younger boys
as if he was trying to convince himself.

Not the reader.

Just stop with it all.

I am not struggling to find myself
I am struggling to find rent money.
My problems are not in my head.
They are in my bank account.

You pine over a greater purpose
like it's some piece of salvation.
You talk of the high pleasures.
You tell me that I have more to gain from sitting and watching an opera
than from ******* a *****.
I don't want to discuss semantics
but I'll talk logistics.
I'll take the latter
not because I love ******
but because I hate the opera.

Pleasure cannot be defined or quantified
My pleasure is solely to see tomorrow.
Something I'm not too confident in right now.
Philosophy is the activity of the man with free time.
But time is not free.
It is expensive and costly.
Those with time don't understand.
Those without it understand it too well.

Love is not my end goal.
A family is not my dream.
A house on a hill would be nice.
But only because of the house.

Not the hill.

So spare me.


When you tell me about the wonders of the world.
Realize all I have seen lately are alleyways.
Don't tell me about different cuisines.
When I can only afford the dollar menu.
Don't tell me I can be anything I want
when I can't seem to be able to be anything I need.

Life is not limitless.
The soul is not infinite.
Everything has an expiration date.

I just hope mine isn't tomorrow.
Apr 2015 · 358
A Girl pt.3
Tark Wain Apr 2015
A girl searched in her free time
A girl had a lot of it
A girl searched for metaphors and meaning
A girl wanted to know why God had made her this way
do you get it?!?!?
a girl could do anything
the only thing stopping a girl was love
pesky little thing
it didn't matter
a girl was going to save the world
cure hunger and then bring peace
a girl could stare down the barrel hole
unafraid of the bullet
yes a girl thought I have a meaning a purpose
but love that pesky little thing
kept pulling at her shirt
Apr 2015 · 392
A Boy pt.3
Tark Wain Apr 2015
A boy took a respite
A boy didn't want to see his parents
whou would at this juncture
so he found the woman he trusted most
A boys grandmother
A woman so nice so gentle and wise
who had seen what felt like eternity
pass through her eyes
so she dolled out advice
with a dash of honesty
better yourself she said
and everything will fall into place
everybody loves themselves
that much is overrated
like yourself first
and that's when the magic happens
Apr 2015 · 358
A Girl pt.2
Tark Wain Apr 2015
A girl did a lot with her time alone
she braided her hair
took walks in the forest
had talks on the phone
but all this didn't matter
although she didn't know it yet
because while mundane is nice in the moment
if tomorrow is promised what's the point of today
A girl didn't know it yet
because how could she
but an eternity spent
is not as special
nor as important as one
however short however sad
full life
Apr 2015 · 390
A Boy pt.2
Tark Wain Apr 2015
A boy loves a girl
he knows this to be true
which is all the more important
because he doesn't know much else
at least for sure
but boy does he know love
it's simple really
he wondered what everyone griped about
but when he heard those words
the one saying a girl did not love him too
he was torn limb from limb
a boy woke in a hospital one day and hell the next
it's life with someone you love
but something much different without
so he would do his best to change her mind
and convince her to give him her remaining time.
Apr 2015 · 388
A Girl pt.1
Tark Wain Apr 2015
A girl couldn't die
at least without her permission
her heart had a defect
a rare one indeed
A girl was immortal
at least until she loved someone
so she must pick wisely
because although a life
is an awful thing to waste
an eternity is much worse
so she bides her time
slowly and surely
she is with a boy
but for how long is the question
because when forever is actually forever
true love is a tough thing to mention
Apr 2015 · 292
A Boy pt.1
Tark Wain Apr 2015
A boy got drunk
A boy woke up in the hospital
A boy's parents hate him
not him but what he had become
not what he was mind you
but what he had become
a boy didn't know what he was
he knew what he was to himself
but what he was to others
that's what was being called into question
this was new to the boy
he was used to being loved
of course he was still loved uncondotionally
but there was something inorganic
about the need to state it
Mar 2015 · 444
in progress
Tark Wain Mar 2015
You want to know why every guy is constantly thinking about *******?
It's not because of any hormonal rage rage
or a Neanderthallic pre-ordained
sensation assaulting our brain
it has nothing to do with
***** or ****
or ***
or face
It's because in this world no woman is truly yours
until you **** her
and **** her right
Love is nice
compatibility is great
Mar 2015 · 295
Things I Know
Tark Wain Mar 2015
I miss you (lets get that out of the way)
2. We have not talked in 9 months
3. The reason for that is that our breakup wasn't great
4. It was barely a breakup because we were barely dating
5. I don't know if you wanted more but I know you knew that I wanted more
6. I told you I wanted more
7. The amount of time I've spent with you is about a thousand times less than I would have liked
8. I went to college and gave you an ultimatum
9. You chose to let me go
10. I made you hate me for that
11. I judge every girl I meet by how much they remind me of you.
Mar 2015 · 512
Better Late than Never
Tark Wain Mar 2015
I tried to tell Kyle this
but he hates me
Who can blame him though right?
What a ****** ******* role model I was
He was 17 when he found me cheating on his mother
I still remember the look in his eyes
he didn't care that it was the only time it happened
20 years he screamed at me
I had been married to his mother for 20 years
and that's what I did
I don't know why I'm telling you this
Kyle probably already has
I just want to give you my side
I met his mother when we were 11
we started dating immediately
like the first day we met
and then we got to high school
and everyone thought it was great we'd stayed together
then we got to college and then law school
and it was all the same
the praise
the admiration
it was like a drug to me
I loved that people thought we were perfect for each other
do you see what I'm saying
I didn't love her
I loved the idea
the idea felt right
50% of marriages end in divorce
people try to say that means love isn't real
but that's *******
Love is real
believe it
the truth is that Love is so scary
so ******* intimidating
that people will go out of their way to avoid it
they'll marry someone they don't love to avoid it
they'll stay with someone they don't love hoping it might show up someday
What you and Kyle have is real
It's special
and I know he'd never let me tell him this
so please please
Don't be the reason my son doesn't believe in true love
he already has me to blame
Mar 2015 · 547
A Boy and His Father
Tark Wain Mar 2015
A boy and his father sat by a lake
fishing rods in the water
but no conversation in the air
the dad asked what he learned in school
the boy said nothing
as his hook remained afloat
ok the dad said
but one day ill be gone and you'll wish you had told me

That boy became a teen
concerned with bigger things
like girls and homework
and designer jeans
he had his first date
but declined to tell his dad
that's fine the dad said
but one day ill be gone and you'll wish you had told me

that boy became a man
who had a little trouble getting on his feet
he was afraid to go home
to the parents that raised him
he felt his failures were a disappointment
so he said he was fine alone
just know the dad said
one day ill be gone and you'll wish you had told me

That man landed a better job
and met the woman he loved
now he was secure
and everything was ok
He picked up the phone
and had so much to say
but it turns out that day
was one day
Jan 2015 · 346
Tark Wain Jan 2015
I'd call you
if I thought you'd respond
how did we get here?
how did we get like this?
why can we only come together when we are apart?
we can't keep doing this
eventually we will take a break
and the next time we see each other
you will be married
you will have a kid on the way
and I will know true pain
true regret
Jan 2015 · 734
50 percent
Tark Wain Jan 2015
I'm done
I'm tired of it
I'm tired of chasing you
I'm tired of acting like having you would mean I have everything
50% of marriages end in divorce
and people might use that to describe a decaying nation
or use it as irony in a gay marriage debate
but that's not what I see
I see 50% and I think that love is a myth
I see 50% and I think about all the " I do's"
that were supposed to mean forever
but only meant right now
50 ******* percent
that's a coin flip
Jan 2015 · 344
Oh Well
Tark Wain Jan 2015
She fell in love
which would have been a sight to see
had it been with
Jan 2015 · 481
Wotk in progress
Tark Wain Jan 2015
I regret everything.
75. I decide it is time to find her.
I do.
She is dead.
72. I think about her all the time.
72. A commercial comes on and I see a lady with blonde hair.
70. My son's wife left him.
If this isn't confirmation I don't know what is.

34. it's a beautiful
33. I pay a woman to be the surrogate of my child.
I decide being a better father than mine will make life worth it.
29. I decide to make a change.
28. I tried to **** myself but the rope broke.
27. Nothing
24. I couldn't
24. I wasn't listening .
24. Something about work or her mother or something
24. She declines
24.  I propose
23. She changed me I can't believe it.
22. I can't live without her.
21. She's perfect
20. I meet a girl.
16. My father left yesterday.
My mother tries to explain love to me.
I don't think she knows what she's saying anymore
Love must not be real
11. I got an A
My father is in AA
I'm happier about the second.
10. I asked Tommy if his Dad drank and he said yes.
But I don't think he knew what I was talking about.
I can't imagine his dad wakes up in bile
and *****
and his own ****
once a week.
4. I love being held.
I'm too old for it but I cry when I'm put down.
It don't care as long as I'm picked up.
3. Santa is the coolest he gives me gifts and presents.
And I know those are the same thing but I'm just too excited.
Jan 2015 · 307
Tark Wain Jan 2015
Don't focus on it
Don't sleep on it
Don't meditate on it
Don't anything on it

Just let it happen
Just let it go
Just let things run their course
Just experience

Stay calm
Stay smart
Stay safe
Stay aware

I tell myself this every time
but I don't listen
I think it's different
I probably isn't
but I guess eventually it will be
and when that comes
I'd hate to say
I didn't focus as the train came
Jan 2015 · 273
Think About that
Tark Wain Jan 2015
And now you
tell me that I've changed
but after what you did to me
why would I have stayed the same?
Jan 2015 · 469
A Cop stops a Man
Tark Wain Jan 2015
I wonder if he'll shoot me                         I wonder if he'll shoot me
because I'm white                                       because I'm black
and he's black                                             and he's white
I'm just doing my job                                 I'm just doing my job
providing for my family                            providing for family
It has nothing to do with him                   it has nothing to do with him
is he reaching for a gun?                           is he reaching for a gun?
SHOOT                                                        SHOOT
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
I should have never met you
Tark Wain Dec 2014
You said there would be a next time
and in that moment I wondered if there wouldn't be
and there wasn't
is that my doing
or was it all inevitable
did there have to be a next time
that wouldn't occur
it was never going to end easily
so what if it just never ended
what if by next time
you didn't mean next week
or next year
but sometime down the road
if there's always a next time
then nothings truly over right?
It's amazing the lack of finality in it all
I just can't let it end
I'm obsessed with writing story book endings
with characters I know all to well
Happily ever after isn't an ending
it's a cop out
nothing ever ends well
that doesn't make sense
if something was so great why should it end
which leaves two possibilites
A it was never that great to begin with
B it hasn't truly ended yet
My heart wishes it was B
but my mind knows it's A
which *****
it does
do you think the eiffel tower was the first thing the french came up with
there must have been other suggestions right?
other options
that didn't allude to that great big beautiful tower
i'm getting drawn into the abstract
but the point stands
the eiffel tower is an iconic message
but at a time it was nothing
just an idea behind an idea
maybe nothing is what we want it to be
maybe we build our own diorama's and view life how we see fit
it would make sense
you see what you want
but if you turn around you'll see the world for what it is
not the candy coated box where you dwell
but an open room where objects lay where they lay
for no other reason than that they lay
I'll never be perfect
I know that
but I think I'll always try to perfect my world
make it better... for me of course but the nobility is just in it's own right
you're too random
you don't fit the script
so maybe you should have never read lines
in the first place
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
Tark Wain Dec 2014
There's always gonna be a hole there
volcanos look like mountains from the outside
inside there's molten lava
and there's a hole at the top
what i'm saying is that I look ok
and for now I am ok
but there will always be a hole in me
and that may be a problem eventually
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