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  May 2014 Tara
Hannah Adair
I’ve been stabbed, excuse me while I bleed out.
Tricked again.
When will you learn it hurts? You obviously didn’t learn when it happened to you.
This is why I want to be emotionless. To not be drowning in this confusion, and pool of feelings.
I’d rather be floating in a sea of nothingness.
What’s safer than that?
At least when I’m by myself- I know where I stand.
Tara May 2014
because some would rather live in words of little white lies like
"you ARE pretty" "you seem nice" "youre really sweet",
then decipher her own tangled abstruse 'life'.
I got bored and then this came at the top of my head.
  May 2014 Tara
why would
you want me?
i am broken and
just like your
old records,
the ones you
don't even
listen to anymore.
  May 2014 Tara
Joshua Haines
Your trembling hands
are steady for me
Tara May 2014
i knew you tried to believe when u said you loved me, because even i tried too.
fml its always the same
Tara May 2014

i know its terrible but cut me some slacks i dont do this often and i really wana try this stuff because poems are freaking art and beautiful and yea.
Tara Apr 2014
my curiosity has killed so many cats that i've become as a cat murderer.
(really ironic because i love cats)
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