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it seems now my clouds are grey
incomplete thoughts that often tame the sky
calming the waters that wade in my eyes
as the sun kisses the sea
here I abide by the silence that waits for me
thinking it’s you in disguise
in my hands is where your heart lies
after filling your ears with my words
that leave you in a solitude of bliss
joyful noises fill the sound
my love for you becomes profound
I wander in the arms of the tainted truth
when all I wanted was proof
Wow, I must say it’s been a while since I’ve written on here. I completely forgot about this website and took some time away. I also dealt with a lot of writer’s block around this time as well causing my ideas to not pan out the way I wanted them to. But hopefully I be able to get back into the joy of writing again. I really missed it so much. Thank you so much for loving my writing as much I loved writing my thoughts out.
TG Jun 2021
I will never be wanted,
Whatever I do,
Whatever I achieve,
How I look,
I´ll never be loved the way I want te be loved.
The way I deserve to be loved.

It hurts so much,
When u know
U have so much to give,
To offer,
Your heart is so bright,
and open,
Your heart listens,
and cares,

But you´ll never be wanted...
It hurts, when u see everyone around you being wanted, and you ask yourself, when is it my turn to be the chosen. Why aren´t I the one that can be valued for once, apreciated or loved. When can I be the one that is talked about, cherished, loved.
Miriam May 2021
You make my heart flutter and shatter into a million pieces at the same time
Too scared to call you when day turns to night
but how else will you ever be mine
The first verse of my latest piece of writing ©️MH 2021
Kushal Apr 2021
I wish you could see my heaven and hell.
I dream you could understand it.
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2021
The number of worlds that exist
Just inside my mind
Is enough for someone to insist
That there is a mistake in my design.

They stir and they shake,
Yet nothing can compare
To when you smile for my sake
Or run a hand through your hair.

When I'm with you I feel
As if I'm in the imaginary;
I forget that it's real,
Not crafted by the words in me.

It's only when I think back,
When I am trying to sleep,
That I remember it's not mind crack;
That I might be in too deep.
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