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manal Dec 2020
sometimes, when I look inside myself,

i can feel the earths pulse resonate in my deepest veins,

it only happens when the tides push against me though,

knocking some sort of odd ***** out of my chest.

i saw the life walk out of me at that moment.

and with that, my vision was left tainted with the sharpest shade of blue.

the only distinguishable color in my sight was the coldest corner of sky.

with Eyes transfixed on that tattered edge;

I began to crawl to that frayed edge of the World,

perhaps-- to feel a thread of difference?

but I was met with several fragile dead ends
Mohammed Nusky Dec 2020
Besotted by an ardor,
Beseeching for its vanishing color.
Today I've no words!
Tomorrow I see you, the day after it rains.
No day passes without our idyll,
Once again summer,
jelly and butter.
With me you're unbridled,
With you I'm at home,
You enervate my sadness,
Eviscerate my fear,
Our long silences paints bliss in evening ours,
You search in me for that deluge of love,
Skin and skin sears doubt, closer and closer,
Lost are we in ourselves amidst lust.
Soon, why so soon should you leave?
Your eyes brimmed with tears,
Cheeks crimson smear,
Lilly of the valley redolent in your hair,
My words; did they fall in your ears?
You're far, beyond oceans,
Arid deserts,
Edifying concrete!
I'm here, singing, singing
Awaiting for winter...
Kenny Anthony Dec 2020
until we break this spell of division-
and adapt to these new revisions .
we will never win.
we will never be one.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
A longing ache has settled in
Took hold
Body and soul
Anguished heart is drenched in sin
I've missed the chaos of losing control

A rosebud sprouts darkness
Into bloom inside
My thoughts turn morbid I guess
Towards death or suicide

Raw emotions torture mind
Trust a rare commodity
Truth is challenging to find
Light impossible to see

Strength no longer fills bones
So difficult to accept
Something inside sinks like stones
Pretend I don't feel the effect

Hiding behind bursting false assurance
Behind closed doors
All the while wandering without insurance
Own chains will lift off the floor

I lost faith in what's above
Realizing vulnerability shows
The very thing I am afraid of
My unspoken woes

If only to soothe throbbing
Live in a state of peace
Fully expose the root of my sobbing
Stripped entirely of suffocating release

Dust creeps down throat
Then recedes
Plant regrets in the mud
Sprung like dandelion weeds
Invisible blades in my gut

Friends twisting handles carelessly
To and fro feelings spun then stopped
Chase fragments of what we'll never be
Off ground pick up the heart that dropped

Wandering world in a state of defeat
As I seek tomorrow
Side to side on clumsy feet
Under weight of all my sorrow
Pax Dec 2020
I ask the people of the world
Why must we keep boxes of
each race, barricades in each
Borders, separate lives of each
Cultures, as our truth varries in
    each mirrored choices, then we
Carry the havy consequences,
The burden of these shackled
Past - we ponder to wonder
These nightmarish Regrets
So in the end, the answer is
Subjective, rules and walls
Are there for a reasonable
It maybe
good or bad
Light or dark
Day or night
An infinite battle
Running in circles
         to maintain
chaos and order
in one box.
we the inhabitants of the world
Conquerors to our own selfish deeds
Our Survival depends
to the equally cruel
jungle and our own fellow.
Man Dec 2020
when aborted day
is given chance to rise
sun being blood red
life giving way for dead
with seas boiling over
and the artic becoming
a lush verdant green
your senses don't betray
leaving would be keen
David P Carroll Nov 2020
Palestine bleeds every day
And the little children cry every night
No freedom and no children can
Even play it's so sad every day
Watching loved ones die been shot
In the back for been Palestinians and
Every day we pray for freedom but none today
Watching the suffering been murdered even child ****
And the world can truly see
Even the Lord Jesus Christ weeps
But Palestine will never be free
And it truly saddnes me every day
But I stop and pray for the Palestinians to be free one day.
Freedom For Palestine ❤️💖❤️
Sarah Flynn Nov 2020
if you step on a twig while
walking through the woods,

you'll see all of the deer
look up and run off.

if you drive your car down
a windy, forested road

and a deer suddenly appears
in the path of your headlights,

you'll see its eyes grow large
and afraid, glowing in the dark

but the deer won't run off.

a deer will flee at the sound
of a single branch snapping,

but it will stand still and
let a car crunch all of its bones
without trying to leave at all.

we consider ourselves to be
the dominant species.

we claim to be the smartest,
bravest, strongest, most intelligent
beings that walk this earth.

so why are we afraid to die?

if a deer can accept its fate
and stare straight back at death
when they stand face-to-face,

then why can't we?
why do we cry and scream
and feel sorrow when death
finally comes to visit us?

we are smart and we are strong
and we think in a way that
other creatures cannot think,

but we also have fears that
other creatures do not have.

this is the price we pay to
have those traits we say
that only humans have.

as humans, we trade our
innocence for knowledge,
learning about war and
early death and suffering
at the hands of fellow humans.

this knowledge is a burden,
more of a curse than a blessing.

we consider ourselves to be
superior to the other creatures
who we share this planet with.

but is that true? is that a fact
or a product of human ego?

as humans, we **** animals
and we **** each other.

we are the creators of
mass extinction and genocide.

we have designed weapons
and the ideas of warfare.

yes, we are strong
and we are smart,
but we are violent.

sometimes I think that
a deer is more human
than a human being.

a deer is smart and
strong enough to survive.

it might not have the
same level of intelligence,

but it also doesn't have the
same amount of violence
etched into its genes.

sometimes I think that
any creature is better
than a human being.
Eve Nov 2020
It’s lonely at the moment

lonely in all the little ways
a smile became a new blue visage
and in came
an un-budging two-meter stretch between
the future

and the present. And
how long can one hope for endings?
the miserable insignificance of endings
if not this, another
if now, later
constancy hanging like a stench
bitter and sardonic
something that
the hopeless anticipation of something better
can’t mask for much longer

there’s agitation in their three tiers
in the queues of panicked shoppers
in the watching through hedges as neighbours clap for the underpaid waiting for a reason to bring in the men in uniform

20 seconds isn’t enough to wash away the loneliness of the bereft and jobless

not even if you sing happy birthday twice
a poem for the times
Big Virge Nov 2020
Now When It Comes...
To What People DESERVE...

There Are... LOTS of Words...
That Should Be OBSERVED... !!!

Because MANY Are Called...
But Are Part of The HERDS...
Whose Lives Are Reserved...
To Get Their Just Deserts... !!!

While Those Who Are CHOSEN...
Are Treated Like... TOKENS...
That People Leave BROKEN... !!!

Now By This I Mean...
That’s It’s Easy To See...
That... Within Artistry...

With POWER To Wield... !!!

Who... USE And ABUSE...
These Artists Like Tools... !!!

TOOLS of A Trade...
That Deserves To Be SHAMED...

Because of The Way...
That The Game Is Now Played...

With The FAKE Gaining Fame...
For... Contrived Displays... !?!?!

On Screen And On Stage...
That APPARENTLY Means...

Than Those Who Work HARD...
For A... Minimum WAGE... !!!

Now Isn’t That STRANGE... ?!?

Those Who SAVE Lives...
Who Work On The FRONT Lines...
Tend To Have To SURVIVE...
On Thank Yous’ And SMILES... ?!?

While Those Who Act WILD...
And... MANIPULATE Child...
Like These SICK Paedophiles...

Are Those Who DON’T See...
Those NICE ELECTRIC Seats...
And Those DEATH Penalties... !?!

For The Ways They Deceive...
And ABUSE Industries...

You SEE What Some DESERVE...
Is The Theme of This Piece...
Because It Seems To Me...

That TOO MANY FOLKS... !!!
Are Too QUICK To Run Quotes...

About What They DESERVE...
When... Just Like RESPECT...
It’s Something That Is EARNED...

NOT... Given To MINIONS... !!!
Or Those In Positions...
Like These POLITICIANS... !!!

Who When CLOSELY Observed... !!!

DON’T Get Their Just Deserts... ?!?
For Things That We’ve Learnt...
About... How Their Work...
Does MORE Than DISTURB... !?!

When It Comes To This World...
And How It Now Turns...
Just Like WINGLESS Birds... !!!

Because of The Herds...
Who Embrace The ABSURD...

That’s UNLIKE The Verse...
That Becomes Spoken Words...
Whenever They’re Heard...
From The Mouth of BIG VIRGE... !!!

So What Do THEY DESERVE... ???

As Much As Their Worth... !!!

Because... REALITY...
When It Comes To FREE SPEECH...
Is Something That’s RARELY...
Now Heard In This World... !!!

From Shows On TV’s...
To These FAKE News Stories...

That Have... Apparently...
Been Written To FEED...
A World of FALLACIES...
Where LIES And DECEIT...
Are What People Now Read... !!!

So What of This DISEASE...
That’s Now Spread Globally... ?!?

Well Those Who’ve Re-Opened...
Their Cities... QUICKLY...

For Their Economies...
To... Once Again GROW...

Have Now QUICKLY Learned...
What It Is That They DESERVE...

Because It Is People...
Who Mostly Are Feeble... !!!

That Have EMBRACED EVIL... !?!
And Behaving Like SHEOPLE ‘...

So What Now Is Their WORTH... ?!!!?

In This MESSED Up World... !?!

From Boys To Young Girls...
To Our Women And Men...
This Simple Poem...
Has A Question That Begs...
For An Answer That Serves...
So Should NOT Be Deferred...


Do... PEOPLE...

.... “ DESERVE “.... ?!?
A good question for these, days and times .....
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