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Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
Flowers sways happy
The cool winds gives gentle kiss
Water flows grateful

Let my flames burn bright
Let my wealth flow steadily
Let my mind have peace

The grass can now breathe
They can drink from life's essence
and rise again strong
Enjoying every **** second of the cool wind! :)
Lyn ***
Hannah Zedaker Jan 2018
Infatuation is transparent red.
It sounds like the quickened pace of a fox in the forest
It tastes like metallic blood pumping in the back of your throat
It smells like three week old lilacs
Infatuation feels like burrs stuck in the sleeves of your tattered wool sweater.
Hannah Zedaker Nov 2017
Paranoia is electric green.
It sounds like the small hum of a 1976 refrigerator.
It tastes like somebody left a hair in your sandwich.
It smells like aged copper, dangling around your neck.
Paranoia feels like pins and needles right after standing up.
NeroameeAlucard Dec 2016
We are wolves
We hunt as one.
We howl as one, at the moon so bright.
We die as one, cold and ****** on the frozen forest floor.

There is no confusion amongst our ranks,
We all must hunt to survive, **** or be killed or be shot by the humans, as the vultures eat us as our bodies stank.

There is no fear, only purpose
There is hunger but there is also satisfaction
There is no pain that can't be overcome
There is no battle that cannot be won.

There is no affection, only cold calculation.
There is no heart, only pure grit and determination.
There is no cowardice, only destruction
NeroameeAlucard Jul 2016
In this black and white world
It's uncommon for there to be any vibrance or color
The Crow begins to take flight again
Looking for something to feed on, my friends

The feathers falling into the snow, bloodstained and white, like a pomegranate was cut open, or the Crow has found its meal for tonight

What's it's meal you ask? My mind
NeroameeAlucard Jul 2016
Pick the bones
And bones with a pick
Strip the flesh
You already took away the rest

Heart is missing
What's left of the brain is starting to mold over
Fillings gone down the throat of a wild wolf 3 trees over

Will someone find what's left of my dignity?
Along with what's left of my reaching or ability?
I don't know, to be perfectly frank
This mauling left me broken Down like a 3rd world country, post meeting the tank
NeroameeAlucard May 2016
The leaves crunch underneath
My bare feet that tread on a path
Strange, ubiquitous and unique
I looked up just in time to see
The eyes of the trees staring back at me
It was getting dark, I needed to find shelter quickly
Before I ended up in some giant cats stomach quickly

So i broke branches and bark and bound them together with the remains of parts from the crash
A plane brought me here, and thankfully the fire didn't last
I grabbed what I could, food, drinks, spare parts and some supplies
Hopefully, prayerfully these meager items would allow me to survive.

I didn't go too far away, as the crash was on the beach
So I stuck to the trees above the wreckage and   above most predators eager to dine on me...
NeroameeAlucard May 2016
My heart is an apocalypse
Dead and strange
Occasional signs of life
Constantly in strife
Fighting for survival in conditions so bitter
Although living in these conditions does create a kind of grit only found in wool sweaters

And to be honest I wish It was getting better
But it's not to be frank
My future seems to be like a sarcophagus, dark and dank
I wish I could find it in myself to love as much as stone cold Steve Austin drank

But My heart is an apocalypse
I can taste the tears on my lips
As you walk away
I can't see any reason that you would stay
NeroameeAlucard Apr 2016
I love animals, especially birds of prey
And the eagle in particular is the one we'll discuss today
Majestic, wide wings and an almost regal personality
Seeing an eagle in flight is like watching your dreams turn into reality

Now, I didn't think of this solely for our heavily feathered friends
I thought of Eagles because someone reading this could think that the hard time they're in won't end.

Well, like an eagle, use the wind of the storm to carry yourself beyond the pain
We're all here for you, you're an eagle in all but name
NeroameeAlucard Mar 2016
I couldn't sleep
The sandman must've been waylaid
So I got up and crept outside
And on the back porch I stayed
Looking out into the endless night sky
The stars blinking and twinkling
The night is so hauntingly beautiful, and it doesn't have to try
The moon hung low, shining into my heart
I said "You can shine to my chest at best, but my mind you cannot bless"
I smiled at the sky, and as I walked in I heard a deep breath of wind.
The door closed and night rain began to fall
A reflection of what goes on within
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