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E Townsend Nov 2015
Underneath the rushing world
our situation at a glance
has yet to quietly unfurl.
I am only a lonely girl
who's never had a slow-song dance
above the big rushing world.
And you, you look like you could twirl
me, and trap my heart in a trance,
which has yet to slowly unfurl.

On these tracks, there is a pearl
among the others in a stance,
underneath the rushing world.
Suddenly the train stops and hurls
you toward me. This is my chance.
I should take it. But it unfurls,

I need to say before this whirl
    I have not met you. In advance
underneath the rushing world
our love will not ever unfurl.
Sean Hunt Nov 2015
Year after year we see
The same scene,
Tears from trees

Brown leaves on the ground
From the trees
All around

Some are sad some are pleased
With the fall of
Brown tears from trees

One day of wind, all come down,
And then the leaves are
All around

What we see is poetry
In the country and the town
Brown teary trees

We are touched somehow
Memories are always found
When brown tears from trees
Are all around

Sean Hunt
Windermere November 4th 2015
E Townsend Nov 2015
The disappointment that resides in me,
as much as I tell it to go away,
swallows my entire body.

It eats away at my flesh and rarely
leaves enough time for skin to regenerate.
The disappointment that resides in me

licks its lips hungrily
at the sight of my blood, salivates
and swallows my entire body.

This cannot be healthy,
I say to myself. There has to be a way to invalidate
the disappointment that resides in me.

I wonder if there was ever a phase of sobriety
when my expectations' weight
did not swallow my entire body.

I suppose I must return to reality
and succumb to incubate
the disappointment that resides in me,
that swallows my entire body.
Hanjo Oct 2015
I hear your voice inside my head;
Sweetly singing, slowly creaking.
You only ever knew me dead.

It's like you've crawled into my bed-
Never one for needless weeping,
I hear your voice inside my head,

Your prayers I'm sure, have been misled,
For I've been sleeping, never speaking
You only ever knew me dead.

Countless words I've sat and read,
Learning every line, that desperate pleading,
I hear your voice inside my head.

Your words in me have freedom bred,
Now alive, in fear of bleeding-
I hear your voice inside my head,
"You only ever knew me dead."
for Sylvia Plath
FJ Oct 2015
Trees are growing and time is passing by,
A plant’s soul given for a ****** life’s sake.
When will time end; When is our time to die?

Birds rot on the same branch they learn to fly.
Leaves fall and grow; a man goes out to rake.
Trees are growing and time is passing by.

He lost his wife, he’s left with time to cry.
Enough time to fix what he did not break
When will time end; When is our time to die?

His son stares through father’s soul with a sigh,
Watching his father drown with his last drank.
Trees are growing and time is passing by.

While under the tree a grave will lie,
A man left taking with him a heartache.
When will time end; When is our time to die?

A family lived and was left to die,
A tree stands near without a frown to make.
Trees are growing and time is passing by.

Anni Oct 2015
It happened one night when I had been drinking
I didn’t mean to crash into those Chevrolets
What can I say… I hadn’t been thinking

I hope that in court, I can be convincing
But it feels like a nightmare, I was in a daze
It happened one night when I had been drinking

I could barely see the road, rain had been sprinkling
Or was it a downpour? The streets were a maze
What can I say… I hadn’t been thinking

I can recall the way I suddenly felt like I was sinking
It was not my intention to set those vehicles ablaze
It happened one night when I had been drinking

When people look at me, I can feel myself shrinking
I didn’t expect my driving to result in such raze
What can I say… I hadn’t been thinking

That was the night I should’ve started rethinking
Those shots I was shooting, glasses of those cabernets
It happened one night when I had been drinking
What can I say… I hadn’t been thinking
Steven Gosling Sep 2015
There is a strength within us that will not bend,
though men may slur and take our rights away,
fight out against the wrong dear friend.

Our liberties they take and rend,
they thought our will would brake but nay,
there is a strength within us that will not bend.

Brace against the bile they send,
and keep their insidious claws at bay,
fight out against the wrong dear friend.

Brave men would choose not to defend,
what we hold out for ‘till end of day,
there is a strength within us that will not bend.

Parasites and cronies steal and spend,
while innocents all fall as prey,
fight out against the wrong dear friend.

When light burns pale unto it’s dying end,
we shall stand against the dark and say:
There is a strength within us that will not bend,
fight out against the wrong dear friend.
The Villanelle one of my favourite forms of poetry
Tryst Sep 2015
What Hope Remained?

What hope remained when hope for hope was spent?
        When putrid plumes dulled morning into night
        Hope lived in heart-struck deeds of bold intent,
        As mortals wept and earthborn angels went
        With downcast eyes to clamber heavens height.

What hope remained when hope for hope was spent?
        When panicked sirens wailed a lost lament
        And backs were bowed beneath ungodly weight,
        Hope lived in heart-struck deeds of bold intent
        As boots bore souls up treadmills burnt and bent
        To scale a void devoid of dawning light.

What hope remained when hope for hope was spent?
        For those in sight of angels heaven sent
        Atop the world to aid their mortal plight,
        Hope lived in heart-struck deeds of bold intent.

        When wingless brethren conquered feared ascent
        To gift last hope to all who saw their might:

                What hope remained when hope for hope was spent?
                Hope lived in heart-struck deeds of bold intent.

In The Fall

I chanced upon a stranger in the fall,
Cosmetic garb of office black and white
Portraying calm demeanor of his plight
As shadows panicked on a stricken wall,

And oft' I find my mind in numb recall
To look upon that helpless human kite
Who tumbled from the terrors of a height,
Yet graceful as an eagle in a stall

Before it plummets earthward --   'Neath the pall
Of twisted steel rended by follied flight,
That stranger lives forever in the light
Suspended in iconic timeless sprawl.

        I wonder, in the briefness of his fall,
        Did he derive the meaning of it all?
What Hope Remained: In memory of the three hundred and forty three firefighters of FDNY that fell on Tuesday 11th September 2001, who fought without hope to bring hope to the lost.

In The Fall: Dedicated to "The Falling Man" of Tuesday September 11th 2001, in memory of him and those like him who chose the manner of their own end, when the only choice on that day of days was how, not if or when.
Taylor St Onge Aug 2015
You were born in the cold black heart of the Cold War, under the fist of
Eisenhower, under the satellite eye of Mother Russia—1960 America.
Chinese Year of the Rat.  U-2 Pilot Gary Powers forgot to **** himself.

Space Race Baby looking up at stars she does not comprehend—
the world is big, the sky is bigger—Shhhhhhhhhhh: huddle under your desk in case a big, black, bomb falls down and burns you so bad you feel nothing but cold  
             cold         cold;

huddle inside yourself in case your plane is shot down over Soviet soil
and everything turns to red, turns to blood, turns to your fingers shaking and your eyes stinging, and you think about that time when your mother told you about the Year of the Rat being associated with white,

with the Chinese color of death.  You think: This is it.  There is where it ends,
but this is not it; this is not the end.  You will die in a hospital bed
in 49 years, so just give it some time, alright?
Khrushchev and Eisenhower can play Tug-of-War and
                                   Vietnam can burn in the meantime.

Mother, when you were born you could not breathe.  Mother,
when you died it was because you could not breathe.  Mother,
when you are not here I think of Gary Powers not having time to press “Self-Destruct,” of the Year of the Rat
                                                                ­      choking to death on
                                                              ­         Lily  of  the  Valley,

of learning how to talk to the 58,286 dead Vietnam War soldiers. I want to
know what it is like to look up at the sky and fear a missile strike smack in
the middle of winter. I want to know how cold the Cold War felt to you in
the Chinese Year of the Rat, and what he felt when U-2 Pilot Gary Powers
fell like
                into the arms
            of Mother Russia.
or “The Zodiac Symbol of the Dead”
written for my foundations of creative writing class. this is an experimental villanelle.
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