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Sourodeep Apr 2020
I lied down last night
closed my eyes
it was a terrible sight
snakes flying high
and clouds sinking deep
I could not
understand why
my world seemed upside down
though I knew
it was the same
for someone else.

why me, why me
why she could not see

In bed I turned on both sides
but my dreams could not fit
though the mattress was wide.

Some love not given, some shown too soon
can I get back there and amend,
at least in my head I will be clear,
for when I made lunch for that special friend,
it was already dark before noon.

If only, I could catch the bus again
get down at that stop, pass that very lane
below the tank we could meet,
see you once more,
and then,
fall back to my eternal sleep.
Emily Mar 2020
A good friend loves at all times

Through thick and thin
Up and downs
Forwards and back
Sideways left and right
A friend always stands by

It doesn’t matter
What the situation may be
Or who it concerns
A friend is always there

They are there to lend a hand
A shoulder to cry on
Or a shoulder to lean against
Someone to hug
Or rub your shoulders
Someone to listen or give advise
A good friend does this out of love

Out of love, a good friend will be
Honest and kind
Caring and supportive
Listening and responsive
And always willing to stand by you
Even if they are the only one
Just to name a few

A friendship built with love
Will be everlasting
It will be unique
And it will be a joy

A good friend loves at all times
Proverbs 17:17
A poem inspired by the  verse “A good friend loves at all times” From Proverbs 17:17
Ellie Phant Mar 2020
His smirk erupts into a robust guffaw.
I hear a laugh that could save the world,
a catalyst for an astounding explosion within me.
My heart gushes with a kind of pleasure
that few have ever known.
My cheeks, feeling as if they’ve caught fire,
turn rosy and inflate to their fullest.
As my smile extends from ear to ear,
my entire body radiates endless warmth,
emanating what can only be described
as the purest love,
unconditional and eternal,
throughout the Universe and spreading across all space and time.
Fianzy Mar 2020
The foundation for my conception of love,
Because yours is unconditional.
The rock on which I stand,

I am learning to build my life upon your love,
it is the only consistent thing I have.
A ear that always listens, even though my cries are silent and at times deafening.

You show me my worth, my true value and there is no currency that can match to me.

You show me i am one of a kind,
you took your time to shape me,
every flaw,
every inch of me perfectly designed,
crafted by the purest.

It is so hard to let go but you show me every time that you have got every single part of me.

Letting go is so hard but your love prevails over and over again.
Telling me that everything is going to be just fine.
I wrote this piece because I realized how hard it is for me to let go of my worries and place them in God’s hands.
I also realized that he created every single part of me and he loves me so much that I need to be able to trust him more, after all he knows past.
insane Mar 2020
he had himself
etched in her

no matter what,
no time,
no hate
would erase
the part of him
that he left behind
in her mind ;
Pranav Khanna Feb 2020
and one of these days when you feel alone,
remember that there's someone waiting for you,
waiting for your text, your call, your arrival,
waiting to see that speck of light that you shine on their world.

you're never alone in this world,
you're just a sheep not following the herd,
and there's that one special person for you as well,
waiting for you to take a gaze at them.

and whenever you feel alone,
just close your eyes and let your mind wander,
for you might find that special someone in your thoughts,
for whom you've been waiting.

and this lonliness won't take the light away from your eyes,
'cause it is just now, in this moment, that you're alone,
but you know that you have them by your side,
standing as tall as a mountain, watching over you.

and this loneliness will make you love them more,
for you've never waited for them to text you so impatiently,
and when you finally receive their message,
you'll be happier than you ever have been.

for  loneliness is a mystery,
it seems to haunt you at first,
and then you dive deep into your mind's vast ocean of thoughts,
and you find them there, waiting for you, all alone

and that vast emptiness fills with color and beautiful music,
and your world isn't the same anymore,
for you've discovered love,
love that you've never felt before.

and this love shall always be with you,
to guide you through all the tough days,
and to be your guiding light in those lonely and all consuming dark nights,
and stay with you forever, until the very end of time.

this is the beauty of loneliness that many don't realise,
for it comes disguised as a foe that many fear,
but you've gotta let it show you how beautiful loneliness really is,
for it will only fill you with unconditional love,
and show you what life truely is.
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