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Obie Feb 15
Dear Bully,
How come life is harder for trans people then cis people?
Now, I’m not complaining, but why?
Is it cause’ we aren't a ‘true man’ or not a ‘real girl’?
Who’s to say what is real or not?
Who made you the boss of my identity?
How come 50 trans and gender nonconforming people were killed in 2021 alone?
How come 41% of the transgender population has attempted suicide, when only 2% of the world population has attempted suicide.
How come when a trans person shoots someone the title of the article is “Transgender person shot someone,”
but if if a cis, white man shoots someone the title is just “another shooting,” as if it’s normal
How come the pledge of allegiance says ‘justice for all’ when there really isn’t
justice for all?
How come in 2023 there have been 417 new plans for laws and bans against lgbtqia people?
In 2022 there were only 180
Now, trust me, I am not saying 180 is any better.
How come almost 400 new laws have been introduced ever since a transgender person killed 6 people.
So, then
How come we haven't made 5 million laws against cis white men?
How come when I meet someone new they ask me who I am, and I say i play basketball, and I’m transgender.
All they can focus on is how I was born
How come when a cis man meets someone and they say they're into basketball the same person would say, oh who's your favorite player?
How come people believe that it's their business where I go to the bathroom?
Or how I was born?
Dear Bully,
IT is not my fault that I'm trans, so then why do you hurt me?
Why hurt anyone at all?
I lost my best friend, one of the most supportive people cause I had to leave my school
I HAD to leave. I didn’t have a choice.
Why would I stay if I would've just gotten beaten up even more than I already had.
Now, my best friend refuses to talk to me?
Why is that?
Because of you,bully.
And because of all the homophobic, transphobic, idiots out there.
I’m not saying I'm mad at you.
It's not like a middle schooler can choose to be transphobic.
I’m mad at the person who told you to be transphobic,
the person who told that person to be transphobic.
Just ask yourself;
Why hurt others
If you don’t need to?
Obie Feb 15
They're weird,
they help you,
they hurt you,
they love you.
My two friends. They call me strong.
I like it.
They call me tough.
I like it.
They say I have high pain tolerance.
I like it…? No, ***** that.
When they say that, all it brings back is the years where I was beat every day.
They mean well.
But it haunts me,
the fact that I have a high pain tolerance but I grew it.
I didn't have it naturally.
I grew it. Because I was beaten to the point where
That's what happens.
You just get beat enough to the point where you don't feel it anymore.
This can’t happen anymore.
We need to end it.
This can't happen anymore.
Casey Jun 2023
"A man so flat and boobless you could skip him across a lake like a prized stone"

I showed my surgeon the text post, and she said
"We'll get you there!"

**** right, she did.
Staring into the mirror, I see all of me.

Mortal boundaries declaring who I've always known myself to be

Thank you for all of your support throughout the years, dear readers <3

Finally, finally, finally
I am free
As of today (june 15th, 2023) I am 9 days post op :))
I've never felt more euphoric. ever.
I love this feeling and i hope it stays forever
Skyler Oct 2021
My trans body brings me joy,
My trans body brings me tears.
Everyday I put my binder on,
I am equal parts overjoyed,
And stood there in pain.
Joy in hiding from the world,
What I wish to be gone.
Pain in knowing that each day,
They will still be there.

Each time I cut my hair,
Each time I'm called handsome,
Each time I wear boxers,
Each time I wear cologne,
My trans body bring me joy.

Each time I'm called 'she',
Each time I'm on my period,
Each time I look at my *******,
Each time I'm called 'she'.
My trans body brings me tears.

But each day,
My voice is deeper,
My period is no more,
My smile is bigger,
My skin glows.
My trans body brings me joy.
Jaicob May 2021
Oh, {deadname},

You're my beautiful daughter.
I know you're only lying.
You'll never, ever be a boy
No matter how long you keep trying.

Give up on transitioning.
Your mind has been poisoned.
The media has consumed you-
All the lies eating their way in.

Finally, you are my precious baby girl.
You're very smart, and you know that.
Don't think you're a boy- you're not.
You should put on your smiling mask

Until you're not sick anymore,

-Your loving mother
I want to leave this house... It hurts to look at myself.
Ren Sturgis Mar 2021
In my hands I hold a pen, not a needle, but a pen.
Oh how I wish it were the needle.
Both hold the expression to that which I hold dearly.
For it's not just a pen or a needle that I hold;
It is me!
Ren Sturgis Mar 2021
This *****.
Voice dysphoria is a *****, they weren't lying when they said that second puberty really hits.
Every time I try to sing it cracks and ****.
Wake up every morning sounding sick.
I just want a deep voice like corpse.
But instead I just sound like a pony, a little hoarse.
This *****.
Nov, 2020
jaden Jan 2021
grasp at the air, try and
clutch the body the mind forgot.
feel the chill of empty air beneath
spread fingers reaching
for someone no longer there. keep
reaching for a familiar body and find
foreign instead. find
newness where old curves sat, see
harsh lines where bare arms used to lay, feel
that foreign body. commit it
to memory. remember
where old flesh resurrected, where
he left one body not to migrate
to another but to rebuild, and
remake, and recycle, and become
something new. how he became
someone only he knew.
yann Dec 2020
i wanna touch your body and make it mine
mold your chest into my chest, steal the curves of your shoulders,
i want the angles of your hands, the strong lines of your jaw,
rebuild myself with the clay He could have chosen to give me,
but gifted you with instead.

— The End —