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Anya Nov 2018
It’s     Odd...
I’ve been all over the couch
Munching on anything
That gets
Within         My line of sight

   But now,
Lying here
Strewn on the floor
Like a broken toy
I       Feel


At peace
Munia Islam Oct 2018
I sit on my toilet seat,
legs uncrossed but guts wrenching at 5km/hr speed,
staring at the blood stained ******* by my feet,
wondering why merely being a woman makes me bleed.

"Shame, shame, shame", they huff,
as if being a woman was not a burden enough.
Bleeding in shame is now considered religious,
no matter how natural,
For us, 'the time of the month' is never auspicious.

I sit on my toilet seat,
with sore thighs and a pungent stench in the loo,
wondering if it would be as shameful
If men bled the same way as women do.

Lexi May 2018
You ask me if I want you out of my life, if you should go
My only response is a stifled sob
At this moment all I can do is cry.
My head is at it again telling me what to do which is not much really.
I am a prisoner inside of this body and when I am like this I hand all controls over like an obidiant child.
I learnt long ago not to fight or argue because that only hurts people
and by people I mean my thoughts and when I say thoughts I mean me.  When I am like this I sit and I wait there’s nothing I can do nothing anyone can do except wait.
If I talk to you when I’m like this  if I express my thoughts nothing will go right and I will just get hurt
LittleFreeBird Mar 2018
And to this day
I fit her like a pair of
Old sneakers
Favorite worn out jeans

I am a place
To rest her weary bones

She is silent
The way she stretches me out
Filling the places
I had long forgotten about
tobi Oct 2017
i am aware
that bad days exist
and will never cease to exist
so it seems
but i know
that there will be good days
or at least days slightly better
than the bad
to give comparison
and yes it's a tiring rollercoaster
i don't like too wild of rides
but so long as you're next to me
for this head-whirling ride
i'll never stop smiling
nabi 나비 Jun 2017
when we talk
we make our own little world
where there is nothing
but two kids having fun
running toward swings
going on walks toward parks
talking about our favorite songs
just our own little place
just you and i
swinging at a park
filled with feelings
and thoughts about our giggles
our own little safe place
no bad guys trying to break us down
no overwhelming thoughts of a future
just two kids
and creating their own little universe
Sacrelicious Jun 2017
But our blood
will spill
Just the same.

It's not about the headless

Nor will  it ever
be. So.
Just chill.
And enjoy the thrill
of the ****.

The blessed expedition.
Hunting the Hunter.
Is a most wonderful feeling.

Going postal
On the ones giving you
All these letters.

The mail carrier.
Is positive for swine.

Cause the news.
They keep dishing us.
Is tainted.

Like the word.
This **** is rolled.
Put that in your straw
And snort it.
SEYI KING Jun 2017
I remember I was afraid of the dark
Ma mind curious just a child
Creepy forms around the walls
Could it be tricks of the mind
The more I pry the realer it becomes
Towering high sharp fangs and claws
Black as death no eyes at all
Fear looms over my head
My heartbeat hammering ma chest
I stand rooted to one spot
Too afraid to take a step
Lest they smite me with their claws
Rip my dark skin to shreds
And make a feast out of my blood
Leaving my carcass in the dust
So I ran rather than walk
At least this way they can't catch me ; or so I thought
I'm panting now , oh what a rush
What a relief  I managed to evade thier touch
I'm home now , familiar voices chattering
It's still dark but nothing is creeping in this gathering
I heared my name as they were uttering, something about a lottery
Hmm.. Home and all the possibilities
I've been through hell and they'll never notice it
The lights came shortly after
The mood swings, everyone is happy
I dismissed my fears thereafter
The cool breeze caressing my spirit
I guessed I got lost in the laughter
And let my mind wander
To the ***** of sleep
Suddenly I'm awake and everything is still
Once again it's dark and the heat
Creeps through my skin
I looked around and the silence glared (back) at me
Eyes wide shut in a pit of blackness
Fear took the liberty of the darkness
And aimed straight for my mind
Suddenly , they were everywhere
Menacing looking eyes locking the wind
Just as a tortoise retreats to his shell
I sunk deep and low silently inviting sleep to take over me as I covered up from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet
I heard her soft voice sing to me
Come to me my sweet darling
Your hide is safe with me
I'll keep you in a dream my sweet darling
No one can touch you but me
For anyone who was ever afraid of the dark, #floetry #childhoodmemories #dark
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