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I hear your echo in silence,
Your voice speaks to me in quiet,
With ears that hear feelings, not words,
In a heart to amplify it.

Your clearest words were not spoken,
But they resounded in my ears,
In a heart tuned to perfect pitch
Of loving feelings that it hears.

I listen to your heart beating
To know the words you have to say,
My heart understands love language
Said from a million miles away.

In despair that causes deafness,
Hope is the comfort your voice speaks,
With ears you’ve given to my heart
Your love is what my silence seeks.
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Jean Jan 2019
I open my mouth
wrestling the words off my tongue
like they are passengers
that refuse to walk their plank.
and when I finally think I’ve pushed
into the storming sea should they go—
dissolved by the darkness of the waves
and the crescendo of the foam.
but nothing dares stumble out in the land between my lips,
instead the passengers find themselves
to the vacuum of hopelessness
that awaits it.
Composed 1.9.19
Two ravens are perched on a tree,
One speaks to Death
And the other is never heard
A lonely life we live, the Ravens of the world
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
You said you still wanted to be friends,
Yet you don't talk.
You said you still wanted to be friends,
Yet you don't say a word.
You said you still wanted to be friends,
Yet I don't hear from you.

When I text you,
You say words back.
When I text you,
You answer them.
When I text you,
I hear from you.
You said you still wanted to be friends.

Yet I don't know what you do.
Yet I don't know where you go.
Yet I don't know who you are.
Yet I don't know you.
You said you still wanted to be friends.

I wonder how you do.
I wonder what you do.
I wonder where you go.
I wonder if you want to speak to me.
I wonder if you lied to me.
You said you still wanted to be friends.

But I don't hear from you,
You don't speak to me,
You don't text me,
You don't call me,
You don't say a word.
And yet you said you still wanted to be friends.
When I broke up with my girlfriend she said she wanted for us to still be friends. But she only replies to texts that I sent her, and I text here only when necessary. But she doesn't text me. So I think that I would have to think that it is her loss and not mine.
Catherine Dec 2018
they say they miss you,
the girls from the dance club,
how your moves radiated potency.
the orchards at the end of valley,
how you traveled for miles to water them.
the homeless members from the filthy place,
how you were never disgusted by the party of flies

the alcoholics, the abandoned, the pimps,
how you welcomed them to your heart,
and those suffering from weird illnesses,
how you bandaged their wounds
even I miss you,
how you told me to be kind,
they say your presence gave them hope

I think it is funny  
how they say shamelessly that they miss me,
cos none of their deeds showed appreciation.
I gave my all,
over-watered the flowers
until there was nothing left in my bucket,
I saved them from their demons,
Only for the demons to make friends with mine,
they should have asked me,
whether I was also okay,
traveling for miles,
just to show love.

I am sitting on an abandoned porch,
telling the players in my head to shut the hell up,
because I have no one to save me.
the banging is too loud
and I have a gun on my head,
don't weep for me,
just tell them to love unconditionally,
and give selflessly,
but never forget to tame their demons,
and to ask each other how everything is

tell them again,
that this cruel world needs kind people
people who receive and also give an ear to the givers.
A personal write of giving selflessly and having no one to turn to.
Sonya Dec 2018
Up up up
Up the numbers go
Raising high my spirits
Drowning out my woe

Higher higher higher
Reaching to a peak
Then crashing down to none again
And leaving me to weep
Abby M Dec 2018
I guess it's true
That words come out like chunks of CO2
It's not emotional
But something speaking mandates that we all must do
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