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Luna 3h
Tears are just fragile pieces
Of dreams broken and souls as well
You can pick them up and try to glue them
But will that ever be enough?

Nobody can turn back time
Chances lost, no heaven nor hell
We all look down, grasping pieces
Some get cut, my surface rough

Inside we go like there’s no tomorrow
Apart from another, locked in a shell
And so it runs, our precious time
Shortening lifespan with every cough

They emerge like we’re attached to them
But is there a chance to always tell?
There’s time for that, yet always tomorrow
It seems like nobody gets to laugh

And in the end the pieces will bring us
Back in time, for then tomorrow
We can bring them all we have, but
At night all curtains will be shut.
A poem from the 16th December 2024, starting from tomorrow I will post some new stuff again.
I really tried playing with the concept of time in this poem and also played with a new style of rhymes. Hope you like it!
With love,
Lostling 20h
If I betray my freedom
I betray myself,
Becoming a stranger in my own skin
Quietly echoing the voice of the crowd.
But if I betray the rules,
Break free and stray from the paved path,
I betray my comrades
I betray the people I lead
If I break free, I stand alone in exile
But if I conform, “I” do not exist anymore
Fulfillment - subconscious commitment
In what is a true - and inner peace -
For acceptance - for embroidery of oneself
In dark, almost frigidless - capability
And salvation - is no where to be found
Spit out the tongue - you almost ate it
Spit out the blood and bits - you chewed
Among the celestial thoughts of being
A timid and behaviourical brightness
In false full of 'less'-es and 'non'-s and 'in'-s
Words - neglect to be said - their weight
Is gone - with a passion - to thrive
But a lesser - is chosen - though - not you
Being the chosen one - but the vivid
Fragile and agonizing - white man's
Deals - quotes and problems - all from his head
Born from air and as chaotic
Iska 1d
“What’s the harm?” they whisper,
“What’s the problem
in being everyone’s fantasy?”

“In having all of your friends
find your flesh attractive?”
“Having the pretty privilege
morph into the entitlement of others?”

As they claim my skin
and caress my bones.
Peeling pieces of my body
and making themselves at home.

Consent is implied
within the lines
of whatever bond we hold.

Friends, family, lovers.
What’s the harm in giving them
what they want,
what they demand they need.
In watching them eat you up
With a never ending greed.

“But you’re my fantasy”
as if I’m obligated
to the impressions of me
you’ve shoved down my throat.

Until I’m choking and sobbing
pleading you to relinquish your hold.

Your eyes leave imprints and bruises
as you salivate over a body
I don’t even see.
It was only 3rd grade.
Again, when merely rending
the damaged goods of a teen.
By the time I was an adult
it was the only way I was seen.

But age matters not,
when you were never perceived
as a human being,

simply a desire
for others to devour.

“What’s the harm in being a *** dream?”
They scream “we’re all friends here”
as they render my sobriety to shreds
Only to tell me that it’s all in my head.

Society taught me to turn a blind eye,
“what’s the harm?” It said with a sigh.
They drugged me with ignorance,
refuting my plea.

A passing inconvenience for you
Born of my own naïveté,
is a trauma memory
that I can never undo.

There isn’t a piece of me
you’ve not seen,
nothing left of myself
to discover.

You’ve rendered my own exploration
into nothing more than a detour.

You’ve taken every first
I could have claimed
and thought to beat a dog
was the equivalent of making it tame.
So now I’m sobbing into a void
wondering why I was ever
a thing that you could destroy?
What is left of me? /angry
They say…  
it wasn’t messy  
until the cat.  

The cat just wanted to play,  
but somewhere along the way,  
she ran into a human like us.  

Together, they began  
to play with the red string.  

They say…
before the human,  
there was no method to the string—  
just thrown about,  
knotted inexplicably.  

But then man came  
and saved the day.  
The string and cat said, “Hooray!”  

They say…
man showed up  
with rules:  
“The string isn’t a toy,  
it’s a tool.  
Throwing it about  
would be cruel.  
People could trip,  
and one day,  
the string could rip.”  

They say…
they all agreed  
to move the string  
to a different corridor,  
behind a big door.  

“Any questions?”  
A little hand rose up.  
She was lost in the crowd,  
a girl I hadn’t noticed before.  

Her question sent ice to my core:  
“Then why is there red string  
all over the floor?”  

I snapped,
“There is no red string  
on the floor!”  
If they hear her question
Will it be safe for us anymore
The air grows heavier
Much too heavy to breathe
The sounds of heavy footsteps
Now growing louder than a horn
I’ve never heard knocks like this before
Why does it sound like a war
on the other side of the door?
All for a little girl?
Is that what all of this is for?

But then I looked down  
and barely began to see—  
the red string  
had tangled me.  
And by scolding the girl
Instead of letting it be
Have I sentenced her to a fate
just like me?

Too stunned,  
to speak,  
too stuck,  
to move—  

Her soft knowing eyes met mine
With the truth that mine were too calloused to realize
What They say…
might be too good  
to be true.

They say…
they lived happily ever after
They say…. “They will never all question us anyway.”
They say…
They say the world is orderly, that the rules keep us safe. But what happens when we start to see the tangled threads beneath it all? A Fable Tangled in Red String is a poetic exploration of control, obedience, and the quiet power of questioning what we’re told. Through the lens of a simple game—man, cat, and string—this piece unravels the illusions of order, revealing how easily we become ensnared in the stories ‘they’ tell us. But once we see the string, can we ever unsee it?
When I look up the definition
it says—a process or industry
that requires  a large  amount
of labor to produce  its goods
or services.

I find no mention of mothers
and  pregnant  woman.  Then
again,  maybe  it  should,  but
apparently,  a labor of love  is
not counted as intensive.
A nod to motherhood
Hollywood, ingrained
to be lost to the sands,
We all wish to be stars
dreams sparkle so far.

A bloated serpent's belly
she aspires to be on the telly,
He slithers Hollywood boulevard
past the home less's glass shards.

They don't even pierce his tummy,
as he gobbles lost souls up yummy.
The casting director who said no,
and forever they are unknowns
An olive branch,
in hot September,
on a bridge of embers,
entices the *** to stir.

But her table’s always empty,
even if food was plenty-
too broke, too broken
for any to gather around.

A med concoction,
from no other option,
except the great allure…

A barren planner,
hung on a sun faded wall,
by a nail ripping through
it’s cross-stitched heart.

This is what reminds her-
Reminds her she’s all alone.
Dom 4d
Like allergens
I’m puffy-faced,
Annoyed by the presence.
Hoping you catch the drift
Before I blow my nose like a car horn
“Out of my way”
Always with your static traffic
Conjecture and loose metaphors.

Temper on the rise like the temperature
And the temperament I use could quell a blade
Lest you challenge the sharpness of my tongue
And the ways I can cut you with precision.

Fractal pieces
Of broken mirror
Shows you and you alone
And you can’t face you
So how do you suppose I can?

No, you don’t seem to get this-
You’re parasitic like a leech
Or worse yet a bed bug
You infest with unwanted reverie,
And spread your insipid tragedies
******* my oxygen - and I’m asthmatic
So I puff on the albuterol like a lit cigarette
I hope you get the drift.

You don’t
No, you can’t read a room
Third-grade level intellect
Wrapped in middle-aged mold,
A pustulant excrement that speaks flatulence
And I can smell you from across the street.

Just shh…
Take it somewhere else,
Let me herd you to a new shepherd
I have no use for a lolcow,
The milk is sour and you’re not my kind of cheese
Sleazing on anything that breathes,
You’d breed with a steer if it had the parts
Create a satyr as dim-witted as you,
At least then I could use this buckshot.

Memory will forget you
Like history missed you,
Nothing garnered or gained
A name that means nothing,
Just pass like wind -
And cease your prattling.

I care not.
Solemnity does not speak for you
You - speak for solemnity
And if axe is - upon your head
Do you think it is late to make bet on a coin
Wishing it to fall and stuck on a rib
Wherever you make - an eager-one
To eat all of the soil - he pleaded - he raised -
He walked upon to - the soil which was the
Naturous home of his thoughts - his mind -
His believes and beginnings - nevermind
Let it drink - as like as it's been a decade
Without a bit of a rain due to greedy -
Clouds - who did not want to share themselves
That is why now the blood is sinking
'Cause the soil is drinking in a stimulus need
Not for man - for it's own sake and self
To keep breathing - getting last breaths from
Those - who fall bleeding
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