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Ellis Dec 2021
Broke as hell
Blue light eyes
Pity be pity see
Pushing till they pull
Color coded notes on fire
Scholar of all that is okayish
Handicapped lockjaw zombie
Swimmers in the styrian river of Dante’s Inferno
A stop sign growing in the middle of the street
Thousand yard letter grade stare
12 missed assignments
Experienced Naivete
Dementia in progress
Last year’s Amnesia
Crossing busy streets
Lalaouna Amina Dec 2021
to spell incorrectly:
utterances, circumstances,
suggestions, assumptions,
But the terror:
to state Button as Bottom!
answering questions
Lalaouna Amina Dec 2021
In the group,
but not of it,
I am about to lose
my sense of belonging—
I almost lost my good sense
of balance.
finding myself again
B Nov 2021
I thought my problem was focus
I'm overwhelmed
Emotionally tired
Mentally drained
I've done nothing but school
For 16 years
My problem is focus
I can't sit still
I can't time manage
My brain isn't working at
"my level of intellegence"
My problem is focus
The doctor says my problem is anxiety
My brain zones out to cope
My brain shuts down to cope
I take naps for hours to cope
Its not ADHD, its anxiety
I can't sit still because I'm anxious
I can't stay focused because I'm anxious
I'm brunt out and anxious
That's my problem
B Oct 2021
School was easy
I was good at school
I liked school
I liked learning
School was easy
Reading was easy
Writing was easy
I love reading and writing
I read at a college level in 4th grade Distractions were easy
They were everywhere
They talked to me all the time
I spent most of middle and high school
Spending time with them
College was hard
I don't know how to study
I don't know how to put school first
I don't know how to say no
I don't know what happened
School is hard
I'm not good at school
I no longer love school
College killed my love of learning
I pay to be unhappy
And I will pay for years to come
finn Oct 2021

when, pray tell
do you end
going on and on
like a whisper of tv static
leaking in though the back door of my mind


this fire is manmade
it is artificial
and when the fuel runs out
burnout will finally reign
and this hollow head, reaped of all its treasures
will succumb

history class is BRUTAL guys
kiran goswami Oct 2021
My teacher, during the class said
"Women are Paralympians".
I had never heard a truer sentence.
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
Kids still smoke under the tree
where we used to hide between classes
where I told Tom I loved him
a life time ago
but it still feels like who I am
the girl with the crush on the guy in the band
Sarah Robinson Sep 2021
Sometimes I think of selling pictures of my feet online
I immediately think of the state of my feet;
The state of me.
After conforming to your dress code of black dress shoes and shattered dreams For 11 long years.
For 11 long years
I sat in rows of grey white and black
Perfectly poised in the presence of our educators
Our guardians
Our wardens.
If we deigned to relax,
They would find more to give and give and give
Until we became nothing but frayed nerves
And therapy bills
That should be addressed to our parents
And then I think
I can’t sell pictures of my feet online,
How could I correctly value them
If I don’t correctly value myself?
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