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Madam X Jan 2018
I dream of a blue and white convertible from an early year.
I dream of one day living in a world without fear.
I dream of a day with the sun and no rain.
I dream of a place with no senseless pain.
I dream of a house with a white picket fence.
I dream of a man whose love is intense.
I dream of a job where I go everyday.
I dream of 3 kids, and a yard where they play.
I dream of being happy, with people I love.
I dream of a world that won't worship above.
Pursue the dreams that relate to you, and one day live a life that you hoped would come true.
A list of everything I want in this world. Yours may be different, but this is just me.
Poetic T Mar 2017
The sting of my verses will sew the woeful indiscretions
of what got curb bounced on the beat or the worst vocals
that you rhymed incoherently that were
                                                     collected in lyrical a doggy bag.

I will not fall on a sword of those that ignore my verse
that fall on the page, do you know why I write in diverse
motions? Do you know my demons the voices that verse
inwards on the white of my skull? my reflections reverse.

The sting of my verses will sew the woeful indiscretions
of what got curb bounced on the beat or the worst vocals
that you rhymed incoherently that were
                                                     collected in lyrical a doggy bag.

But excrement can be rhymed in free verse, I'm doing this
for me but I don't linger to impress! I word for my emotions
are a hurricane and I'm the eye calm but I swim in the abyss.

The sting of my verses will sew the woeful indiscretions
of what got curb bounced on the beat or the worst vocals
that you rhymed incoherently that were
                                                     collected in lyrical a doggy bag.

I'm vocalized to those that don't sniff the arses of poor vocals
linger on excellence not the excrement of poorly woven yokels.
Lyrics of verse are meant to move not stagnate silently,
they are meant to be lyrics that move the emotion violently.

*"Weave the best version of you, not the diluted verse,
Kyle Kulseth Mar 2016
Who has the keys to this Wednesday night?
I wanna ******* drive, I'll take the exit
               off I-90
  and these bloodshot eyes
  they won't slow me down
  or catch up until bar time.

Greyscale cityscape--it's blurred out size
               can dissemble time
and make a smudge out of our plights.

Not asking questions.
I won't need to lie
if I just keep quiet.

               Not gonna slow
                                     me down.
                  Not this time.

Door to the weekend has started creaking
and leaking light.
But my threshold's high
and we're not on foreign ground.

Dim reflection in your shouting eyes
calls for some more time
so it's one more round
and keep running for a place that's high.

Not gonna stop until these blurring lights
               and my X'd out eyes
can make a streak out of my sight.

No further questions.
I don't mean to pry.
So I'll just keep quiet.

               Deal is, you've gotta
                           me tonight.

Let's pitch the keys to this Wednesday night
and ditch this beat-up ride. Let's make our exit.
               Torch these bridges,
             flee through rainy night.
              They can't stop us now
             or catch up until bar time.
Xander King May 2014
Once again,
I wake in the morning
and before i even take my first breath
i text you,
you get mad if i'm late.
Once again,
I tell you what im gonna wear
so you can approve it
wouldnt want anyone hitting on me.
now would we?
Once again,
i head to school,
and i'm finally free
from the tyrant that controls me
Once again,
school ends
i go straight home
no friends allowed
they dont like you.
Once again,
I'm home late
accusations fly
Another boy
Another smoke
Another life
Once again,
i take it
accepting each blow
Knowing the fight isnt worth it
Once again,
You calm down
tell me you love me
you went to far
Once again,
I'll accept it
repeating the word love
though its meaning is twisted and faded
Once again,
you'll say you need me
and i'll refuse
And Once again,
youll threaten
saying if i dont please you
you'll find someone who will
and i'll refuse
But Once again,
You'll guilt trip me,
i need to make up for the fight
it was my fault
please babe i love you
Once again,
I'll sucumb
trading photos
for conveyd love.
and after all is said and done
Once again,
you'll change me
demanding i grow out my hair
lose a few pounds
and do my makeup
Once again,
i'll agree
obviously hurt
tears in my voice
Once again,
you'll leave for hours
watching a movie
though i heard her voice.
Once again i'll cry
knowing you dont care
and talk to someone who takes the time to listen
Once again,
i'm told to dump you
they say i've changed
you control me
i'm just your game.
Once again,
you read the messages
tell me i cant see them
yell at them
pretending to be me
Once again
we were up till midnight fighting
Once again,
you blamed me for everything.
Once again,
i'm still up because the stress of pleasing you is taking its toll
Once again,
i'm forced to meet your ridiculous standards
Once again,
you guilt tripped me into submission
Once again,
i'm doubting us
Once again,
i'm considering leaving
Once again,
i'll forgive you
Once again,
ill take you back
Once again,
youll fill my mind with hollow apologies
and broken promises.
Once again,
i'll fall into a dreamless sleep
Once again,
the routine will start over in the morning.

— The End —