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Philomena Feb 2019
They would have me believe that I am useless
Something to be ashamed of
And even after you arrived people saw it that way
Like a stray you took pity on
And you changed all of that
You refused to believe the stories
And you shut out the hateful people
And you saw something in me for once
And maybe that's why I loved you so much
Because you rebuilt me
And maybe I love you now still for that
For giving me purpose and meaning
And for showing me that I can stand on my own
So thank you
Thank you for believing in me when no one did
You were one of the only good things I left behind
You say
life is

I say
that’s the only way
you can give it your own
alexandra Feb 2019
I sit by my window, hair in a twist, draped in oversized clothing.
I stop and notice my surroundings.

They seem to only be surroundings, until a wind throws them all into a vigorous motion.
The trees flow forward and back I feel them inside of me.

Back and forth, back and forth.

A force of nature acting upon nature.
Oh the simplicity.

I reflect on my own life's nature.
The fabrication of routine,
the oh so un-natural,

Back and forth.

I move in silence.
I am a continuous place (being), where there is no end, nor beginning.
No stop, no go.
Not a single sign of natural flow.

Why can't I be like the trees?
Stand tall and secure, despite being rattled.
Over and over again.
Against all they do not fall.

I can feel them inside of me.
Back and forth.
Sky Feb 2019
would you like a cup of coffee?
would you like that with milk? sugar?
would you like me to be your coffee table?

sometimes i wonder whether i
make you coffee
dust the dustless windowsills
and run water over wet dishes

to justify my being-here
to justify my being
to save me from myself
do i make her coffee for her? or for me?
Anna Jackson Feb 2019
Wake up and smell the coffee, focus as the pan flips,
Time for the rat race and its monotonal semantics,
Suss out agendas - get ahead of the mind tricks,
Brush over simple truths with pointless lies and politics.

Another year gone - stale memories as the frost licks,
Dignity diminished, allegiance pledged to bosses,
Anticipating failure as you organise your post-its,
Institutionalising life, leaving no room for chances.

Clutching at a purpose yet defeated as the clock ticks,
Finding closeness in distance and solace as the storm hits.
Arcassin B Feb 2019
By Arcassin Burnham

Sweet candy perfume lingering.

Crushable purposes only,
Wanting you to just hold me,
You're the only one,
Only one, only one
The only one.

Wonderland in many ways,
Our love flourishes away,
Carrying your books to class , I want you to
have my last name.

The way you kiss, the way you smile,
Is so exquisite,
I need another one in my life, yeah you're,
The only one,
Only one , only one,
The only one,
I haven't had a girl like you in a minute,
My loving could be more than a minute,
I hope you could understand what exactly
I am bringing,
You're the one , sweet candy perfume lingering.
5oulPoet Feb 2019
Stormy sand dunes of foaming memories
A dryness palpitating the scorched heart
The thirst waiting in her eyelids, teardrops
An endless desert beckons towards agony
And a violent sun burns her bruised flesh
But to endure it, to suffer worse than death
Can make this mirage of life, meaningful
So that others can one day find its purpose.

ive burned a
lot of bridges

whether it was
on purpose or
an accident-
i still don’t know
Paul Butters Feb 2019
In my late teens I would wonder
What is The Purpose of Life?
What should I Value?
What is truly Good?

But now at sixty six it seems so clear:
Life per se is what matters.
The wonderment
Of selves
That know they are selves.
Of sentience married with intelligence.
The miracle we call Life.

At nineteen I said
That the First Priority
Was Survival.
I wrote a thing called “The Bedrock”
To grow this theme.
And what was it that had to survive?
It was living beings
Nurtured by Mother Nature.

I am a “Lifist”
If you will:
Cherishing all that lives.
Humanist Plus
And more than Conservation.
Health and Wellbeing
For The Common Good.
A touch of Socialism
And Equal “Opps”.
I coined the word “Positivism”
To sum it all up.

Is this all poetry?
Maybe not.
But the greatest poem lies all around us:
The very world and universe
In which we live.

Paul Butters

© PB 18\2\2019.
What it's all about... What I personally call "Positivism".
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