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Matei Codrescu Feb 2017
Pitch black, no sounds
Feel the shaking of the ground,
My mind, it feeds,
On the silence that it needs.

Looking back, no reward,
Only walking, I stay aboard
For the present, I shall cherish,
With the handles, of its doors, I shall perish.

My mouth, rarely talks,
And mistakenly, spits rocks.
My ears, decide on their own,
And my demons, in them, they moan.

My heart, longs for you,
They look for the future that I sew.
They ache, with such pain,
Only you could leave such a stain.

A door, just opened,
The darkness, being faltered,
I am illuminated, by a figure
Blinded, by her flicker,
I stand up, and walk through the ice
We embrace, and step into paradise.
I'm feeling hungry, so I breathe in deep.
I dont want to eat
I want my body to be pure.
I'm feeling hungry, how much can I endure.

Hungry in my stomach in my heart and in my head.
Hungry and I am also feeling close to dead

But alive is what I want and what i wish for is pure

I am hungry but i know, that is just a lure.

I want my body clean my body strong my body whole.

I am hungry .....  but it is a hunger from the soul.
Lukoje Aug 2015
I don't see the problem,
My body is my own,
If I need to let out the pressure,
I'll slice down to the bone.

A friend used to hurt,
Broken mind made body the same,
Emotions controlled her,
No one is to blame.

When I split my skin,
I ensure it's only me that I harm,
Collected mind united in pain,
Then I can feel calm.

My veins run with fire,
Cut them open to let out the heat,
My veins pulse with fire,
I'll burn until I'm beat.

Itching, ******, melting flesh,
With shining silver I hold my breath,
Loose, tepid, paper skin,
Sharp steel with edge razor thin,
Rubber grip in steady hand,
Why is this wrong,
I don't understand.

Pain that is sharp and mean,
So pure and clean,
Purifying fire in aching veins,
I'm lucid because of my pains.

Burning, scorching, pulsing flames,
For my pain there is someone to blame,
Sticky, ruby, viscous blood,
Not that I must, just should,
Calm mind in broken meat,
I won't stop this,
I'll burn until I'm beat.

— The End —