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She looks at the canvas
Blank, taught, pristine
Background decisions
All in the mood, how does she feel?

Oil, water, spray, or acrylic
So many choices, to let her soul lay bare
Subjects to paint, what will it be
Endless options, What does she see?

In her paintings, a dragon often revealed
Sometimes, fragile
Sometimes, fierce
A self-portrait of sorts, How is she revealed?

This is how I saw her, how I fell in love.
Tiny brushstrokes, her heart for those to see
But only to those who knew how to look.
Beyond the brushstrokes, beyond her veil.

But I lay distraught, this is not an easy love
Like our mutual favorite, I stare into the Starry Night
Sometimes I feel the despair, the doubt, and I am unsure
Hoping I fair better than the ear in hand

Her brushstrokes are upon me, like paintings in her hall
Hidden hearts, separate and removed
She paints me, a poet with her hand
I accept her, and her brushstrokes upon my heart
I realize that some of my poetry is happy, some sad, but all is from a place of love. As I weave the tale of how this artist captured the very thing I thought I lost. Or am I merely an idea upon her canvas, each brushstroke, a gentle nudge upon my beating heart.
The sea, vast and mighty,
A love so deep and true,
With crystal blue waters,
And vibrant reefs that bloom,
Life abundant and colorful,
A swarm of the sea, dancing in tune.

I am drawn to the swarm of the sea,
The diversity of creatures that call it home,
From the tiny fish to the majestic whale,
Each one with a purpose, each one free to roam.

But even amid this watery delight,
I find myself captivated by a woman in sight,
With ebony hair that falls like silken strands,
And amber eyes that seem to understand.

She carries a dragon upon her back,
A symbol of strength, of courage and tact,
Yet in her presence, I feel only grace,
A sense of serenity, a gentle embrace.

Her movements are elegant, her touch so soft,
A warmth in her gaze that whispers aloft,
She exudes sensuality with every step,
Leaving me breathless, feeling inept.

Her presence is sensual, intoxicating,
I am mesmerized by her every move,
She is the calm in my tempest, the light in my darkness,
In her arms, I find solace, I find my groove.

Love knows no depth, it is unfathomable,
A mystery that we can never truly grasp,
It can be a tempest, unpredictable and wild,
Or it can be serene, a gentle clasp.

Find the one who brings you joy,
Who warms your heart with their gaze,
Who makes you feel safe and secure,
And brings balance to your days.

For love is a force,
A power beyond measure,
It can lift you up high,
Or bring you to your knees in despair.

But when you find the one,
The one that brings you joy,
Whose love matches your own,
You'll know true happiness.

In a world where love is shown,
Search for the one who warms your heart,
Who makes you feel safe, secure in their arms,
Who brings balance, extinguishing all alarms.

In the end, love is all that matters,
In all its forms and shapes,
For love is what makes us human,
It is what gives our lives their purpose, their stakes.

For love is a gift, a treasure to behold,
A bond that is precious, more valuable than gold,
So I seek the love that I have for thee,
In the depths of the sea, in the woman I see.
You are,
The wind in my breath,
The sun on my face,
The love in my heart,
The scent in my nose,
The whisper in my ear,
The sweet caress on my lips,
The embrace in my arms,
The ground beneath me,
The hand in my hand.
You are all of these, and more,
My dragon, my tiger, my protector, my love, my friend, my partner, my Yin to my Yang.
Two parts that make a whole,
Inseparable and yet contradictory.
Being apart from you is one of the most difficult parts.
Yet I will endure.
Jay Hankare Dec 2018
What if the sun would rise in the west?
What if the discarded would be regarded as the best?
What if the fishes could fly so high?
What if the birds couldn't be seen in the sky?
What if the leaves of the trees were not so green?
What if the most exasperated age was not the teen?
What if animals could talk to us?
Speak different languages like a human does.
What if we would never ever die?
But I hope people would be extremely innocent and not so sly.
What if I were you and you were me?
Would you see the world the same way as I see?
Jay Hankare Dec 2018
Here I envisioned my downfall of a poet as here where it starts
As I can see myself in complete stress and lay my pen down
Let myself roam the streets and let the world burned before me
Yet I try not to look like I victimized by my thoughts here as
As they lead me to my decisions in life today but let me go deeper
My downfall as I can tears from the people’s heart I broken
My loved ones are starting to bruised and get wounds for my
Mistakes as I can see that every decision comes with a consequence
Where the benefits in my life? Where the memories in my past?
Oh that’s right there all covered by the hardships in my life but
Seeing my depression will lead me to numerous reasons to die
The hurtful truth that every time I see love in the making….
It’s just shatters and crumbles upon my feet so I stopped
My search as love is seen as overrated maybe I looking in
The wrong places and Love is underrated to everyone as
Poetry might just die in my heart or maybe my thoughts
Might just become rotted and converted to pure nonsense
Seeing no guidance to the golden gates or the flaming pits
But just pure nothingness, blackness, worthlessness as I wish
It been months I shown positivity and sense of hope at all so
As I look for answers in life, my purpose of my existence but
Yet I’m starting to give up on everything and just start to get
Fear and pity on me ever existing on this world as they could
Have made someone better as I didn’t do anything groundbreaking
As this will be the ending stages as I’ll die alone with no pursuit of happiness
As a person I’m looked upon with superior potential if I had “motivation”
Tell me what wrong doctor? As something must be wrong as I wish
Why I always thinking suicide? Only because I feel like I lose my identity
I only wished I had my motivation as I keep working harder and harder
But yet there are anyways complications and problems in my pathway in life
My wings of success are broken; my thoughts are rotting from restrictions
As my downfall will be gruesome and progress will be erased away in time
No remedies, no memories, no records, no accomplishments to follow by
That’s my downfall! Forgotten, uncared, and forbidden poetry to read by reader.
The Nada Nov 2018
Somewhere in the past
Where I know what my wants
Even things were little too fast
At least I know it will last.

Somewhere in the present
Got confused and changing the mindset
Things becoming not meant
And a lot of expectations did not meet.

Somewhere in the future
A blurred image of myself
Wended on the road of life
Perpend to all of "that's why".
The Nada
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