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SøułSurvivør Dec 2015
They're out there.
Pens ablaze.
Out to startle
and amaze.
Quite adept at
turn of phrase.
Leaving people
in a daze.
Set the fire.
Smoke's a haze.
The arsonist's
pernicious ways.
Before you know it
reps are razed.
Even tho my
flank is grazed
I won't worry.
I'm unfazed.
Don't base my worth

*upon your praise.
'nuf said.

Nigel Finn Dec 2015
When words were stolen from my page
I flew into a useless rage,
But then I came across some lines
Which helped me through those angered times.

It was Poetry Journal (MVP)
Who pointed out the theft to me.
Ajey Pai K also showed
The plagiarism, and bestowed
This knowledge for the world to see,
And challenged them to disagree.

I did some research to discover
This matter clearly touched another;
Scout Pilgrims poem said "Don't be
An *******!" to writers like me,
And so I tried to write some verses
In appreciation for the curses
You heaped upon the plagiariser
Whilst I, myself, was none the wiser

If it wasn't for people like you,
Who helped their fellow poets through
And valued the writers honesty,
I'd give up writing poetry,
And although this poems not my best
I need to get this off my chest
So I'll force the rhyme to make it so;
I appreciate it lots- thank yo!
In appreciation to those who stand up against the plagiarisers.
Sorry it's not very good. When I get the time, I'll try making something better.
Plagiarism is the seventh deadly sin of writing
Not only does it hurt the owner, but it also hurts you in time
Why do you need another's words to be noticed and set apart?
Those little red hearts aren't worth **** if it's not your art

Don't you feel incomplete?
Isn't it bitter without the sweet?
Can you not use your own voice?
Do you not feel guilt or remorse?
Don't you have things to say?
Or is likes all you seek in this day?
If that's true,
then I've got news
This won't make you happy
Happy comes from within
(or with some therapy)

But you will not find accolades
in claiming words you didn't say!
If writing is a passion you wish to pursue,
then, by all means, continue
With some practice, you might just be
as good as you lie to make us believe
IM VERY UPSET! i don't like being lied to and i don't like thieves. and i especially don't like being lied to by thieves! if anyone is wondering, this is directed at anurag mishra. they stole a poem called "sticks and stones". im not sure if it's still on their page or not, but that doesn't matter. they still plagiarized and they'll do it again
Steele Sep 2015
Sweet dagger, pierce that midnight beauty,
that walks like cloudless climes and starry skies.
Go now, men, and do your duty.
Steal the schemes of other rhymes.

I am the captain of my ship; I am the master of metre and time.
I've mastered the art of thieving wit.
I've stolen the fame of men long dead
and staked my claim to the fruits of their minds.
I can write words yet unsaid;
But I've not the mind;
I've not the inclination;
I've not the creativity
to write my own lines.

If this rings too close to home,
perhaps you ought to write your own.
More likely though,
you'll just steal mine.
Found one of my poems on another poetry web site today.
This is why sharing my poetry is hard. Some **** is just going to try to use it to get known. Joke's on you, random dude. With a word, I could make you famous.

You sure you want that?
Francie Lynch Jun 2015
Words and sentences
I hear are mine;
I won't cite you,
It's not a crime;
Yet you may read
Your words in rhyme,
And see my name
Ascribed as author.
I don't profer
One excuse:
Switching phrases
In our pockets.
XIII May 2015
You endure the pain of laboring words from your insides
Like giving birth to a new life
Bare your whole soul and let them bleed into a piece of paper
And this process repeats over and over and over

But then your precious child was stolen
You're slowly eaten by anger, your teeth gritted
You're reminded of the emotions you put into creating that child, including the pain
You want to vent the anger, your hands shaking

But you cannot do anything but to punch in the wind
Though your patience is weighing thin
You felt molested, violated
You're just hoping they wouldn't forget about the rule that is golden
“Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.”

― Confucius

So this is how it feels to be plagiarized. I know my poem was just appreciated, that was why it was copy-pasted and posted, but you can re-post a poem or like it if you really appreciate it. Not in that "copy-paste" way. I hope no one will ever do that again to a co-poet. And I hope we, here in Hello Poetry, as well as the administrators of the site, can do something about plagiarism.
Edna Sweetlove Jan 2015
Edna's alter ego ORLOK advises you not to trifle with him in his 8th poem*

Who would dare to mock the great Count Orlok,
Mighty vampire bat and ace sodomiser?
No one at all, I tell you, my old **** -
Against that I'd be a strong advisor.

But if anyone e'er dared to steal my poems
I'd surely rip their ******* throat apart;
They'd be opening a veritable can of worms -
And who cares if it were a guy or a ****?

So beware of stealing aught from this wicket bat
Who flutters above your house by night;
I'll surely find out just where you're at
And then may Satan pity you in your plight.

Anyone who steals my poems is condemned to Hell
And their death pains will be truly grotty;
Since, in spite of the really awful smell,
I'll stuff eight inches up their dying botty.
Molly Jan 2015
Art is either plagiarism or revolution,
we've all
heard that
It feels like
originality is impossible
when only given
characters to work with,
and so
these are not
my thoughts,
this does not
belong to me,
I am
writing the same things
that all those before me have written.
We are either replicas or denying it.
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