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Ayn Dec 2019

Growing numb in the icy late December,
turning a strawberry sheen and stiffening up,
like a dead body, when left unmoved.
Writing this becomes incredibly harder
with each passing stroke I make.
I bet it's impossible to read this
I go to a bench in a field where I write several poems in my notebook I got recently, so all the ones written there will have the date written above the poem.
My fingers hurt so much when I came back inside, because I can't write with gloves on.
Lace Nov 2019
Ache in my chest
A shake in my hands
Zoned out gaze
I saw this coming
I like to ignore
The red flags
Bhill Oct 2019
The pain of it all
Sometimes it’s too much for us
What do you do then

Breathing is hard when in pain
Sleeping is hard when in pain
Ouch, that hurts is all I got

The pain of it all
Sometimes it's too much for us
What do you do then

Brian Hill - 2019 # 247
What's your pain level?
Zane Smith Sep 2019
I love you still
as time is killed,
the three words remain
I wish I could tell you over and over.
but it doesn't work anymore
this "healing time" feels like a chore
here I am feeling emotions galore.
junior year please end
you have caused me hell,
I'm going through it can't you tell?
I have hope for the future
I know this will pass,
I want you gone and far away
but another part of me only wants you to stay.
to stay and never leave
never leave my arms.
My arms hold my heart tight
my heart is broken,
broken and devastated
another very old poem from when my heart was healing itself subconsciously through this poem
jilli Jul 2019
i wish you and her was still you and i, instead of your hand in hers it’d be your hand in mine. if i still had you everything would be fine. but you move on so fast, and i’m not sure how or why. do men just not have feelings? use us to waste their time? pretend to fall in love for the fun of it? then just let us cry?
I don’t even remember writing this and I just found it in my drafts
Özcan Sh Jun 2019
Broken heart pieces are
sharper than a knife.
lilyloon May 2019
i make
you into other with
my words. into lost
ink drip-drip-
drip into wooden
splinter or cement
wall you cannot hear
into an ocean i am
one one side of it and i thought i
felt you across the basin writing me a
letter but you have
swallowed the other
shore. is it better to feel you
as ink splinter cement the
void of a destination disappeared or
as what you
my sun, you haven’t
called me
some hurt, i haven’t heard from her
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