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Sameer Omles Mar 2021
We are someone,
WHo knows expectations hurts
But we still expect something from someone...
We know what hurts us,
And still we get hurt...

Dawn Treader Mar 2021
Forgive me
I am on the mend
My vagus nerve
Seemingly cut
Has made it difficult
For me to breathe
The blow was sudden
The pain severe
What's the consequence
Of a severed nerve?
One of such importance?
An irregular heartbeat,
Unbridled anxiety,
Laborious speaking,
An ambush attack.
The day before
I was loved
And now I am not
I feel like I have failed in many aspects of my life, especially when it comes to keeping a relationship together.
Àŧùl Jan 2021
When I was loved,
When I was wanted,
When I was treasured...

Now a decade after a great accident,
New memories fail to form for long,
And the past refuses to be forgotten...
My HP Poem #1903
©Atul Kaushal
Tim Roo Kie Nov 2020
People come into our lives and go...
Each person has a role to play,
Rather it is a strong link or weak..

Like a tree, the leaves began to fall...
Wilted and dies but its purpose is fulfilled,
To become manure to feed the new growth

Some people drifts away like driftwoods
Making known no imprints in your life
Gone with no importance
Without showing any memory of their visit,

Some people are there to be Hinderers
Or perhaps, for gains
To improve our patience and stability,
The stronger stays put as your friend
No matter how spiral the situation might be,

Nothing can crack the bond you have built
Through by God, the friendship will not falter
But grows to a perfect perfection,
It holds together through life problems

Head on with memories lasting a lifetime
The weaker will dissipates like the dry winds

Scatter whichever way the wind blows
Neither here, neither there
Just a weak link totally without trust
Neither here, neither there
Scattering in the wind

But one thing I know for sure is,
People come, people go,

What we had was such a long time ago.
You hurt me with your creed,
All you were worried about was your greed.
Once again for my heart you apply,
But saying I love you this time would be a lie.

You've made everything complicated for me,
Why can't you just let me breathe?
So just let this go, let it go,

Because this time I'll have to tell you "Hell Nah"
I locked up my heart and threw away the key,
I'll never let it go, I'll keep it forever like it's my abductee.

People come, people die,
Saying "I Miss You" this time would be a pretty ******* lie.
So I just wanted you to know that I'm leaving.

It might not be now...
Not tonight...
Not tomorrow or the day after...
But someday...
It'd be unpredictably someday...
And never you dare to say you "Missed Me" while I'm gone.
This piece is for those who have been hurt and feels like giving up. I was once toiled, but I kept on striving till I prevailed.
You asked me for the truth
So I told you the truth
Babe, it aint my fault
That you don't like what I told you

You asked me for the truth
So I told you the truth
Babe, you should know that honesty
Is the only thing I can do
it's not my fault that the truth hurts you
Ila Apr 2020
You may think that I’m going to be talking about the word and feeling “love”. I may or may not be. It really depends on you, the reader, to determine what this “love” is.

Love ******* hurts. Love is time consuming. Love is demanding. Love will require you to swim the depths of the ocean and cross the largest of deserts. Love will not make it easy. Love is the thing you fear the most. Be it the monster under your bed with the red beady eyes and the horribly yellow teeth, or the 1,000 foot drop from the sky, plummeting downwards as you feel your stomach drop. Love will leave you bleeding dry from the things you do just for love. Love will not even realize that you are doing those things for love.

But love will repay you. In ways you won’t understand. Love will be for you during the worst times. Love will listen to you and encourage you to be your best self. Love does not even realize that love is doing these things for you, love is just doing them.

Love will not realize the effect on you.

For me, it has always been me crossing the deserts, swimming the oceans, bleeding dry just to please love. When will it be love’s turn? Maybe today, tomorrow, or a time that I’m no longer here.

I think love has been repaying me every since I started loving love. Maybe love has a different way of expressing love. Maybe the love that love gives is sweet, pure, and just. Maybe I just need to open my eyes to see that love will not cross a desert for me because love is standing right there beside me. Love will not bleed me dry, for love is the one rushing though my veins. Love is not the monster, love is the light. Love is not the fear of the fall, love is the trust fall, knowing you’ll fall right back into love. Love does not realize what I do for love because love is too busy loving me.

And now, I am grateful enough to see it.
Rinasekhon Sep 2020
The collateral fiction of Waves
The sounds of echoes scream as I strained by my body by the beat of the music  
Tears pouring down on my  makeup
You can hold me down if you want to
I don't really mind 'cause I'd like to
Feel love, how it hurts,
Guillotined of principles killing my subconscious thoughts of the injustice
When we cling on each other bodies doesn't matter the weather changes on over the collide of pauses
And I was writing poetry about you every day
And yeah, I know that things
They never tend to stay the same
But I don't think you love me and it kills me every day
Burned out by the red cuff of over lining shine
The word we're unimaginable
By the colorful pigments of fools
Like the collision of her blames that blinds her before she flies higher than the stars
Blink of the moon and the perpendicular crimination of crimson cream
Bloom all over the sky of orange and blue
The sense of unhappiness is so much easier to convey than that of happiness. In misery we seem aware of our own existence, even though it may be in the form of a monstrous egotism: this pain of mine is individual, this nerve that winces belongs to me and to no other. But happiness annihilates us: we lose our identity
What was she supposed to feel
What was she supposed to do
In the different universe, how was her story gonna end
So many victims tattered her eager thoughts
It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock than to fall in love with someone who doesn't know what they mean to you.
Let her sin away her thought of us
Let her devils ruin her soul and peace of mind
Pictures of her burns alive as the wave take her away
Hi, I am back after so long hope u guys enjoy this... Ciao... See ye soon till next time
Mark Wanless Sep 2020
i am not a monk
from tibet just want to say
**** happens it hurts
Dream Aug 2020
I'm a fool to be typing this out. I know you're doing good without me. I know you're taking all the anger out at the gym. I think I saw you drive past me last night. Or so I wished.

I hope you're well. I hope your dreams seem closer now. I hope you're at peace, Knowing that you don't have one crazy girl to be forced to text or call every day. At peace with your phone switched off, focusing on your work how you said things would be if I hadn't walked into your life.

I've typed this out, Knowing I can't hit the send button. Knowing I'm going to delete this anyways.

I'll always love you. I stopped hoping to stop loving you. I love you still. And always will.
I couldn't send this to him. So I posted this here.
Nilia Loh Aug 2020
If words could pierce through you,
My poems will let you know how I feel.
But some things words can't express,
On days the skies are depressed.
If I could...I'll lend you my heart,
So you'll feel how it hurts.
I'll lend you my eyes,
So you'll see how much I cried.
I'll lend you my mind,
So you'll know that I'm not fine.
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