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Ava Courtney Mar 2021
At 2:52 a.m as you dozed off to sleep, I hung up the phone.
That's when I realized what the meaning of happiness was,
I found a natural drug for all my pain and anxiety.
It's your voice, your smile.
I'm in love with your smile.
I'm in love with you and I haven't even touched your skin.
I've fallen in love with your soul. I’ve found the light I've been searching for.
How can I be in love with someone that I’ve never met in the flesh?  
You're trapped between pixels on a phone
Between the muffled words
Poor connections,
And long pauses.
You brought light to the darkest parts of me,
You make me feel safe from the things that hurt inside.
And I know we are both broken but you took my heart and placed it back together.  
At 2:52 a.m I thank the universe for bringing us together
Because the odds of us ever meeting were slim.
Now its 2:53 a.m. and I realized that I can never tell you this.
Nathalie Hill Mar 2021
in the bottom of her heart
She knew she would always be in love with him.
their memories will always haunt her
despite how much she tries to erase his memory.
He was her one true love.
dabble Mar 2021
With him
I'm already in heaven
With him
I'm all ready for hell even
Nighttime notepads
Ana Mar 2021
in the movies
we are supposed to hate the bad guy.
the villain, the one who ruins everything.
but we continue to watch,
because the bad guy keeps us hooked.
he always leaves us wanting more,
wondering what will happen next.

i get it now.

you've got me hooked.
and i can't escape you.
i don't want to escape you.
you and your twisted ways.
Kitty Mar 2021
Maybe when I’m older it will hurt a little less
The pain you receive from feeling
When I’m happy I’m sad because
I realise the happiness won’t last forever

And I always feel bad because happiness is so subjective
I’m sad because I can’t see my friends
Some kids are sad because they’re starving

I don’t cry anymore
Because if I start crying I know I’ll never stop
Sad, right?

I’ve got him
But he’s not enough sometimes
To distract me
It’s an ever-going saga.
I can never quit

My sadness started when I was 12
On a bridge
I didn't know him
He was Middle aged
Grabbed me
Groped me
My first 'Adult Problem'
This isn't my best poem but I feel like I needed to write it to validate my emotions
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2021
I hold him close as I can
Can't make the past go away
Can't erase pain or sadness
Memories hold him captive every day
Written 3-7-20
Eli Apr 2021
Demon of the light,
Standing by my side,
Showing me the way,
Saying it’s okay,
The only person who makes me feel safe
Poppy Rusert Feb 2021
To the one who loves him next,
There are few things you should know first,
If you are taking him out for a fest,
You should know he doesn't love hard crust.
You must know that his sleeping habits are late nights,
And he likes it in a silent game,
If you ask its gonna be a tough fight,
know that he can't be tamed.
He loves his projects more than anything else
Sometimes he does the overtime.
Never consider yourself any less,
He is slow in adjusting the time.
His ambitions are high, visions are rare,
he follows his heart in the passion of art,
sometimes you may feel it's not fare
but don't try to hold, he is smart.
Know his style, know his life, know his heart,
though you may love him now,
but I loved him first.
I have cared and flourished him,
but you complete him now.
Don't judge my love for him
Coz for me, nothing could change to call him my last.
when I miss his habits, miss his presence, his smile, his scent, and I want to go back and hug him, but someone is caring for him now, she must know this, he is my first and last.
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