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zee Apr 2019
i always had a type.
guys who played guitar.
so i don't know why i'm still surprised
when they mistake my heart strings as guitar strings.
i **** at titles aha
Kewayne Wadley Apr 2019
I've often thought of guitar lessons
Learning the strings to your heart.
To pluck away for hours on in
Learning your gentle curve.
Your inner most thoughts, desires.
An ecstasy that fills the air,
That first takes place with beating hearts.
The first sound that changes lives.
The sound of how deeply I've fallen for you.
Plucking away insecurity after insecurity,
An emotion sincerely felt
Caught in your sultry moan over & over again.
You laid in my arms, in a caress that makes life more beautiful .
Through extension, how much a single moment can mean.
Discovering the best feeling when you stare back at me,
Cradled in my arms.
An undying language no one can take from you or I.
Our loudness the things we've always wanted to say.
Our loudness a passion that makes my heart tap.
Learning the strings to your heart.
Loser Mar 2019
“You are failing math, but you still take the time to play guitar.
And because of this you can’t calculate the probability of how impossible it is for you to make it.
play the lottery, your chances won’t change.”

I hate how you are right.
Kushal Mar 2019
Under a tree he sits and sings,
strumming away to his heart's desire.
A man with a thought,
And a heart filled with fire.

You can hear it in his voice,
Both the pain and the pleasure.
The roughness from his throat,
As he tells you what he treasures.

You'll never see him without that guitar at his side.
He may lie when he speaks,
But there's no mistaking the truth when he sings.
Roselyn Mar 2019
────────────────╔╝    it ­ ╚╗────────────────
────────────────╬  calls     ╬──────────────── ───────────────╬     to me╬───────────────
────────────────╬     this   ╬────────────────
────────────────╚╗   s    ╔╝────▐▀──────────
─────────────────╚╗i  ╔╝─────▐───────────­
──────────────────║x ║──────▐───────────
──────────────────║s ║─────██───────────
──────────────────║t ║──────────────────
──────────────────║r ║──────────────────
──────────────────║i ║──────────────────
─────────────╔═╝beauty.       ­╚═╗─────────────
────▐▀▀▀▌───╔╝            calluses      ╚╗──────­──────
────▐───▌───║    collide as i               ║────────────
────▐───▌───╚╗        fret                  ╔╝─────­───────
───██─▐█▌────╚╗     over this      ╔╝─────────────
──────────────║   tune               ║──────────────
─────────────╔╝        notes         ╚╗─────────────
────────────╔╝ are found              ╚╗────────────
───────────╔╝ fingers overlapping   ╚╗───────────
──────────╔╝           music unfolding    ╚╗─────▐▀───
──────────║          lyrics closing                 ║─────▐────
──────────║                         as this old       ║─────▐────
──────────╚╗              guitar goes          ╔╝────██────
───────────╚╗     back to                    ╔╝───────────
────────────╚═╗    rest      ­          ╔═╝────────────
i tried **** (doesn't work on mobile btw)
Merinda Feb 2019
A man and his guitar
Playing melody to redeem the sonar
Walking down the street to find a star
Bringing some heartbreaks on his jar
Cross the distance that seem so far
Wish he could numb the scar
And win the war
Lewis Irwin Feb 2019
4 years ago you walked into my life,
I remember when you first walked up the stairs.
You were extraordinary and your beauty was knife-like,
The impact you'd have in my life; I wasn't prepared.

You tamed me; my anger, my sorrow, and my pain,
Taught me how to appreciate things in a new way.
I didn't reciprocate for a bit and for that I apologise,
And if I could go back in time I would; that's no lie.

Everyday I need to hold you tight,
My days aren't the same without your dulcet voice.
I love the way you sing me to sleep in those insomnia ridden nights,
I promise to hold you, cherish you and your lasting light,
Elisé, I will love you for the rest of my life.
Jonathan Helling Feb 2019
cups of
earl gray,
cans on cans
on cans of
lukewarm beer;

to the squeals
of my guitar,
I sustain

a broken back/
a liquid diet.
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