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Gargee Pareek Sep 2018
And I hold an ocean full of you
inside of me
swimming too deep
can barely breath
stuck in your melody
all day/night on repeat

I find you at a place
where feelings outweigh reasons
and words fall short
where the heart only knows
what it seeks

The sunset in all its glory
all the orange outside the lines
splayed on the faces
Yours and mine

And when the dying star breathes its last peace
I look into your eyes and see me.
George Krokos Sep 2016
Out of the fullness of being comes many a blessing
about which most people really can only be guessing.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's
Sanober Khan Aug 2015
Love me like a plum tree
in full bloom
bursting against a cloudless
crystal-blue sky

love me like tender mist
descending over
an endless
rugged mountain road

love me...with all the abandon
of a sudden wild rain

with all the mysteriousness
of deep midnight
forest echoes

love me like tears
glistening on cheeks

love me
in all my seasons
in all my phases

with all the wholeness
of light in the heart

with all the rights
and all the wrongs

but love me, especially
when life
tears me apart
and i am living in half

love me
with all the fullness
of a moon
a flower...
a breath...
a kiss.
handsinspace Nov 2014
finding a symphony in the brief hum of daily life
Ten words inspired by PrrtyBrd's 'a bit 'o nothing'

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