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Am I alone?
Is this Earth my prison to roam?
Is there something to me
That's corrupted to the bone?
Am I alone?
Will this house ever become a home?
It's hard to have faith,
When hatred is all I've known
Maybe I spoiled all the kindness I was shown
Buried in soil, now a flower's finally grown
Am I alone?
Is my fate truly written in stone?
It's a silent night in the Twilight Zone
And yet, I still fight with all the life in my bones
Before I meet the Father by his heavenly throne

Am I alone?
Are these crimes mine to atone?
They say you only reap the fruits
Of the seeds you've sown
Maybe I spoiled all the kindness I was shown
Buried in soil, now a flower's finally grown
Am I alone?
Will this house ever become a home?
I'm starting to lose faith,
While I'm waiting by the phone
Am I alone?
Is my fate truly written in stone?
It's a silent night in the Twilight Zone
And yet, I still fight with all the life in my bones
Before I meet the Father by his heavenly throne
Let it be known.
One my more renowned pieces. See me perform it on TikTok or Instagram @ Key.the.creative
Maria Etre Jan 9
"I oddly miss you",
slipped off her
like a waterslide  

That's when the heart
"*** did I just feel?"
Samuel Oct 2024
So afraid he, (of) duplicity,
he locked himself away in his tower.

When he'll leave, no one can say,
until the appointed hour.

Through falling leaves, and fire's hearth,
fresh dew and Summer's harvest.

He hides and waits behind locked gates,
in his tower, filled with avarice.

For you see, this tower is not empty,
nor, hollow, echoing or cold.

It's filled to bursting, with such great treasure, worth even more than gold.

No gold, nor silver, no precious stone, gathers dust in these thick walls,

Something far more hallowed, abstract and rare,
adorns and decks the halls.


A simple thing, yet complex in itself.
And those who earn it, and give it freely
Are seen to have great wealth.

Hard to find, hard to give,
Difficult to buy and without, live.

Easy to break, easy to lose,
Easy to foster with those you choose

Bonds worth more than any bond,
Without it, life's joys abscond.


What worth has treasure,
or hoarded wealth, if not spent and shared or given?

If you harbor it, keep it, and clutch it tight, everything for which you've striven?

Just dust and dust, ashes and tears,
Loneliness and paranoia collected for years

As valuable as it is, the tighter you hold,
Trust becomes worthless, a Fool's Gold.

For Trust left to stagnate, rot and fester,
Becomes useless, and to the soul, a fetter

But see! A crack, a flaw overlooked,
In this stalwart bastion.

A window, a portal, through which shines a light,
Igniting dormant passion.

Across the moat of sorrow,
And over the walls of grief,
Through halls filled, yet hollow,
Shines a tempting belief.

The light of hope, the sparkle of joy,
The shimmer of dreams and fate

And on the winds of change, a sound,
A whisper to contemplate.

"Trust me," calls a distant voice,
A tempting change to his current choice

"Some of yours for some of mine,
We'll make the trade, and it'll be fine."

He stands paused before the door, thinking, "No, I've heard it all before.

You say 'some of that, for some of this'
Then something will surely go amiss.

You'll break my trust,
leave my heart stinging,
and go off happy, merry, singing.

And I'll be left, betrayed, alone,
with one more hurt etched in my bone."

"Alone," he says, looking around,
At his desolate sanctuary, devoid of sound.

"Is it worse," he mumbles with chagrin,
"Than this bleak hell I placed myself?

But surely I must remain vigilant, and guard my bountiful wealth."

"Only," he murmurs, pacing now,
"To look at it, all I see is stuff.

Bountiful? Valuable? Yes and yes,
but certainly more than enough.

And what is its value, truly, to me
Besides something to trade, to barter?"

And he suddenly filled with certainty,
He'd die alone, a false martyr.

He hauled at the doors,
rusted from disuse,
Man and door made a terrible groan

"No! Not yet, my future's not set,
I have yet time to fill my home!

With faith and joy, love and more,
I'll fill it with those things by the score."

So saying, and with one final heave,
He tore open his castle door.

Doors flung wide,
on the threshold he stood,
A thin smile and challenging glower,

"Come one, come all, and barter with me,
For now is the appointed hour!"

And as he filled his spacious abode,
I believe I'll finish this rambling ode,

I rhymed too much, there's barely a pace,
And the metaphors are all over the place.

Too, I'll say, halfway through,
it became more of a flex.

A challenge to myself, and to you,
To make the verbiage ever more complex.

But at the core of the matter,
on a serious note,
is a thought that should be engaged

The matter of trust and broken hearts,
Hope, that the pieces be salvaged.

For just as easily,
he could have deafened his ears,
And shuttered his heart some more,

But I, as Writer, naive as I am,
Had him ignore the pain from before.

Is this a reflection of me? Or you?
Perhaps both. No, probably me.

But everyone shares a similar pain,
Even if others can't see.

So to bring this to a close,
with less metre than prose,
My message, stated more simply,

Trust and hope,
those precious things,
spring eternally!
A shot in the dark at poetry, with no prior knowledge of formatting or pace.

I wrote this spontaneously, in under 12 hours, because the first four lines popped into my head while watering the garden, and I couldn't put it down until it felt like it was done.
Anais Vionet Aug 2024
Although we’re just moving in,
It feels like we’re lived in these rooms forever.

I can’t look around without the past coming out to play.
These ivy halls are sticky with memories now.

The movers left a while ago and I took a moment to loiter,
on our red corduroy couch, and watch my roommates settling in.

There’s an irony, for me, in the subconscious ways I adapt
to the people who surround me. Whether it’s the way I dress, talk,
laugh, act, or the things I become interested in. There’s no ossifying here.

We’ll pick up our books tomorrow and do some last minute shopping.
I’ll walk out paths to classes. I know the campus but I’m a relentless planner.

Classes start Wednesday, that’s when circumstances will take over -
the schedules and studies - we’ll mold our lives into the larger ecosystem.
A song for this:
Dreams Via Memories by Ceramic Animal
The Hardest Part by Olivia Dean
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 08.21.24 :
Ossify = opposed to change, hardened and inflexible.
Lea Aug 2024
I just want to get it all out,
so that the black hole is smaller.
is just a poem about me, my feels.
Lea Aug 2024
solo quiero sacarlo todo,
para que el agujero ***** sea mas queño.
is just a poem about me, my feels.
Àŧùl Jun 2024
Enter 2014, the jungle became a democracy,
And elections were held.
The lion won and became the king,
And the opposition were decimated.
A similar thing happened 5 years later,
And the hyenas all united beyond factions.

2024, the elections were held yet again,
The earlier king got lesser votes.
But the lion was chosen the king anyway,
Still, the hyenas behaved as if they won.
The prince of hyenas, 53 years of age,
Claimed a moral victory and they celebrated.

It's like the silver medalist celebrating,
And their minions are to blame.
We voted without thinking,
And they capitalised the game.
Everything they did to build the jungle,
Into a paradise went down the drain.
My HP Poem #1971
©Atul Kaushal
Zack Ripley Feb 2024
You can be hurt, but not feel pain.
You can be scared even though you seem safe. You can feel trapped even when you're alone because everyone processes their own experiences and emotions differently.
It's all valid.
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