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Vyiirt'aan Dec 2017
I faced the bunnies of the apocalypse.

Their glare - ever so piercing,

In purity, ceasing discontinuity,
the emotions so effervescent
Borderline present
in despair, the infernal chase

In a hellbent daze I secluded myself
From the vertigo of suicide, I was in a dazzle
The warmth of despair enveloping me
In golden hue.

                   ­                          near

The effulgence of the universe darkened
my eyes.

The spinning epitome, ever so frightening
Enlightening, it drew

The ambient visions speak       -       the devil sleeps
I stood amongst the burnt umber
in my heart.

The putrid dirt stains, the chocolate emulsion
Gagging me in repulsion, in absurdity of thee
The abominations dominate all

of my intention.

ambient bunny chocolate dazzle effulgent frightening spinning suicide universe vertigo
so effulgent*
the daffodils of brightest shade
so effulgent
bold trumpets e'er magnificent
they grew along the esplanade
showing a splendid tonal grade
*so effulgent
K Balachandran Jan 2017
This effulgent, white  cactus flower,
a bright thought, a creative impetus
from an eternal source, ever present
in spite of the  callousness all round,
emerging in the whistling desert of mind
like it happens after a single day of rain
tells me how beautiful things would turn
when within a bright thought blooms
defeating all thorny fruitlessness of life.
All prayers are only self inducements to activate the inner resources, ever present,when darkened  areas of brain will light up with the energy self generated,and things start to fall in place...
K Balachandran Sep 2015
A  deep rumbling,reverberates
triggering a yearning for fusion
from the limitless inner sky.
A flash of lightening touches
heaven , earth and roots of being,
starting a chemical change,
in a moment of divine communion.
From the mere carbon, just the mundane
a diamond is born, in the womb of time,
don't let it fall off from the layers of passion.
hold it together in cupped hands
carry on all through the journey, til end.
I didn't know then,
a pearl falls out, when it gets
ripe within the oyster
can't remain hidden.
Your eyes told me without words
about the essence of that immortal moment
I touched your burning brows
and got electrified, glowed
with my touch you floated
as a flower in that scented air
I felt a peacock feather dipped
in your love, caressing my burning heart.
Takhallus Sha'er May 2015
Nights like tonight are the hardest;
Clear bluish black skies-
the deepest velvet cradling the full moon...
These nights are hardest, because I
still remember her silhouette
in silvery moonlight; My angel,
my darling, sleeping peacefully
as I cradle her close...
A dream come true, but now-
just a dream; One borne of
clear bluish black skies-
the deepest velvet cradling the full moon...
Nights like tonight are the hardest.
Lost between the moon and New York city...

— The End —