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you were not Gifted

now you are split
not merged
not strong

your butterfly
has malformed wings

unable to comprehend

I thought you could be a
role model
an example on
who I should be

but now I see
you showed me what I must do
but not how to do it

you do not understand
you don't know

the beautiful thing
you could have become

you are lost

I inherited this creature, this Monster
from you

but I understand it
accept it
embrace it!

my Metamorphosis will succeed
Alii Semper Vincemus!
you will see
I will show you

you are broken
clinging desperately to
you must see that it's not working
you will break
and then you will see

I love you anyway
You failed your Metamorphosis
failed your Monster
failed yourself

I will learn from your mistakes
I am Dr. Jekyll but I have a Miss. Hyde,
Miss. Hyde i struggle each day & try to hide,
It’s a constant battle, a constant war,
I feel it want to crawl out from my core

I wear my masks, the faces of happy & bright,
To hide the bitter inner struggle, out of sight,
Long ago due to pride, my soul I would sell,
I feel Miss. Hyde waiting & wanting to break-free & rebel.

Miss. Hyde, in the mirror I see its sinister grin,
A creature born from a prideful sin,
Lurking, I know what it wants, I know it’s biding its time,
Watching & waiting for a moment of weakness to climb.

It comes with a malicious voice, it starts to speak,
When night falls, I cannot let sloth take over & be weak,
Miss. Hyde whispers, its urges to be let out is strong,
Filled with greedy wants it knows is wrong.

But i resist & i fight to keep it in its cage,
Miss. Hyde hates it with a wrathful rage,
I lock it up, i hide the creature deep,
But its gluttony is overflowing & can seep.

My freedom it may envy, but it will never see the light,
So let Miss. Hyde’s madness shout, claw & bite,
I will tame the beast, as I alone hold the key,
To keep Miss. Hyde from running free.

In the depths of my despair, it lingers there,
Miss. Hyde’s lustful wants are hard to bear,
But i choose to be good & do what is right,
Even if for the rest of my life I must fight.

And I may have sold my soul,
Miss. Hyde may try to take control,
But i battle on & will never yield,
I still know right from wrong, that is my shield.

So i will strive & no sin will i abide,
Though Miss. Hyde may reside inside,
And the creature may try to get into my head,
I’ll tame the beast & never will I allow it to be fed.
I did something fun in this poem, lets see if you can figure it out, let me know if you know what it is or need a clue, Enjoy.
Ankush 3d
They walk .. slowly.

Flashing her distance... happily.

She follows the path... patiently.

She swallows the water... She walks.
Scared not , She walks .

She ran-
Breath quickened, fastened heart.
He stalks-
The eyes widened , sharp as steel.
She falls.

They come ...
She ran.
She falls -
She crumbled.

The way she got upset
The light she got stared...
The way she accepted ..
Her fate ensnared.

The way he was happy,
The evil bestowed
The way they asked her,
And she followed.
A girl being manipulated by some people ends up falling in their trap , because of her gullible nature, and unwillingness to fight back.
A bird trapped in a cage cannot fly

I am a bird trapped in a cage
But oh how I yearn to soar

If that bird is set free
It will soar and fly
It will come back.

I was a bird trapped in a cage
Oh how I yearned to be free

When I was set free
I soared and flew
And I came back
Because I was given freedom
Gideon 4d
I have this fear.
I live under its control.
I follow its instructions to the letter.
I avoid its anger and shudder at its mere presence.

I want to reach out and grow,
but I am trapped by glass
walls custom-made for me.
They call it a gift,
this body of mine,
but every month it gnaws at itself,
chews the lining of my womb,
spits out blood like a sacrifice
to a world that does not care.

I step outside,
eyes crawl up my skin like ants,
like maggots,
like fingers that never asked for permission.
A whistle slits the air—
a razor against my spine—
I swallow the bile, keep walking.

Mother said, don’t wear that
Father said, boys will be boys
I say nothing—
only dig my nails into my palms,
so deep the crescent moons bloom red.

I dream of shedding this skin,
peeling it back like an overripe fruit,
scraping out the parts that feel *****,
that feel weak,
that feel like they do not belong to me.
I want to be new,
to be sharp,
to be something they cannot touch.

But even in dreams,
they chase me.
Even in dreams,
I run.
Linden Lark Feb 28
They say…  
it wasn’t messy  
until the cat.  

The cat just wanted to play,  
but somewhere along the way,  
she ran into a human like us.  

Together, they began  
to play with the red string.  

They say…
before the human,  
there was no method to the string—  
just thrown about,  
knotted inexplicably.  

But then man came  
and saved the day.  
The string and cat said, “Hooray!”  

They say…
man showed up  
with rules:  
“The string isn’t a toy,  
it’s a tool.  
Throwing it about  
would be cruel.  
People could trip,  
and one day,  
the string could rip.”  

They say…
they all agreed  
to move the string  
to a different corridor,  
behind a big door.  

“Any questions?”  
A little hand rose up.  
She was lost in the crowd,  
a girl I hadn’t noticed before.  

Her question sent ice to my core:  
“Then why is there red string  
all over the floor?”  

I snapped,
“There is no red string  
on the floor!”  
If they hear her question
Will it be safe for us anymore
The air grows heavier
Much too heavy to breathe
The sounds of heavy footsteps
Now growing louder than a horn
I’ve never heard knocks like this before
Why does it sound like a war
on the other side of the door?
All for a little girl?
Is that what all of this is for?

But then I looked down  
and barely began to see—  
the red string  
had tangled me.  
And by scolding the girl
Instead of letting it be
Have I sentenced her to a fate
just like me?

Too stunned,  
to speak,  
too stuck,  
to move—  

Her soft knowing eyes met mine
With the truth that mine were too calloused to realize
What They say…
might be too good  
to be true.

They say…
they lived happily ever after
They say…. “They will never all question us anyway.”
They say…
They say the world is orderly, that the rules keep us safe. But what happens when we start to see the tangled threads beneath it all? A Fable Tangled in Red String is a poetic exploration of control, obedience, and the quiet power of questioning what we’re told. Through the lens of a simple game—man, cat, and string—this piece unravels the illusions of order, revealing how easily we become ensnared in the stories ‘they’ tell us. But once we see the string, can we ever unsee it?
-Goat Feb 27
A splitroad lies forth
As I gander north
Will I make it east
Or have i not seen the least

The limbo hides the fork
Same as I've always thought
Now will I reach for the gun
Now that I'm no longer numb
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