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Pete King Mar 2017
I've always marvelled at the human brain,
And the beauty of its complex intricacies.
It can process at speed beyond comprehension,
Its more efficient than any man-made invention,
Until I'm talking to a female... then it just really ***** me over.
Owen Carter Dec 2016
Roses are red,
But also different colors,
One isn't even like any other.
Violets aren't blue,
Violets are violet,
Is that so hard to do?
I guess they chose blue just for a rhyme,
Not lilies or lilac or the spice thyme,
But "Violets are blue", is that such a crime?
Whoever said it didn't have to use blue.
There are other colors that rhyme, like green,
But "Violets are blue"? that's just obscene.
ThatSynGirl Feb 2016
I open up my can of trash
To find the things I've tossed
But as I do, it shines apparent
Those things are "ever-lost"

This simple fact, which I forgot:
My trash can't be displaced
For everything I throw inside
Is dropped in outer space

Recalling this -in retrospect-
I maybe shouldn't have....
Dropped my baby brother in
...Probably won't get him back...
I wrote this for a class assignment about "things you might find in your trashcan".
Stupid Detective!
Mixing up the evidence
Loony Detective!
Helping the culprit
with bad conclusions
and your overall confusion
Bad detectiv!
your senses are defective
it shows!
it shows!

At the crime scene
the vanilla ice creme
was fine
and yellow like a dandelion
though ****** had taken place
a stupid detective
a messed up place
could you please just buck up
and find  a trace

Lame Detective!
You are the one to blame
you put Watson to shame
Shameful detective!
respect this
the law
the civilians
and all their fears
Blank minded detective!
Heavey minded detective!
Blinded detective!
falling to sleep
like all the other sheeps

At the crime scene
the vanilla ice creme
was fine
and yellow like a dandelion
though ****** had taken place
a stupid detective
a messed up place
could you please just buck up
and find a trace
I am The Funny Man

I'm here to make you laugh

I'm the clown behind the sentence

It's the one disguise I have

I am The Funny Man

I'm on at your request

The keyboard spreads my message

I'll try to do my best

I don't know who I am though

Am I funny or sedate

By the time I find the answer

It may just be too late

I am The Funny Man

On strings that you control

I am your funny puppet

Being funny makes me whole

I am The Funny Man

Dancing at top speed

I live to hear the laughter

It"s the laughter that i need

I don't know who I am though

Am I funny or sedate

By the time I find the answer

It may just be too late

I am The Funny Man

I crave to be on top

I don't know how exactly

To make the funny stop

I am The Funny Man

Yes, that's just who I am

Half clown and half man

And you don't give a ****..

I don't know who I am though

Am I funny or sedate

By the time I find the answer

It may just be too late
Arcassin B Jan 2015
By Arcassin B and Mayas

AB: Let me tell you about this egotistical ****** at work today,
I walk in my office right,
I sit down,
I put everything down,
This guy,
Polka dot tie,
And weird gay looking smile,
Ask me did I have an extra pen,
So I'm like,
Wasn't Rosie at the front desk,
Giving out free supplies for everyones office,
Hes yes but I want one from you,
I'm like,
This motherfuker is a ****** for real.

Mayas: The sun was shining,
A glorious day,
Nothing could go wrong.
So I thought...
I get in the shower
There's no warm water...
After a cold shower
I get dressed.
Start doing my makeup...
Stab myself with my mascara.
Have to start again...
This day could not get worse.
After the morning I've had I'm in desperate need of coffee...
A good cup of coffee.
I walk into the coffee shop
The barista is looking mighty fine.
My morning just got turned around.
Of course I try to look cute.
Got the googlie eyes going on,
Try and do a hair flip,
I fall and eat $#!+
It's gonna be a fabulous day.
Funny as hell , thanks Mayas ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Xan Abyss Oct 2014
I want to do things to you
I'm not used to saying in public.
Not because I'm ashamed,
But because I don't wanna scare
any strangers.
Men are gross and probably shouldn't ever attempt graphic *** poetry. Am I right?
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