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Toxic yeti Feb 2019
The next time
I see you my beloved
I was a horrible sight
I started to get into the *****
I say sorry but then
You start to dabble
And we end up
Make love
Euphoric from the *****
I know it’s against your beliefs.
Toxic yeti Feb 2019
I cry all night
I cry all day
Thinking that you
Will never come back
I soon read the love songs of the
6th Dalai Lama
Then you come in
My heart leaps
I lead you to
My bed
We kiss
I ask you your you name
You say that’s it was karma.
Mine was Jin Mai
We continue to kiss
Passionately and fall on
My bed and on eachother
I can feel your hardness
When you undress eacother
And make love
My gentle soul.
You ask why I was so sad
I sad that
I forced to horrible things
And you didn’t care
You pulled me closer
And kissed me
Toxic yeti Feb 2019
I hated being a concubine
Having to be mean to the others
And being taken against my will
Every night
So I disappeared from the palace
During my escape in the south
When I came
I saw you
A beautiful
Almost feminine
Young monk
From the near by shaolin temple
Our eyes connect
Something strange when down my spine
I walk back to my house
Not knowing that you followed me.
When I close the door
I see you
And let you in
The old me would
Say get out
But this is the new me
So I invite you in.
You said that I was
We soon kiss
And hold eachother
In eacother arms
In the safety in my bed
We couple
Then you had to leave
I kissed you
Saying that you are always welcome
For my home is our love nest.
I cry myself to sleep.
Niobe Dec 2018
Merwin saw lions in China.
I found a chessboard on the ceiling.
I saw a hookah in a caterpillar's arms
Cradled like a child.
I found no rabbit
But I did find Alice.
The caterpillar claimed innocence
And I hope he's right.

The white knight never piped up form above,
He never took a step.

I think I'm losing the game.
Chess was never my thing,
But then, dead people were never my thing,
And here I am
And here she is

Those of old saw meaning in the stars.
The stars in her eyes are too cold to hold any
I can't decipher my next move from her eyes.
Stars make terrible chessboards.

I don't think I want to play this game anymore.
Alice is offputting
And the wonder has left

Merwin saw lions in China.
We never made it that far.
an American
tree with
mandarin flute
that made
cute in
her high
shoes where
courtier still
glazed midland
snow with
mistletoe on
this street
as lit
for shop
till the
new year
was shone.
market street in usa
I went to China
to find independence
Instead I was reborn

But I don't know,
I have weird sensations
that I am struggling with the problems
Problems I already solved

Or maybe I am just trying to censor myself
While all I want to do is-- me.
Sharon Talbot Jul 2018
We three met
Beneath the Eye In the Sky,
Above the green-blue lake.

You two were sent for a lesson;
I met you to escape.

Stories from long ago
And old films that you two know
Are shining new to me.

One of you loves me
And to the other
I made love.

But in teaching me your lessons,
(Balzac is our favourite!)
You have taught me not to love.

Let us lie here under the sky
Unwatched by others’ eyes,
Away from what you know.

One day you will accept this place,
But then, I will need to go.

Years from now, if you return,
You will still not find me.

Look for my name
On a candle-lit, paper boat,
In the twilight of
On the blue-green lake.
On the last day of Zhongyuanjie (Hungry Ghost Day), Many families float river lanterns on little boats in the evening. People make colorful lanterns out of wood and paper, and families write their ancestors’ name on the lanterns. The ghosts are believed to follow the floating river lanterns away. Mai’s name may be one one of the lanterns. Luo swims out into the lake to find her.
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