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Samantha Clark Sep 2016
Things to say before you go.
I love you
I'm so very proud
You are amazing
Please be safe
Don't let them tame you
I'll be waiting
I will always be cheesy
I will always cry
I will always think of you
Don't let them change you
I believe in you
Show them who's boss
Stay out of trouble
Make good friends
Be careful of hoochies
Remember my *******
I'm going to cry some more
It's ok to feel/show emotions
Don't let them push you around
I will repeat myself over and over
I love you (again)
You are my happy
I hope to make you smile
I hope to be in your dreams
I hope you remember my kisses
I can't wait till I can kiss you every day
Soon is closer than you think
Soon is still to far away
That is all...
For now...
A million things to say. No words to explain what I want.
Nick Moser Feb 2016
We are taught to do a lot of things in life.

We’re taught how to eat.
How to talk.
How to move.
How to behave.

But why aren’t we taught other important things?

Like how to love?
How to live?
How to fall apart?

Because aren’t those the most valuable lessons anyways?
Thanks Dr. E
Jellyfish Feb 2016
I miss you so much, I'm always longing your touch.
Savannah Becker Feb 2015
Not even twenty four hours
Have come to pass us by 
I can't push the ache away
No matter how hard I try

Not even a single week gone
With nine more left to go
There's never been another week
That's gone by quite this slow

Not even a single month down
With another in the way
Every breath is a little harder
And it's harder to wake everyday

But despite the heartache and the tears
I'm right here by your side
And I promise you with all my heart
That I will be till the day that I die
Bethany Woolsey Nov 2014
To join something that unites
A brother and sisterhood
Together for eight grueling weeks
Learning to work together
To fight side by side
Gain the experience
That can save each others life

At first we felt and seemed hopeless
Homesick and lost
Feeling all alone
Days went on
Days turned into weeks
Finally like a light switch
Everything started to make sense

We came together as a division
We came together as a ship
We came together at the command

We can begin to understand
The meaning behind being a United States Sailor
Ready to go to war
Ready to make peace
Ready to save lives

What our forefathers taught us
Fought and died for
We are proud to serve
This great nation
The United States of America
Graduated RTC (Navy Boot Camp 2014)

— The End —