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The time you gave was precious and bright,  
In little dreams, you lit a light.  

Books that lay covered in dust,  
Now opened again with newfound trust.  

Numbers started to dance and play,  
Hearts began to dream each day.  

A short journey, just a few days,  
Yet the lessons will forever stay.  

A small lamp you chose to ignite,  
Will shine in someone’s future bright.
In this world of capitalism,
we're driven by consumerism.
We act out of a sense of entitlement.
At times, we order others like a servant.

We think we deserve our rights,
and just for that we'll fight.
Just so that we can win,
We'll raise our voice and create a scene.

In our competitive society,
There is so much emphasis on productivity.
We end up becoming exploitative.
Can the outcome really be positive?

We need to think carefully,
if we can live with ourselves comfortably,
when most of our gain,
is built on another's pain.

Perhaps we should really see,
that we're not much different.
You and Me.
There's so much more that we could be.

Be the change that you want to see.  
To others, they might be somebody:
A daughter, a sister, a lover, a wife.
Please give some honour to their life.
In a society where we have migrant workers and domestic maids in our homes, waiters and waitresses serving us at tables, factory workers who are exploited to produce the very clothes we wear. It is a productive society, where people are valued for what they produce, not who they are. Let us start by being the difference, to give each and every person respect, despite their position, to restore more humanity to our society.
Carmen Jane Nov 2020
In a little church, where faithful ones
Are praying everyday for mercy
Then teaching it to their daughters and sons,
Whereof repentance they're always thirsty

In a little church, two famous ushers
Led everyone with smiles and vows
Nose powders and cheek blushers
Are flaking away, then drifting to the clouds

"Good morning, good Sunday!
Blessed shall be your family
All are welcomed here to pray!"
They'll be guided  to their seats, calmly

Yet, for one woman of color
They would never ever smile
They will hide her from father's collar
In the corner, behind the last aisle.

Nonetheless, she'd come all Sundays,
With the bravest faith of all
That one day, they'd change their ways,
They'll learn the truth, beginning small…

In a little church, a young child
Observed all this and had enough
With bare feet and eyes wild,
She went and tugged the woman's cuff

She said to her: "Don't be afraid,
Trust me, this world is gonna change!"
And then a promise she had made
"You'll never have to feel that strange!

You'll feel included, you won't be judged
I'll take you to the best of seats
You'd be listened to and always loved
You'll get to know only good deeds.

I'll raise my kids to be always kind
And never rush to judgment
To love thy neighbor and to find
Ways to observe true faith in many!"

That young child, had wings unseen
As all gasped, hearing her speech
They wondered where their hearts  have been
And how a child their minds can teach.

In a little church, two humbled ushers
Led everyone with smiles and vows
Nose powders and cheek blushers
Are flaking away, then drifting to the  clouds...
I imagined  the injustice it was decades ago and I imagined a brave child taking a stand. I am aware of the injustice today and I wonder why
Rana DiOrio Mar 2020
Go inside.

Not only your home but yourself.

You are being beckoned from within.

The external world has nothing for you now.

It’s time to go inside.

To be.

To feel.

To reflect.

To get real.

To be vulnerable.

To pray.

To forgive.

To meditate.

To listen.

To examine who you’ve become.

To hurt.

To heal.

To let go of what’s holding you back.

To imagine who you want to be.

To be grateful.

To be hopeful.

To love.

To learn.

To grow.

To dream.

Go inside, and stay inside until you are at peace with yourself and our world.
Banana Dec 2015
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"...
But I was born upside down
and instead I am all the things I know I need to change,
but don't.
Until we become responsible, the world isn't going to change.
Marisa Lu Makil Mar 2015
Words can be beautiful
Words can be ugly
Words can make your heart beat faster,
Or tears run down your face.
Words can sew you up with a needle and thread,
Or they can slash holes and scars in you that no matter how many times you fix them, they keep-keep bleeding.

Words can hurt.
The mainstream media feeds us lies.
Our food companies feed us chemicals.
Schools conform to the government.
The government is run by corporations.
We are taught to obey, work and consume.
Are we free?

Can we do something about it?

If you don't know something
look it up because
knowledge is **power.
I have recently been awakened, thus I must search endlessly for the truth.
Jennifer Weiss Sep 2014
There are so many beautiful beings
Out there right now,
I see you all just being
So fascinating and passionate now
And maybe I couldn't see it
Cause I was clouded in darkness
But once I started to be it
I forgot about feeling heartless.

— The End —