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Wide Eyes Sep 2014
'Twas weighing down her petite frame; rendering her weak.
Tugged at her very being; left her anguished and meek
'Out of sight, out of mind,' her rationale whispers everyday.
What happens, though, when she just can't look away?

She shields her face; turns her head in advance.
Ruthlessly judging herself, as she steals a discreet glance
As a mother warns her child, so her rationale intervened.
Yet, by the forbidden always tempted was the little fiend.

Her weak smile they see- no visible scars will they find.
Of the ever-raging battle; heart against mind.
Her feelings tore her open; the wrappings of a Christmas present
An empty box, laden only with pain and disappointment.

A closely guarded secret- it was hers and hers alone.
She sang herself to sleep, willed her heart to turn to stone.
She chose her words carefully lest the world should know.
Her long tresses moist from the tears on her pillow.
Maereo is Latin for sorrow.
Cruel intentions,
laid bare on the table,
dim the sparkle of the champagne,
and the happy smiles slide off,
to fall forgotten
underneath the plates;
your foolish words sneak;
crawling like a snake,
over the rich desserts
laden with sickly sweet toppings,
around the silver spoons-
despising its own marred reflection
and spitting cruel poison onto the very fork I eat from.
Your insensitive words cut me to ribbons,
that you stuff in your pocket
to comfort your dry handkerchief,
where no regret exists for your callousness
or your betrayal;
and the pocket-watch
ticks away-
breaking the silence
after your cast-iron declaration;
You sit so coolly, relaxed;
when the walls that supported this house
are falling down around us-
the banisters and chandeliers frozen solid
by a wave of my cold-hearted fury.
When my pained voice cracks
the glacier above your head,
will you still smile and laugh
as you meet your doom?
Will cool water calm your throbbing ego,
poured so effortlessly by my hand
on to that perfect smile?
The water will fly,
and smother that sour sting
of your pride undisturbed,
Sweeping you off your feet,
and down the river,
where the refuse naturally goes.
You are not the only one who knows how to fight-
and yet,
you find relief in arrogance,
in a momentary victory,
believing you have already won-
But I see the truth of your stupidity-
for, only a  fool wages a war
that no one wins.
Josiah Wilson Sep 2014
Death, blood, violence, death
Everyone eventually
will stop drawing breath
And the sleep comes to all

Eternal and quiet
We lay in these halls
Waiting, still waiting
For our descendants to call

For when they most need us
We'll rise from this grave
And march forth to battle
Their young lives to save

We'll make our way out
With our axes and swords
Though long we have slept
Now we march forth to war

To cleave heads from necks
And to shed the foe's blood
This day shall be won
As we knew that it would

The enemy will cower
And flee to his home
He'll hide away there
And no more will he roam

Death, blood, violence, death
Our enemies fallen
They sleep without breath
As we were, now they are
AW Jun 2012
Vechtend voor een verloren zaak
Doorboort ze maar al te vaak
Haar eigen hart

Voert ze steeds dezelfde strijd
Maar heelt de tijd
Geen wonden

Verschuift met elke stap op haar pad
Het doel dat ze had
Zich verder weg

Toch maakt ze tegen beter weten in
Steeds een nieuw begin
Aan de reis

Pakt ze steeds haar wapens op
IJdel hopend op
De zege
David Hall Sep 2014
I walk into the wind, I stand against the fall
If any would rise against me, I'd stand against them all

I stand against the darkness, the unnecessary night
I stand against injustice, I stand with all my might
Regardless of the challenge I stand my ground and fight

Ten thousand enemies before me, thinking this might be the day
I stand and face the darkness, as ten thousand kneel to pray
I stand against the onslaught for if not I’d fade away

Battle scars adorn me, from every struggle past
Each a test of courage, any could have been my last
I stand against the darkness, the unnecessary pain
I stand and fight each battle
That I might not have to fight again
Vic-Vic Sep 2014
I didn't try hard enough.
t laid in bed doing nothing but cry.
I cried until my eyes got dry.
Who knew that I would let the darkness consume my body?
I felt like a nobody.
It was like I was trapped.
What happened?
Was it all just my imagination?

I tried to go out, but the anxiety just kept coming.
The panic attacks came and I felt like I was choking.
They put me on meds to put the demons away.
My friends helped by being a phone call away.
I was fighting.
I was a fighter.
I was able to smile again.
I was able to eat and laugh.
I was able to leave the house without the worry.
I thought I had the support I needed until that one day.

Both of my friends called me annoying.
They both agreed that calling for rides was an issue.
But worse of all, she told me I didn't try hard enough.
After a year of battling depression and anxiety,
it hurt to read those words,
because I knew with all my heart I did.
It left a deep wound in my chest.
I couldn't stop the crying.
I didn't try hard enough.
Hopeful lights turn off
For the night
Wishing on unseen lucky stars
For a small respite
Before the next battle
You want real darkness
Without bright monitors
And flashing lights
But some wounds are too severe
And must mend before the 'morrow
One green light shines
Like a beacon
Your saving grace
Releasing a sweet numb
Making you forget
A little
About how bad it all feels
Whatever makes the pain go away
And you lay waiting
Hoping tomorrow will come faster
Whatever the outcome
Of the next battle
Please get better soon
Savannah Becker Sep 2014
I don't mean to hurt you
When I don't tell you every thought
I'm just trying to protect your heart
From the pain bound to be brought

Sometimes my head just can't work right
And my heart just makes it worse 
It's just sort of in my nature
To put others first 

I sacrifice my peace of mind
So you can savor what's left of yours
You're battling just as hard as I am 
So I shelter you from my wars

It seems that I'm losing your trust
By not telling you these things 
The loss of trust is better than 
All the pain I'm bound to bring 

So I'm sorry for trying to save you
From the war within myself
I guess I do the most damage
When I'm just trying to help
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