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Colm Nov 2017
Don’t frown
When death is all around my friends
Smile instead
Because all who are going have already gone
And all which held meaning
Was not necessarily meant for long
So smile in time spent within the song
Because you are part of the Ilúvatar
The grandest crescendo of creative sound
To which any one of us beings could've ever belonged or been found
Now harmonize by the light within
For you are the essence of those once gone
Stand still and sing your hearts first song
We are of Eru, we are all Eru.
There once was this universe that only existed in the memory of it's Creator
Named after the Creator's cousin
Early on by the inhabitants of the universe

To its Creator
It only existed 5 or 10 minutes

To its its inhabitants
Time and space
Lasted long enough for them to directly communicate with that which created them

All manor of experience
All types of existence
Was present there

Science discovered Magic as Magic welcomed Science home

When this universe came to an end
Its Creator created a thing that universe had never seen
The creator's creation disturbed the peace and shattered the balance
The Creator's creation was a selfish and ego filled thing.

The creator created a being whose purpose was
be everything
the creator had never seen
Be everything
the creator never had

A being whose only purpose was
do nothing else and only this:

Love the creator like it had never been loved

Doing this warped and then shattered the universe.

© Christopher F. Brown 2017
Colm Nov 2017
The expression you are as you say you are is not true if you actually are not as you say you are.
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