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1.6k · Nov 2017
The last moment
Surya Teja Nov 2017
As each moment passes in my life
And the end comes ever closer
I fail to see how my hourglass
Is running of the sand

You never know when it is
Or how long you have
You'll count the moments passed
But never the moments left

These many days on average
We tell ourselves every time
We never realize that the average
Is not how many for us

To be something in this life
To do something for this world
To find something brilliant
To reach somewhere in the end

Because any moment can be your last
Probably it is in today
Or a few days from now
The clock is ticking and time, running out

To be what you are to be
To understand what the complexity
Of the world, the universe
This is so little time

To be all that we can be
To do all that we can do
This is the only time we have
And it is not nearly enough

Why waste those precious moments?
Why ruin those amazing seconds?
Do what you want to do to be happy
And make use of this little time
Surya Teja May 2017
As I fell down on the ground
Everyone came to help me
But he sat there, unmoved
Who does this guy think he is?

I thought you’ll help me, I said
As I took a seat beside him
I really don’t care, he replied
I grew angry at that remark

I wanted to shout at him
But he’ll do the same again anyway
So I gave him a name
The man who never really cared

He sat there smiling everyday
Had a meal with us everytime
He never really cared, he said
I think that’s just what he said

As the sand in my clock reduced
And so did the light in my life
He was the first to light a candle
And led me to the next rest stop

Why did you help me now? I asked
You never really cared, I added
He gave one of his smiles
“I still don’t” he said as he left

This became a routine in our lives
So long that I started doubting his words
Did he really not care about me?
Or is it something he just said?

He was the first to help me
He was the last to leave me alone
He would rather face his death
Than see me being helpless

Was there apathy in his manner?
Or just among his words?
Contrary to his name, he was never
The man who never really cared
The man who never really cared. We all have a person like this in our life. The one who shows apathy in his manner, but is the first one to come when we need help
473 · Aug 2017
Fading footprints
Surya Teja Aug 2017
Laying under the starry skies
I often think of him
Neither do I know where he is?
Nor when he would be
He shall live in this world
Long after I leave it
But not entirely gone
It is in his hands now
He might be my savior
Or the one who kills me
He is the last living person
Who shall ever remember me
Before him is a choice
That which affects me, not him
To grant me my death
Or increase my immortality
Will he choose to keep me alive?
How can I be sure of it?
Or will he grant me my death?
How can I be sure of this?
I walked on the sands of time
Hoping to leave a trail
To guide the traveling, weary souls
Of those coming after I’m gone
How does a single footprint
stand against the tide of the ocean
How does a single memory
compare to the rush of memories
Each footprint of mine
As I walked on the sands of time
Started fading behind me
Erasing the trace of me forever
And there lie my footprints
Fading, in the sands of time
Like the trace of my existence
Fading away from the world I called HOME
465 · Jun 2018
Surya Teja Jun 2018
I was born emanating from darkness
No bright a source could illuminate me
She was born radiating light
No dark a corner couldn’t be illuminated by her

As I grew, the darkness became intense
Blacking out the best and worst of things
As she grew, the light became brighter
Illuminating anything and everything she touched

Half the world was now bright
And the other half was, without light
We became unique in our own way
When the greatest challenge was just away

To fill the world with darkness, was mine
To illuminate it, was hers
Grandly, I started a journey towards her
Gracefully, she did, towards me

At the center of the world, we met
For the first time, that I’ll never forget
We were there at the boundary
She illuminating me, and me darkening her

It was only then we realized the truth
The eye opening, horrible truth
I had light in my darkness
And she had darkness in light

Then I understood my goal
And she understood hers
We were not different, but we were one
And our journey had long begun

Light filled my heart and darkness filled in her
We didn’t lose our qualities, but embraced the other
Together, neither of our quality did deplete
Because of us, this world became COMPLETE

389 · Nov 2017
Broken Mirror
Surya Teja Nov 2017
I look into the broken mirror
And there I see them both
The courageous man I should be
And the coward I am

I look into the broken mirror
And there I see them both
The influencer I was supposed to be
And the manipulator I have become

I look into the broken mirror
And there I see them both
The man who stood against all odds
And the man who never tried anything

I look into the broken mirror
And there I see them both
The energetic guy I should be
And the tired guy I am

I look into the broken mirror
And there I see them both
The man who can create beautiful art
And the man who despises it

I look into the broken mirror
And there I see them both
The social, friendly guy I was to be
And the lonely, depressed person I am

I look into the broken mirror
And there I see them both
The man who did his work
And the one who cared about everyone else

Both of those people are in me
Waiting for their turns to perform
Who will come forward first?
Who will come forward often?

373 · Jun 2018
Surya Teja Jun 2018
Smell of the first cup of coffee
Text from a best friend
The voice of my family
And the cool morning rain

The milky chai and biscuits
The steaming hot pakode in the rain
Hot daal chawal with ghee
And curd rice with pickle

The melody of my favorite song
And the moves on the dance floor
Singing while taking a shower
And dancing with random moves

Discovering a new song
And playing it till my ears bleed
Singing the song till I find
Someone crazy about it like me

Travelling with my best-friend
And doing crazy pranks on each other
Meeting a new person
And finding we share the same interests

Finishing up of an artwork
Completing writing a poem
Reading a novel entirely
And binge watching TV series

The sound of the ocean
The feeling of sand beneath my feet
The way the waves touch my feet
And beautiful sand castles

These are some of many things
That makes me smile every day
I had many smiles today
Sharing one with you too!
355 · Jul 2017
No More
Surya Teja Jul 2017
Too long have I stayed in darkness
No More
Too long have I ran from the light
No More
Too long have I tolerated mediocrity
No More
Too long have I accepted average
No More
Too long have I felt sorry for me
No More
Too long have I played the victim
No More
Too long have I hurt myself
No More
Too long have I bore this pain
No More
Too long have I fought this war
No More
Too long have I fuelled this conflict
No More
Too long have I played the victim
No More
Too long have I been helpless
No More
No More, will I play the victim
No More, will I feel sorry for myself
No More, will I wait for something
I will make the change by myself
No More, will I hurt myself
No More, will I fight this war
No More, will I tolerate mediocrity
I will become better every day
341 · Nov 2017
Dear Reader
Surya Teja Nov 2017
Dear reader, oh dear reader
I have something to say to you
I've been meaning to talk
In some way or the other

I am a lost, confused soul
Sometimes, even dark and hurting
And all those emotions inside me
Pour out into my writings

I cannot stop those emotions
And sometimes they hurt
But I am not hurt as much as
when you are not there for me

For all these days
You have been here for me
In my brightest days
And few of the darkest

You saw my Insanity
And you helped me find Purpose
You gave me Stories
And made me Complete

I cannot form enough words
To thank you for all you've done
I should create new words
Just to tell you how I feel

But, as a humble writer
I thank you cordially
Forever you shall be here
In a special place in my heart

Thank you, for being there when I needed
Thank you, for listening when I vent
Thank you, for supporting me from behind
Without you, I would have never made the leap

236 · Jul 2017
Surya Teja Jul 2017
Deep down in my heart
I heard some voices
Shouting about the futility
Of my life choices
You are stupid, you are wrong
Your name is known to none
You are boring, uninteresting
Never were you any fun
Look around you to the
best of your days
What are you doing?
Trying to bury your face
Is this your purpose?
Where are you going?
Are you even listening?
Or atleast trying?
You’ll have a great life
All of them said
What have you got?
You have got bled
Why would you see?
When did you see?
And even if you saw?
Would you try to be?
I tried drowning it
By raising the sound of music
I couldn’t bear them
I tried being too thick
In the promise of sanity
And all that I could gain
I’ve lost my mind
And completely became insane

— The End —