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At what point did it seem like a good idea to soak in cologne?
I swear you smell as though you bathed in aqua velva.
Dousing yourself in cologne is not a great substitute for showering.
Seriously that's just heinous.
Literally just happened
We said goodbye but we didn't mean it. We wanted to stay. We wanted to be happy. We wanted to be the perfect couple we could ever be. But things changed. What went wrong? Who should be blamed? Is it you? Or should it be me? I forgot everything since then. We shouldn't have said goodbye. We shouldn't have given up. I loved you. Did you love me? I fought for you. Did you fight for me? Or if we could turn back time, are you willing to save the relationship we had? I wish I could know because it hurts. I remember the moments we had. Our photos together. I miss you so much. Did you miss me? Or did you think of me even for once?
#Love #Pain #Past #Memories #Breakup #Sadness
How could I be so selfish
As to take my own life
I didn't think anyone would miss me
But it's clear now
I've got an angel
He's not quite here
But I'm happy
Because he won't let me
 Jul 2015 stéphane noir
I've fallen
into a torpor pit
swirling blackness
seals my lips
I close my eyes
but all I see is me,
there is no reason
for this smothering gray.

I feel your hands
but they don't penetrate,
Your breath is sweet upon my face,
laughter comes from another place,
this silence remains my only respite,
My words are stifled
in my chest,
My poetry shoots blanks
where ever I tread.

Motivation is a thing
of the past,
Desire's gone at last,
Being is all that's
left within my grasp.

Lavender love in
technicolor plays
out on a screen,
Life travels on the
wisps of Monarch wings -
Breathe heavy and
Breathe light and cold,
My words they freeze
when they hit the snow.

I know dances unfold,
But no dance partner knows
the darkness that's become my
trembling soul.

It is to this enclave
I go
from time to time,
the winds outside
still howl my name,
While demons
bang on the walls
of my shame.

Call it a mood,
Call it a funk,
Call it the blues,

these holes just open,
Inside I go,
No ladder
only a shovel
wouldn't you know.

Doors without keys,
Echoes without sounds,
And all there is
have constructed
all around.
 Jul 2015 stéphane noir
Your skin like the smooth, creamy
Half and half that I love to taste,
That I dump excessively
Into my coffee, my coffee which
Slowly turns into the color of your
Light latte hair.
Rich aroma, strong taste.
Your warmth fills me up, our passion
The steam rising from a hot morning drink.
The need to wake up with you
Envelops me every morning.
I love you more than my favorite coffee cup.
I need you more than I need my caffeine fix.
You always know how to
Seductively enliven my senses
When we're in bed.
I whistle for you like the boiling water
I forgot on the stove ages ago,
And it's still singing.
Coffee love passion *** caffeine
It stifles me,
A thick wool blanket that's
Butter-soft with a butter smell,
Wrapping around my sinuses like a
Tissue stuffed up a nosebleed.
Curlicues like optical illusions,
The lenses of the 3D glasses that
Weren't handed to me
Bring my flat insecurities to life:
I'm the kernels on the bottom of the
Popcorn machine
Needing to be blown and buttered
Up to be presentable.
Until the expectations
Along with the glasses
Come off to be recycled
To another empty corn husk of a person
Who needs air and butter to fill them
(But who really doesn't.)
While I still breathe, I write to save my life
in compact form; mistakes, the lessons learned,
triumphant days and nights of needless strife
brought on by willful dreams and bridges burned.
One day too soon, a final page will turn,
the book will close. My fine and fragile chain
to life will break.  A loneliness unearned
will mark your passing days in ink of pain.  
Then if you wish to hear my voice again
one silent morning when you wake alone,
I leave you songs and poems.  Each refrain
will resurrect the soul you've always known.
So when my fated moment shall arrive,
my words are here; come read me back alive.
ne m'oublie pas - forget me not.
Spenserian sonnet.
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