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 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
Everyone thinks they live a happy life
A roller coaster that only goes up
But don't you know?
Behind the cheers and the laughter
The loudest and happiest people
Just put on a show
For others to enjoy
To tell the world
It hasn't got the best of them
Yet deep inside
They've lost
Defeated by their own demons
Thoughts, feelings
All in their heads
Poisoning them
Nonetheless they continue
To live
To laugh
To try
Until the happiness they show
Will actually be genuine someday
feeling so so
is sometimes
as good as
it gets.
With thanks to Sarif Hossain and the conversation which prompted this
Letting you go
Might be the suitable thing to do
We will always be friends, but babe it's time for me to move on.
I searched
the deepest depths
of the vastest oceans,
I searched way up high,
past the clouds,
in the bluest of blue skies,

I searched
deep in the hearts
of nature's greenest forests...
It turns out,
that I was carrying it within me
all along - only now, do I realise.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Such a lovely surprise to receive the daily
for my first poem upon returning to HP.
Two dailys in total in my time here...I'm blown away! Thank you all soooooo much!
Such an honor and a privilege

I'm so glad to be back home, here at HP!
I missed this site and everyone soooo much!
I'm sorry I left unexpectedly,
I really missed you guys!
Rosalie ***
I see my entire life
in a quick flicker
of lightning,

I see our entire existence,
from beginning to end,
in a passing cloud.

I see heaven
in the sun's dazzling rays,
glaring through the forest's canopy,
and I see eternity - a deep infinite ocean,
in your eyes.

By Lady R.F ©2016
It's dark tonight
And I cannot breathe
The hands of time
Are slowly choking me
Tick Tick
Watch the color
Fade from my face
Tick Tock
Watch my body
Fall through space
Caught inside
These hands of time
Losing my grip
Losing my mind
Tick Tick
Why can't I see
What these hands
Want from me
Tick Tock
I'm fading fast
This life is just a memory
That can never last
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
He de-seeded himself into three pieces and proceeded to grow a tree of decieving, you see.
One seed of the tree was greed, so all it would breed was to feed our needs.
Once we used up all its weeds we decided to dig deep to see what this tree was hiding.
There it was, all along infront of our eyelids.
The roots of this tree grew in all directions endlessly.
How could this be?
One seed for greed, one seed for achieving infinity..?
And for the third, I (eye) tried to see through the mystery of the last seed I collected all the ingredients to cook up the last grand meal.
Stirring it I caught a quick wiff of its essence and for a mere second I felt free, I acknowledged the knowledge of being me.
My brain was introduced to DMT and I also knew the signifigance of the truth, now I knew what I had to do.
Convinced of the truth but I still follow all your rules, im not insane I wouldnt go blow up a school but I swear, latley my brain been telling me, only options I have is to accept my destiny or change it by a killing spree.
I know you are testing me but how am I supposed to enjoy this beautiful scenery if I cant even get this stress of my chest so I can rest again peacefully.
I knew I owe my soul to this tree for the knowledge its giving me.
I try to hold on to my memories but as its leaves they fall eventually...
It kills me everyday, living, knowing its not for me.. not for me...
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