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Jul 2015 · 1.7k
Let's Talk About Sex!
Sharice Frieson Jul 2015
He said, "Your attraction elongates my friend with one eye"
Magnetism gets confused with pleasure and quick steam of flying juices
A one sided satisfaction
A distraction
That's causes a reaction
For me to see you completely different
The excitement is gone
Insecurities releases
Now you got a problem
I'm surrounded by a **** boy
Who can't control his *****
The ***** controls his sentence
Pleasure is his witness
A temporary fix
Unity disappear
Don't **** with chemicals
You don't see clear
I swear
I feel different when I release that energy
Cuz there's no understanding to this attraction
He said, "you got me up"
But there's more to my attraction
don't be blinded by what you can get into
To make your organs loose
Why can't a man be attracted to a woman or a woman attracted to a man and not engage in those yin/yang wonders
Jun 2015 · 955
Sharice Frieson Jun 2015
Get’s the best
Intoxication becomes lust
Lost becomes knots
Unknown answers
Constant runarounds
shocked because the man tased it
Jun 2015 · 657
What is the truth?
Sharice Frieson Jun 2015
Give appraisal for the betrayals
because we are finagled by who we worship
stuck in a coma
sad that every truth is hidden
I mean what is TRUTH?
A story with no beginnings
no citation, illustrations, fake bibliographies and no conversation


No truth be told
Stories are intermingled
Twisted, misguided by the ignorant pedestrians
misunderstood because of the constant human being believing they understand
the energy, the rhythm of each personalities
which then creates mythology....which in turns crumbles to *******
To those who believe the world is progressing..
nope we live the past, present, future
you loser
can I school yah?
bamboozle yah?
like the dear light man with an easy snap of his finger
smack yah with some knowledge of slavery
slave your minds to the mysteries...of decieval
You been fooled
Can you pick yourself up dear sir?
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
Queen Sha
Sharice Frieson Jun 2015
I am Queen Sha
Resembling the Earth, the wind, the fire, the water
I call my ancestors and spirits to remind you
I'm a women not to be messed with
I can turn rain into hail
The ocean to a tsunami
The wind to a tornado
And magical fires that destroys your so called "owned" earth into ashes
Don't try to leave a scratch on my back
Cuz you feeling wack
Don't attack the world you attract
Take a step back and look at the picture
Sharice Frieson Jun 2015
Life is beautiful
Life can be beautiful
An easy mix up of words
that can lead to confusion to the mind
When you don’t know the type of waters you are testing
“IS” is a mere perception
“CAN BE” makes room for decision
“It is head”
“It can be heads”
Because it leaves room to be “tails”
Food for thought
We paint a picture in our minds on
how we “ought” to be
Time is endless
But we have this idea that we are wasting time
Then wait!
What time are you running by?
Is it the time of your life?
Because any split second your death is unknown
and all human beings know with life comes death and that is our destiny that we cannot run away from
but to live in adventure
But the adventure is crushed by the story-teller of your life
Story tellers tells you to believe in a religion, that God does not like ugly, that women should obey their spouse, that people should procreate, marry and eliminate all human beings who does not meet qualifications or expectations of the story-teller
The story-teller also insist on telling you that you have to go to college, make a living, make status, make money, buy a house and make kids to do it all over again. You must live your life based on these certain structures because this is what it is and shall be
The story-teller is merely one perspective
and it is their own perception of their life’s book
How can it fit for every single human being?
Life is beautiful
Life can be beautiful
Is the same unasked question of life
“Life is beautiful“–deters the idea of being anything more but just beautiful
There is no ifs, buts, should, could, would, or nots than what it just is
There is no room left for a decision because the decision is already made
Without the interference of others thinking another
Life is anything you perceive it to be
That’s why “Life can be beautiful”
Because it articulates what the mind faces to overcome
everyday of our lives
We bring our experiences, circumstances, ideas, creativity, talent, and etc
to draw conclusions or shape one’s own views
Whether life is good or can be good is determined by your perception and experiences
It is determined by whether you packed up your good and bad experiences to shape your overall thought
and leads you to react in a certain way depending on a situation.
My Voice of Wisdom & Knowledge:
Life is beautiful to me
I do not believe it is anymore than beautiful because I don’t want to open any cans of possibilities for it NOT being “beautiful.”
The “can be” allows room for it to be full of other possibilities other than beautiful.
When I say it is, it is PERIOD
This is my truth!
Life can be so easy as having great conversation, mental stimulation, ***, more ***, fun, love, and adventures in nature.
Conversations are meant to spark thought
I don’t think it is there to offend or make people uncomfortable unless that uncomfortable person feels “a way”–then it is merely their own issue
Those who do not converse on certain matters is COOL too because they still can actively listen to the conversation and make their own input in their minds
Everything in life CAN BE peaceful and loving
But we get so caught up with our own view and perception
that it doesn’t make room for DIFFERENT angles
Because we all are unique snowflakes
Every unique snowflakes have one thing in common, which is
coming from one source
People are nothing more than eye level to me
Nothing more, nothing less
No superior and no inferior
Peace, harmony, love, happiness, and enlightenment
We think we know but we are far from knowing
This is all the beginning
We need to put all the pieces together and work the mind, body and spirit
by connecting BACK to SELF
SELF centers YOU
SELF helps YOU understand others
SELF has many offerings
SELF is what it is
And those in the exterior looking at YOU can appreciate or hate YOU
because they view themselves as such!
Life is beautiful is my decision
YOU can continue to decide whether Life CAN BE beautiful.
Jun 2015 · 759
Reality Check: Tree of Life
Sharice Frieson Jun 2015
Tree of life
Is a profound way of telling the story between good and evil
Life and death
The knowing between the unknowing
The polarities between the forces
Divorces you from the universe
Because of fear
Of the possibilities
That never came into existence
Or experienced
You are no God “they say”
to tell the future so quickly before you try right?
Sacrificed by men then enslaved by mind right?
You fright of the powerful skills you have?
You fear death?
You fear stress?
You fear greed?
You fear wealth?
You fear self?
So you live by sacrificing your self
Since knowledge is thy wealth
Present your presence in the omnipresent of your energetic force that flies invisibly until you can see.
See the light that shines within your forces of energy that centers you to higher self, to thy wealth and beyond.
You find your label of meditation whether sitting, walking, crawling or running
But you don’t think choice is part of the question.
Vocalize what you want because why not get what you want
People can’t read your mind because they lost too.
Same way you thinking that they can know what you feel, think, turns you on, and what makes you hungry. I’m filling the jar that was once empty.
Accepting those that my spirit allows … For my life lessons, challenges and experiences
Wake up to a salutation that you create, penetrate the forces that drives body to peace.

What the tree of life tells you
The fruit that bears good and evil
That lies in the Garden of Eden
That gave you treasure to bear to
Reach back to your knowing source and what brought YOU into existence.
Seek the old before the new because the old will tell you truth before the enslavement of sacred souls who scrambled the old to the new
Don’t be deceived by the messenger
You hear but seek your own answers not by word of the mouth because it won’t completely help. If the truth is scrambled how can one know how it got scrambled in the first place. When did it start? With the egg or a chicken?
An egg one shouts
but what causes the egg to be the egg before the chicken?
Decide the reach of your complexities.
You make it complicated then it seems.
Balance is the essential for each being because the tree of life is held by both forces that holds the tree up; holds an abundance either up or down.

Heaven or hell.
Conquer both to achieve everlasting peace to be called a beast that people pray to already.
Your leaves are unwinding breaking into limp pieces. Diseased by the chemicals that seep through each water spill.

Don’t catch chills now

Because its been cold.

You just woke up to the temperature change and act up when its hot
Meanwhile the sun is trying to warm the soul
Who were body snatched and hatched to the kingdom of hell, jail, caged up like a hamster running and running til you realize if you can remember
How you got to your situation in the first place?
So take ground to seek heaven and battle the sins because the overabundance of one side could be dangerous as to why they say seek repentance.
Don’t use your words and stumbles against me because I swallow the mumbles that manifest when truth is spoken and make you choke while your tippy toeing away because your broken
And can’t clean up
The glass done got in your skin
So now you *******
Don’t yell and tell someone not to yell when your yelling
wake up! and realize that you doing the same thing the next MAN is doing.
We are made of every pure substance and every pure substance that resides on this earth is you.
The apple you ate is what you chose
So wake up!
and remember self before the attainment of good and evil because that in actuality don’t matter in the waters I’m testing. But its a course you have to take and understand to seek this never-ending career.
Peace and blessings my people!
But I’m not finished
Consider letting the children talk
Their purpose is exploration
So teach and fulfill their lives with liberation
away from cloning them as yourself because you did not liberate yourself or took a stroll into your positives and negatives and may forget your male or female frequencies
The Alpha or the omega.
Yin or yang
Alternate you sessions with self to seek dis-attachment for what blinds you to attaching to the things that causes no miracles out of your problems you are dying off from.
I no longer have my door shut for those who seek peace but seek to learn and not to talk **** without knowing what the **** is made out of.
When in actuality it is made of the **** you eating
The **** that makes you sick and feigning like a crack head
Dying to get another piece of it because you can’t help it
Escape the help because you don’t have time for it
Excuses to the enslavement
Because I do it and did it.
Let’s join and unite because without knowing self we distance our spirit but through guidance we transcend.
Motivate back to love but know hate and what it looks like because you know you found number 7
Or 11:11 because your future is swelling for success and benefits
Remind yourself when you learn why you are here to begin with …
Peace love blessing and immense amount of happiness to everyone who is past present future …
I don’t call people buffoons or dumb if I don’t know what buffoon or dumb look like to man
Truth and honesty everlasting in your spirit.
There’s no surpassing space with your physical.
Learn the bodies forces to compliment the mind
learn, control and center the mind to access spirit
so you can travel along paths beyond your eyes can see.
The colors are more vibrant
Your decision on whether its beautiful, bountiful, wise, intelligent, official, natural, beneficial, abundant with no ambiguity
You know what you know and what you know is what is known and what you don’t know is the needed to be explored to know the unknowing that keeps you asking questions about the unknowing.
Jun 2015 · 2.4k
Play the Game!
Sharice Frieson Jun 2015
Exploring the life of exploration
Exposed by the exploited energy
Toyed by the enemy
That has no coming
But keep people running
Escaping their reality
Allowing the guilty *******
Shaming your circumstances
Stripping your experiences
Being fat with the knowledge that your skinny
Embracing beauty with the knowledge of being fat
Fat with the love of proportions
A simple fatness that can serve the city near you and stuff you up
Stuff you up with more guilt and excuses
More reason to fit into that suit as the next man
The next idea is to vacuum yourself  because what you serve don’t work …
Then to be fooled by the master of your money making
The master who allows you to work and pay you to pay him for all his work.
The cycle
To be schooled by the teachers who hold their own perception of what they believe the subject of their interest ought to be.
Then to be referred as a letter.
A letter of the alphabet determines your status
You can be chosen
Chosen enough that your thouights say you are chosen
But you will never be chosen in the life of the material
You won’t be able to determine life between death
Because thy fellow shot you with a mass of confusion at birth
A cycle I say that never ended
Eons and eons of betrayal vs survival
Survival vs the fittest
Who will win this?
Constant wars
Community of ******
A generation who are illiterate
But I won’t sleep on the ones who are awaken
But shaken by every information that arrives at their door step
The master of your money maker burned your house
To be the your god of your money making, your god of information, and experimentation
The dependency gets real
Because of the constant distraction of our nation
I mean their nation
You shaken
Because the life you hold is taken
My trips slip
But I mop my *****
******* that destroyed your equilibrium
Cerebrum tripping
Your glands out of line
Chackras spinning
And you think it’s a straight line
Spine bending you say its normal
Pain dripping you riding the short terminal
Shoes and clothes
Bags and hoes
Watches and bad *******
When the ***** were once queens and goddesses
Who respected the godliness of themselves and those forthcoming
Now you shunning the man who positive light keeps their energy flowing
Cuz you don’t like you
No excuses because that god you bow down to laying back in the hot tub enjoying living
Scaring creatures of what the mystical expectations of life would be
the tale that your living
Through a book of spirituality but change the name to religion
Living a life of a fraternity to pledge for their winnings
Hazing everyday to strip your life
March and pledge the allegiance to your God who sees nothing but killing you
One nation under god, with liberty and justice for all
But in reality life is beauty
Look in the mirror!
Because I won
Jun 2015 · 1.9k
Sharice Frieson Jun 2015
My baby said check your ego
His eagle eyes sees right thru you
You seek the problem
Problem solve
what you seek
Seek to solve the riddles of your mystery and misunderstandings
You’re shackled since your ego sets you to lack acceptance and motivation
No evolution involved
you that cave man
Shaking with wonders on how you got so cold
Shaking on wonders that the blanket you stole
Has no use for you because you still shivering
Means nothing to you so you know nothing of what you hold
So the coldness sizzles and settles in
Spells you deeper into the curse
You got ****** and you call my words a curse
But honey you got *****
And the yin don’t got his yang because they broke up
Ceremonies died long time ago
Tradition and superstition that keeps you pasted on the wall
You hate magic
But your are the master of being mystical
You say no astrology
But the sun moon stars are what kisses our soul
You stole my change
But I prosper more than gold
Above all I seek godliness because I am the goddess of this ship
My melanin creeps you
But my tongue will sweep you
Moving at the speed of light
It’ll **** you
But you know I’m about that eternal life
So you **** me to try to make babies
Are you crazy?
**** me because you know I ain’t ******* with you
Smack me with your word to belittle me and make me feel as a peasant
Next day I’m an animal
No longer a human with flesh as the next man
Now my ****** is a problem
Now you seek every problem to be an issue
So you can take away from the fact that you a loser
You can’t accept that you will never feel what I feel and see what I see because you not me
You envy me
And hate my lightness because I am a powerful alien that settled to make a peaceful statement
Connecting to the universe
And aligning the polarity
To get yin and yang back together
I’m the goddess that birth you ******* for eons
This earth respects me so I will never disrespect it because once I connect to my mother
Your words, your guns, your glory, your nation, your exaggeration, your confusion, your hatred, your jealousy, and envy
Is a feather tickling my nose I sneeze to release the demon of hybrids that walk amongst me that tickle will never hurt me
I laugh and **** you with kindness
I say **** you with kindness because I seek peace because I know I’ll never be destroyed
Welcome to my kingdom of glory!
You couldn't **** with your bare hands so you draw your match with a gun to wound my body to strike my soul so I can bitter back and seek revenge for your soul..
You watch out because the war you need to prepare for I say has already won by goddess of your earthquake
I shake you to disaster

— The End —