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  Jan 2015 lost in thought
Third Legacy
When a boy thinks of a girl

his cheeks don't go red,
nor do his pupils dilate
but his heart beats as fast
as a horse's gallop in race

His lips strongly tremble
in the midst of conversation
his legs that won't settle
due to headstrong infatuation

her beauty overwhelms him
her cold hand warms his heart
her gaze,  like Medusa's
a romantic work of art

his thoughts full of appreciation
for whatever form she may have
a wonderful mem'ry,  imagination
a thought that can't be grasped

his thoughts he can't express
his mouth he cannot open
his words he can't confess
but his heart, ť was always broken

but all this is not really
'bout when a boy thinks of a girl
because in these words you can tell
that he had always loved her.
does the girl think of the boy?
  Jan 2015 lost in thought
Crystal June
Come one, come all
Boys and girls
To see the miraculous
Fallen angel

She once was white
Pure in heart
Feathers groomed
The best that she could be

But one day
She flew into a storm
Her wings torn
Tainted grey and black

She fell from the sky
Her dreams shattered
And now not even God
Can bare to look her way

She is the broken one
Once whole and beautiful
But now
Now she is nothing

Don't worry kids,
She won't hurt you
She's too busy
Hurting herself

Hold her hand
For just a moment
And perhaps
She'll tell of how she flew

But that is over now
Let's leave the past
In the past
And move on

That's all folks
Say goodbye now
To the one and only
Fallen angel
lost in thought Jan 2015
It doesn't burn me it makes me feel alive and happy.
It is so comforting.
For fire!!! I know it's more than ten but oh well.
Ok so I wanted to find a way to learn more about felloe poets here on HP. But I know not everyone likes to write long detailed information so.... I'd like you to write a 10(I will accept up to 20 but prefer 10) word poem describing yourself with one of these 4 elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

If you would like it to be easily found please use the tag #elementchallenge

I will write one aswell :) lets see those creative minds in action
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