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 Jun 2014 Spt
Aeya Jean Johnson
Crackles in the sky,
Allegretto in its
Indigo bled out,
New colors flash

A shriek in the house.

Stillness assumes
Till another spark
Opens the fear,
Rearing this chilling, rumbling
Derecho Definition: a widespread windstorm that is associated with rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms.
 Jun 2014 Spt
Spencer Dennison
Here we go again. Memories creeping in uninvited on their tip-toes to bring more of those forbidden thoughts back to the spotlight. Night after night, I play misery's favorite game of 'how many times can I say I miss you in a minute'? Anyway I spin it, I'm still neck deep in it - in this masochistic prison without a single vision of breaking out.
It's a life sentence of my glass always being half-empty and everything that could be said has been, so I'm carving poetry into the page as if this rage will ever equal more than pain and damage. But this stage keeps calling me back for more, with or without an audience, I'm going to shout these words out so loud it'd make the ******* Dragonborn proud.
Because truth be told, none of these rhymes will turn to gold and all these times I've broke the mold I've done it to make a statement. It's always come with an apology like late rent, but I've always known that I did what I meant and I meant what I did.
But you can bid a million dollars on a foot-ladder and it won't become the stairway to heaven. But see, I've got more fuel than a 7/11, I've got the energy and the drive to make this work. I'm not about to give you a play-by-play of my everyday just so you can understand me but if you can just stand me... it's a good way to start.
You clutch your bleeding heart time and time again over who did what, why, where and when and I might need a venn diagram to discern the difference between good and evil sometimes but the best rhymes come out when you aren't quite sure what you're doing and I've been chewing my nails long enough to know that anxiety is a side 'a' me that is slowly dying away. Until the day that roots plant trees and hairless dogs get fleas, I'm not letting go of these precious memories for they have made me what I am.
Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I become - everything I've ever wanted to be. The only thing holding me down was the lack of conviction, but now I've got an eviction notice for all these **** doubts I've harbored, so I toss them over starboard and now I'm on my way. Good day, ladies and gents. It's been a gas.
 Jun 2014 Spt
Here's To Them
 Jun 2014 Spt
Here's to them
Who started at the beginning
Who were born
Who will die

Here's to them
They all have issues
Nobody's perfect
They face their problems

Here's to them
The people that I think about day and night
That never do anything wrong
That never do anything right

Here's to them
They definitely aren't perfect

They are, however,

They are perfect to me

Here's to them
They never cease to make me laugh
They never cease to make me smile

To all of their haters
Think first

Every comment
Every remark
It cuts deep

Those cuts leave wounds
That never truly heal

So think before you comment
For if not blood will spill
 Jun 2014 Spt
Jonny Angel
Your sweet kisses felt so right
& I miss them so much,
I think about them
all night long,
touching the void
between us.
 Jun 2014 Spt
Jonny Angel
I took nine shots of whiskey
& a sip of *****
to get to this place,
the dark side of sobriety
& over here
I'm ******* righteous,
'cause I'm a lizard king,
dizzy as a spinning top
& I can do anything
when I'm
dead drunk.
 Jun 2014 Spt
white coat
 Jun 2014 Spt
white coat
So maybe that last poem I wrote about you
Was a little much

Hearing you read your song allowed for me
At two in the morning
Made me feel stupid
But Jesus Christ the sound of your voice when you did
Made me think my whole life was leading up that moment

That scares me

When you meet a person who can make you fall in love with moonlight
Or the tread of their step
And not even know it
You have a few options

1. Crash into them with no plan of resolution and pray it won't end in war

2. Cut them from the roots and let them blossom far away, before it's too late and they're in your skin (but oh god, is it too late already)

3. Disappear
 Jun 2014 Spt
Daniel Samuelson
The breaking light of day danced
in deep blue fissures in her eyes
mimicking the ocean before her,
sunlight glinting off of flecks of gold
as he longed to be the subject of her gaze.
He saw the way the rising Atlantic sun
and in that moment
he knew he wanted nothing more
than to kiss her in that way
every sacred morning
for the rest of his life.
I've decided finally to try and write a book. This is an excerpt from said book, poetically adapted. I edited words and spastically pressed the enter key and space bar to make it look less prose-y. Wish me luck in writing! It's obviously not an overnight thing but hey.
Thanks for reading.
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