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sour avocado Sep 2014
Filling me up with thoughts
That don't mean too much
Of anything is just a pastime
Of yours, and honestly I'm a little
Bored of this sad charade.

I'd like to feel something
On my very, very own
Just for once, to see if maybe
I'm not such an android

I want to see my own
Soul laid bare for another
Human, and maybe theirs
Splayed out like wet clothes
On a string blowing in the
Soft summer breeze for

Only me to see.
sour avocado Jul 2014
Everything tells me not to worry
There is not a thing wrong with you
You're wired a little differently
It gets better
I have to remind myself daily
Only in Holland could the words of truth
Come out to the world
To people I'll never see again
And maybe it's better that way and
Maybe I'm not what I think I am
But that's okay, and it's okay to not
Know, but right now I need to
Breathe, and breathe, and know
That everything will be alight
It has to get better
I have to know that the end will pan out
I won't lose the few friends I've captured
In my hold or the people I hold so dear
They seem so clueless, but then
Maybe not
It'll get better.
a little note to myself.  while travelling with some people I finally came out in Holland at a picnic.  Many of those people I will never see again in my life.
sour avocado Jul 2014
I know what you'r thinking.  Oh, I can't believe that little girl did that; she was so sweet, I wonder what went wrong, blah, blah blah... I can see it in your eyes.  high-pitched laughter.  Yes, I killed those girls.  But they deserved it.  They had gifts.  The actress, the singer, the model, the dancer, the painter, the musician, and the writer.  They were all so talented.  And they didn't appreciate any of it!  They took all of it for granted!!!  Now, now look at me.  I'm nothing compared to them.  A good singer, but never the best.  Pretty, but never the prettiest.  Smart, but never the smartest!  I was doing them a favor.  I was doing everyone a favor!

But by doing this.  I'm finally good at something.  I'm finally known for something.  I won't call this a gift that I take for granted.  I won't be like those girls.  I don't take this granted. pause  But wait, I'm not done yet, I would like to request to go on with my story, and reasons, and I would also request you wipe that look off your face.  I'm not crazy.  I was just jealous, and sad, and angry.

Now, I won't go into details about each of their similar, tragically beautiful demises, I would imagine you already know how that all went.  I just need to know that you know that I was doing something for the good of everyone.  Hell, this was for the good of the world.  It's just like anything anyone else would do.  Just to make a statement.  Isn't that why people do anything anymore?

Hey!  Where are you going?!  You can't walk away just because you're disgusted!  You can't try to make yourself different from me!!!
The crazed monologue of a girl who's found herself being interrogated, and enjoying it too much.
sour avocado Jul 2014
It’s nice to feel
    Not-so-alone, although
        My friend, you don’t
             Quite know it yet
                   And I cannot tell
So for now I’m alone
    With only the thought of you
         Of you to count, and keep me
a quick one I did very late last night after learning some personal things about someone that makes me feel very connected to them, but they can't know that I know.

— The End —