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Jan 2020 · 205
Sterling Kelley Jan 2020
one penny
i wish i could stop my heart from beating

two pennies
i wish i could stop my lungs from breathing

three pennies
i wish my head would stop pounding

drown me
Jan 2020 · 250
love through a screen
Sterling Kelley Jan 2020
the pain still feels the same
but it could all be washed away
all i want
is to hear your voice say
i love you
so my ears can finally hear it for the first time
instead of just seeing it on a page
Jan 2020 · 614
Sterling Kelley Jan 2020
bipolar dreams
you think you know about these things
how they go from right to left so seamlessly
how i go from up and down
and you’ll ever notice the change in the symphony
my instruments plays melancholy and the next a beautiful sunrise victory
some days i can laugh when nothing is in front of me
then another i'm crying until my heart atrophies

they put my on theses meds that made me my feel like my skin was crawling
my eyes appeared dry but i couldn’t stop from bawling
i feel like i have whiplash from a rollercoaster at six flags
its funny because when i'm manic my favorite color is yellow but when i'm sad its the most disgusting thing ive ever seen
i'm stuck living in these bipolar dreams
they say nothing is ever as it seems
but have you looked in the mirror and seen a black void where your brain should be
that your serotonin isn’t mixing with your dopamine

this is how your life is when your neurotransmitters don’t work properly
Nov 2019 · 288
Sterling Kelley Nov 2019
that's the thing about walls
i have too many
the thing about walls
is they are so
Nov 2019 · 577
Sterling Kelley Nov 2019
my body is flowing as the leaves fall off the oak trees
the sweetness of an apple
touches the tip of my tongue
as the hands of forgiveness wrap me in a soft embrace
the promise
of autumn

— The End —