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simmer 4h
To toil with people you love
Is to curse someone already broken
For anger is a sign of folly
And an impartial heart is revealed in words spoken
Calamity will take all the help you can give it
Instead exclaim "I love you"
Wrap them in your words
And watch as their heart melts softly from forgiveness
simmer 3d
Something told me that I need you
Unknowing if it was my heart, pride, or conscious
And so I fought
To my surprise I won
Then that shady culprit backed away
Desire gone
You're here
Yet they left me completely alone
The idea of chasing someone, just to succeed, then feeling emptier than when you started. Wondering what it was that caused the shift. (Shady Culprit being the unknown push behind the attraction. Heart, pride, conscious)
simmer Feb 22
Why do I cower behind this pen
Ducking behind expression in the form of comfort
No problems solved
People less wronged
Just words on a page
And yet here I am
Pen in hand
simmer Feb 12
Here alone in my thoughts
The place where I find comfort
I toil around

Keenly remembering thoughts that make my mind race
Enjoying my own company with the voice that echoes in my brain
That is until suddenly, reality shows its face

Leisure turns into chase
I find my self ducking and dodging
Revisiting that which was a peaceful place
Dashing to happy thoughts, desperate to get away
Once a playground, now used forcefully as a dire escape

But the truth is you can’t outrun the truth
Nor can you hide
And so in that realization I fell on my knees
I prayed to the one who listens
Whose burden is light
Then I stood up, looked it right in the face, and in total terror it ran from me

Why did it cower?
Such a long chase just to run
Just then a tap on my shoulder..
There He stood towering behind me
“Well done my good and faithful son”

And to think I was alone in these thoughts
Lengthier but worth the read
simmer Feb 3
I don't miss you in the way I think I do
For those scars
are still showing
Those horrid words
still echoing
But time does soften their frequency
simmer Jan 31
Your appearance is pretty in every way
Nice smile, kind words, kind eyes
seeming as though you could never cause dismay
But the truth is that you twist your truth
So that you and those around can believe a lie
For only when you cut through the cloth of appearance
that’s when you can see what is inside

Therefore you dull every blade that comes near
Never let people get close, and deny anything you hear
For even if the words are true and things come to light
On them alone is the blame so that you can stay in the right

Where actions are not done than words are not said
And even if disproved the impact is shallow
For you know who you are, what you did, and can leave the lies as lies
Only the truth can penetrate the cloth, cut deep, and leave one rattled

So I ask you one question, at what point does it end?
I would rather be with someone who is perfectly imperfect
Than someone who hides themselves to obtain protected perfection
simmer Jan 30
To choose the world is to drive reckless in the rain
On the highway speeding
Thinking yourself as invincible  
Incapable of pain

The faster you drive the harder you fight
Thinking by your abilities, and own will, you can gain control out of spite
Whole time nothing works as your speed only increases
Your arrogance blinding you, as is the rain
Not knowing that your actions will leave you in destruction, broken in pieces

Relief is found only in split second surges  
Driving under a bridge  
Then thrown back  
This is the only reward of acting on those ill rooted urges

So many of us are lost in this constant battle
When the reality is, it’s out of our control
All we can do is be still and trust
Through humbling ourselves God grants peace to our soul
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