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Yet one smile more, departing, distant sun!
One mellow smile through the soft vapoury air,
Ere, o'er the frozen earth, the loud winds ran,
Or snows are sifted o'er the meadows bare.
One smile on the brown hills and naked trees,
And the dark rocks whose summer wreaths are cast,
And the blue Gentian flower, that, in the breeze,
Nods lonely, of her beauteous race the last.
Yet a few sunny days, in which the bee
Shall murmur by the hedge that skim the way,
The cricket chirp upon the russet lea,
And man delight to linger in thy ray.
Yet one rich smile, and we will try to bear
The piercing winter frost, and winds, and darkened air.
 Mar 2016 Silvana Franco
You deserve your eyes less red,
a young gentleman to wed.
I cannot give solutions, at least
not intended ones.

I want your eyes to dry, lie
with you as we sleep, as we seep

You trust my every word, involuntarily,
even though you have more to say.

As we stare once more, at last, for one last time,
we know,
when grateful, our eyes are most sublime.
We end here
while all else continues.
Desire is a small bird in your palm

You want to pet it, but you also want to crush it

You are the adult who wants to *** in the swimming pool
Who wants to eat the whole cake
Who never wants to wake up from a dream about flying

Desire is a small bird with the sharpest of beaks and claws

It's telling you you'll never be innocent
You'll never get over it
You'll want everything too fiercly
And you're not fooling anyone

Desire is a bird in your palm, who dares you

To crush it
To stuff it in the back of the closet
To bury it in the yard
It dares you to say that
You do not contain desire
It dares you to do something about it
Sharp of beak and soft of feather
Whisper-sings coercion until you
Are nothing but a conduit for sensation

Desire is a small bird in your palm
That will not fly away
And if you strangle it between your fingers
You will find that
Desire is not a small bird in your palm
It is a haggard vulture in your chest.
 Mar 2016 Silvana Franco
Star glass and light.  Emotion engine, dream machine. This is my Lightcycle!  With just thought I can catapult myself across the galaxy!  I remember home and the fields of blue bonnets and Indian paint brushes.  I remember looking up at the stars from Earth.  Wishing to one day see them.  But nothing is more beautiful than that blue star from afar. Earth shines and sings sapphire among the blackness we call space.   But as I enter my solar system I no longer see her.  I quickly thought stream home and find my planet is covered in a sick gray shadowy nebula.   Something is here and is trying to take away all the souls of the Earth!  I try and break through with my Lightcycle!  The star shell fills with my anger and despair!  Reds and tornados made of light dance within my Lightcycle! But to no avail the nebula seems to counter act my will!  I close my eyes as tears flow.  My lightcycle cries colors on the inside.  As I open my eyes I see a cloud within my lightcycle that is made of all colors!  It then clears as I see the harp with light strings the Dragon Secalos gave to me.  This was the dragon I escorted across the galaxy!  The harp then materialized in my hands and I played the melody of the star serpent!  I cannot begin to describe the melody to you.  It was like my dreams were playing for me.  From afar I could see a blue star growing and growing.  Only it was no blue star at all! It was the dragon Secalos!  He was even more massive than before. His wings shined Star Earth blue.  He must of been the size of our moon.  He looked to me with glowing blue eyes!  He spoke to me with his mind.   "  I will help you in thy darkest hour as you helped me."   The dragon then flew toward our sun and completely back in an instant. He then emitted a beam of light that was all colors toward the dark gray nebula.  The dark grey nebula filled with colors and seem to almost dissipate.  The beautiful majestic Earth seem to almost smile back at me. " Thank you serpent of the stars!" " Thank you rider of light. "
Help one another
Tea, the bittersweet companion

Who got me through my classes

And past late-night assignments

Tea, the reason my teeth are stained

And the reason why I'm sane

It was the bitterness of black tea

That took a course through my body

And shut off every racking nerve

Fiber that couldn't keep calm

Tea, my equivalent to a therapist

Who left a mark so clearly that

People will swear it's because

I have poor dental hygiene
 Mar 2016 Silvana Franco
Please stop trusting me.
I love you but you think that's a good thing.
It's not.

Stay away from me.
Don't you know that I'm poison?
I am.

Things don't work out for me.
You say someday they will.
They won't.

I love you so much more than you could ever know.
Go away.
Early warmness
From the sunbeams.
Birds chirping and hornets
Annoyingly buzzing.
Morning dew
On the verdant green.
Wind rustling through
The naked tree branches,
Waiting for the burgeoning
That announce the beginning anew.
The girl who was never seen,
During school throughout her teens.

Lonely longing for a connection,
Only loving was her obsession.

Any show of slightest act of ordinary kindness,

Made her glow with brightness, distracting her with temporary blindness.

Overwhelmed and grateful,

Though deep down, she knew strong emotions like these can lead to feeling,

So compelled and painful...

Again being used to occurrences of blissful happiness,
In the end she sees disappearances, feeling fearful and never ending resentment.

Bliss only to last for what feels like a few minutes,
She's living in the past clinging to what she misses.

As she grew tired of this cycle and all,
She often knew prior before the final result.

not wanting to go through those days of watching those walk away anymore;
She did less talking,
irritated by their knocking, she ignores.

Thoughts filling her with doubt,
She closes the door shutting them out...
Stop ******* trying to talk to me. I'm tired
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