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Shayla Ahrns Apr 2016
I imagine us
In places we have
Never seen
Surrounded by
Mountains and trees
And long lost love
That you waited to give me

But I'll take it
Because here we are
In a home
With black cups of coffee
And sunsets
In our soul

Our days are not over
Our days are not numbered
Our days are not measured
By a setting sun

I have love I need you to have
And to keep
And I want you to know
That this love climbs mountains
For you
Shayla Ahrns Dec 2015
We were young
Okay maybe not much younger
Than we are now
I am twenty two and you are too

This is us currently
Our commanilty
And I wonder,
If I was different

Would you love me like I love you?

But **** these questions
And **** your walls!

Remember me now
In love with you

And when we are older
And the lights are going down
Maybe you'll be my side

Or maybe you'll be saying
**** my walls
And **** all of these no's
And you'll be thinking
About twenty two
"I love you like you loved me
But it got so dark in here
And I wish we were 22, too."
Shayla Ahrns Nov 2015
I wanted to tell you
In the most poetic way

But you know me,
You know I could never be
A poet out loud

Because when I write
I am sloppy
And when I speak
I am sloppier

My feelings require too much
To ever be a poet
With my mouth

And with fear in my heart
Shaking palms and
Weak knees and
Every dream of what we could be

I am no poet, in your presence
I am simply aware
Of you
Aware of your ocean eyes
And your laugh that echoes for miles

I am aware
That I could speak to you
In a way that I write
And it would not change
The motionless movements I feel
When you tell me
Your feelings for me
Are not equal
To mine for you

I am aware
That I will never be
A poet with my mouth
But with my love.
Shayla Ahrns Nov 2015
If it wasn't almost 2016, I would call you on your house phone from my corded phone in my kitchen, we'd chat quickly as to not rack up my phone bill, we would make dinner plans and call it good.

But it is almost 2016 and I'm actually looking at your Facebook and your girlfriends Instagram and I'm laughing / crying over the gag worthy photos she has you featured in.

If it wasn't almost 2016, I wouldn't even know you had a girlfriend and I wouldn't have tried to save the poor girl from your ***** lying ways.

But it is almost 2016, and when Snapchat helped me find out you had a girlfriend while still trying to **** me, I DID try to save the poor girl from your ***** lying ways. You told me not to say anything more, but I had to stop this because I know the feeling of a heartbreak like the one you were about to cause her.

If it wasn't almost 2016, I wouldn't have access to every social media platform that allows me to see every single detail of your life. I wouldn't be driving myself crazy with questions and no answers.

But it is almost 2016, and I get to watch your life unfold with someone else and wonder why I came in last, still no answers.

If it wasn't almost 2016, forget tinder and my quirky bio with the 6 best photos I've ever taken, you'd call me on my corded phone because you actually knew IRL how fun and quirky I am and you'd already have seen me in all my green eyed, beautiful brunette glory.

It is almost 2016 and that means I am just another girl that you aren't looking for something serious with because you're a boy in his early 20s craving freedom. Instead you send me ***** text messages because you're a boy in his early 20s and you met me on Tinder. I am a girl in my early 20s and when you met me on Tinder, you assumed I wanted less than a relationship and a little more than a "hey how are you?" convo.

If it wasn't almost 2016, you wouldn't have detailed all the ways you would make me feel good because would you ever really say those things to my ******* face?

But it is almost 2016, and you didn't say any of those things to my ******* face, you said it beneath the unsolicited picture of you naked in your bathroom mirror and you even added that ******* emoji with the sunglasses, like what you were doing to me was actually super cool.

If it wasn't almost 2016, I wouldn't have known that you were feeding lies to me on a silver platter, I would have gorged myself on your tasty sweet nothings.

But it is almost 2016, and I am starving myself of something worthy and filling because I can't stop reading the tasty sweet nothings you are feeding her.

It is almost 2016 and I wish I could have said ******* to your two timing face instead of via text message.

*******, again and again and again.
Shayla Ahrns Nov 2015
I was in the middle of some move taught me
Something about right to the core
And my head was pounding
But I had to give a good one
Just one more, once more
How were you to know that once mores have always been my weakness?
With conversations and drinks
And minutes and moments with you
I stopped in the middle of my once more
Because I wanted to tell you about this
I needed to tell you that once mores don't mean anything anymore
Unless you're the one
The last one
My once
My more
Shayla Ahrns Oct 2015
Last night
In a dream
You said
"Would you like to get out of your comfort zone?"
And this morning
I woke up
From that dream
I thought
When should I tell him
He is my comfort zone
And I never want to leave

I spent the day wishing
To go back to sleep
To go back to that dream
Because last night
I woke
Before you told me
What you meant
By the outside of my comfort zone
And I am waiting
For my eyes to doze off
For you to tell me
Where my comfort zone isn't
So that I can say
In a sentence designed only for you
"You are my comfort zone."

And now it is the night after last
And my mind is painting
A warm safe place
The brushes are soft,
The blues are fading
Brighter tones are splashed across my tattered canvas
I was going to call my dreams museums
But I think I owe you more
Than hanging on the walls
And hours of operation
My dreams are not always
Cathedrals painted on ceilings
But you are always
My comfort zone
Shayla Ahrns Oct 2015
1:26 am
My eyes are burning
Can't sleep
Can't think
But you're still there
Back of my mind
All of the time
1:27 am
Floor to ceiling
I'm down here
You're up there
I can't take the stairs
That would be the hard way out
1:28 am
I could crush the place down  
Take the easy route
1:29 am
But how
Do I know what to say
When you've watered me
To the ground
1:30 am
And how the **** do I stay
When you're only
Begging me to blossom
1:31 am
I love you
For taking my heart
And planting it in your garden
1:32 am
I love you still
For letting me grow
1:33 am
But my eyes are burning still
Because what do we have to show?
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