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some days they are sad. sad about the weather, sad about the thing that happened last night, sad about losing their favorite book, sad about their coffee being cold, sad about the fact that they can't find matching socks. lots of things make them sad, lots of nothings make them sad too. you see, when you have a predisposition for being sad, every little thing counts.  so when you ask her why she is sad and she cannot answer, do not press further. do not go looking for a reason that just isn't there. when you ask what you can do and she says nothing, do not be hurt. do not feel useless. when she wakes in the middle of the night and she is silent, but you can feel the bed shaking as she cries, do not assume you know what she is feeling. you don't. hold her if she wants it, don't touch her if she doesn't. if you ask her if she wants you to stay and she says yes, do. but if she tells you to walk away, do not listen. stay with her, because if you don't, she might not be there in the morning .
Voices, voices all around
don't you also hear the sounds
the voices yelling, screaming at me
"why don't you just end it, just leave"
they stay all day and keep me up at night
they say "try again till you get it right"
so I take out the bottle of pills from my drawer
and hope ill be in pain nevermore
but than at the end they're still around
"your so weak you would leave your friends crying on the ground"
I try and run I try and hide
no matter where I go they live inside
so I made a decision to end it all
because I've hit rock bottom no where left to fall.
 Jan 2015 ShadowMan24h
Hey you're more than pretty. You're gorgeous. You're eyes sparkle brighter than any star. Your smile beats the moon. Your hair is so much fun to play with. Remember not to starve, purge, cut, tear, stab, poke, burn, scratch. There's no need too. I don't need to see your face to know your beautiful. I don't care what the mirror says. You deserve to know the ugly truth. You will always be beautiful and there's nothing you can say or do to change that.
For every girl, guy, and everyone in between. You deserve to feel beautiful. 'I kissed the scars on her skin and I still think your beautiful. I don't think I could ever lose my best friend.
 Jan 2015 ShadowMan24h
Austin B
You continue to exemplify everything beautiful in this world
The heavens above exalting a thousand trumpets
Symphonies hailing from the mountains,
Her intoxicating smile glistening, biting my lip in allusion.

Your eyes unimaginably delicate,
Thinking of you, a piano chorus dwindling on repeat.
Your bashful beauty,
Alway makes rainy days come to a hault.
So much wrong in this world,
Pressure, decisions and guilt,
And I am just here admiring you.

Everytime I look at you,
My lump heart skips a beat.
Clenching my sweaty hands,
I have seen you a million times before
But you mesmerize my love struck mind.
Every inch of you, impeccable and unchangeable.
You see there's a prisoner,
Not trapped in any jail.
Where no amount of money could set the bail.
He was trapped in his mind, trapped in his thought.
He tried to escape for he was left to rot.
There needn't be a guard,
The voices took care of that.
As soon as thought he escaped he'd be be in a darker room.
In each room a way out, the way to his tomb.
He tried taking that way more than once.
But even though he tried he didn't have the guts.
I think that's weak
Maybe for help he should seek.
Now you may think I'm being mean
But the thing is, that person is me
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— The End —