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Ariana Mar 2012
I am the moth, you are the flame.
I am blinded in the darkness,
Surronded by the cold.
I am fragile, weak and fleeting.
I am the moth.

You are the flame.
You burn bright and true,
Chasing away shadows with your light.
You draw me closer and closer,
Enticing me with the heat you exude.

I am the moth intoxicated by the flame.
You are forbidden, yet irristable.
The fire is seductive, untameable, and wild.
My desires are undeniable.
But to touch is to be burned.

I am the moth, killed by your flame.
Katlyn Orthman Nov 2012
Nothing could've prepared me for the geared up beauty on the other side of the door. " Oh good, Theon you finally decided to show up. Now before you start yelling about how you don't need a partner, I'd like you to meet Quorra. She just transferred from another guild for some personal reasons, and she's very excited to become partners," Rowan was talking but I couldn't take my eyes from her.
     She was absolutely beautiful. Long, sleek black hair with red tips, full pink lips. And haunting green eyes. This partnership was going to **** me.
No way could I consentrate on killing monsters while she was in action. I could just imagine how her hair would spin as she swung a sword. Realizing she'd been talking to me I decided I should probably stop drooling like a twelve year old boy, and listen.
    " When they told me I could be partnered with Theon the great legend I was shocked as much as I was ecstatic . I'm sorry if I sound lame but I grew up hearing stories about you," Quorra's smile was so wide I was surprised her face hadn't cracked.
"Ah yes, I'm not quite as exciting as the stories convey," I was doing my best to look her in the eye. I wasn't the social butterfly that I used to be.
Maybe it was my growing age, while my physical appearance didn't look a year older than twenty five, my soul grew old with the battle wounds acquired by many years of this life. I was a soldier in need of a break but would no doubt be drafted as soon as my feet hit fresh soil. Abelia was the one who loved being surronded by people, I would let her drag me to her dinners and social outings but she was the one who enjoyed them. I only enjoyed seeing her happy. Her eyes used to twinkle with excitement.
   I averted my eyes, in fear Quorra might pick up on my suppressed emotions. " Hardly believable," she smiled softly. Rowan lounged against the wall with a mocking smirk on his face. When Quorra turned her back to me to sift through her bag I flicked Rowan off, not just for that look on his face, but for the future hell I was about to endure.
    Rowan then decided to drop the biggest bomb on me then, while I was already suffering.
"By the way, Theon, Quorra is going to need a place to stay. And since you have that giant apartment all to yourself , I told her she could stay at your place. Is that cool?" even though he put it as a question , there was only one answer he would take. " Ah, ya sure," I said quickly, wishing I could run out the door and not come back.  Rowan took pleasure in my obvious displeasure.
"Thank you Theon, it's only temporar. Untill I get my own place, then I'll be out of your hair ," Quorra said smiling at me tenitivly, looks like I wasn't the only one feeling uncomfortable.
     Grabbing her bag that sat by the door, I turned to go outside. " I have a car that you can put that in, ah , do you need a ride?" Quorra stammered out quickly. It was amazing how fast things could get awkward. "No, you can follow me to the apartment, it's not far from here, " I said briskly .
Outside I noticed a black SUV parked in the darkest corner of the parking lot. Smart, I hadn't noticed the car going in.  She clicked a button that was on her keychain and the lights on the car flickered. "Is the motorcycle yours?" she asked going to the back of the car to pop open the door .
"Yeah, she's mine," I replied loading her bag into the back. She didn't have much on her. So either she came in a hurry , or she didn't keep much on her.  Rowan had said she'd transferred for personal reasons. "It's beautiful, does It go fast?"
She crossed her arms and leaned against the side of the car. Great she planned on talking for a while.
     "Yeah, that's why I got her. I like to go fast it's exhilarating , the feeling," I smiled at her , and my eyes caught a change in her eyes before she looked down. I could've been mistaken but it looked as if she were blushing. " Well we might as well get going," she mumbled and opened the car door.
I chuckled to myself as I walked back to Racer.
I was going to hell, might as well have some fun before I get there.
Sorry it took me so long but here's part 2, I know the parts are really short but I think it makes it more suspenseful . Hope you like it :)
Tristan Brown Dec 2017
There they were
Just the two of them
Surronded by many
Yet in their own world
She laid her head on his shoulder
And he held her tight
Because he wanted her forever
She drifted into the happiest sleep of her life
He saw her and he just smiled
Because he knew
She was happy

Is it wrong to be happy for others
To smile when I see others happy
I saw them
I was happy for them
Maybe because I want to be happy

Is it wrong to want to be happy
I want to be so happy
I feel high
Because I'm so low
Hell seems like a high

Is it wrong to want to be happy
Even after everything I've done
Something in me wants to be happy
But I don't deserve it
So I deny myself the experience of happiness

Instead I intrude on others happiness
Because all I want in life
Is to know how happy feels
like an island,
i sit here surronded by water;
you are my global warming,
the reason i will be swallowed by the surronding ocean;

of my tears.
Batool  Jun 2018
Sketch !!
Batool Jun 2018
There she was
lying still on the couch
posing the best she could
with her gaze transfixed
deep into his eyes
basking in the thick silence
that surronded them
the only sound of his charcoal lead
stroking the paper could be heard
His every stroke defined her curve
a little better
His rough hands blending the lines
staining her soul a beautiful shade of charcoal
She could feel him
making sure strokes
thus bringing the woman on paper
to life
she felt her heart slipping ...
slipping from her hand
and on to the paper
the color of her skin fading
and reappearing on his masterpiece
the fullness of her lips
was nothing
as the beauty on his canvas
now owned it
the last thing she felt
was the twinkle of her eyes leaving
adding the final touch
to his creation
and it was when
he broke the eye contact
taking with him
the beauty he sketched  
he left ...
not knowing that
He left the masterpiece behind
on the couch .... !!
Katlyn Orthman Jan 2013
Lying on this earth bed
The cold sky looking down
Thin air filing my head
No sound to be found

Broken smiles, broken hearts
Filing my thoughts
I was simply torn apart
And this was all for naught

My place of peace
Surronded by the quiet  
Surronded by trees
To clear my head for tomorrow's riot

The skies spinning around
But I the tears still fall
I stay planted on the ground
As the sadness calls

Tomorrow a smile will be back in place
But for now I can soar through space
Katlyn Orthman Jun 2013
Sometimes I find myself waiting
Waiting for the old times
The good times, to come back
Im stuck here in slow motion
Surronded by this constant commotion
Sometimes I break and I have no strength left
No im flooded by the pain
Left to fight this war by myself
I don't know who I am
I barely know whats real
I barely feel
Katlyn Orthman Feb 2013
It was a gloomy Saturday night
As I walked the staircase to hell
All rage and ready to fight
Too bad this angel fell

A book in the corner full of sins
A trail of people left drained
A closet full of different skins
So I could switch mine if it got stained

A path surronded by flames
A throne fit for a queen
Curtains woven by shame
I was in a mood to be mean

A smirk firmly in place
No regret left inside
Not a tear on my face
I didn't want to hide

I stood before hells jury
Fairness was not insight
No one could stand before his fury
But I was a bomb strapped by might

The gavel slams, Im guilty
Of course it's true
I was on the brink of insanity,
where I want to be

But no chains
No bars
No cage
Would hold me

This was my throne
I would make this my home
So with a grin on my face
I took my place
And I started a riot in hell
Blue Flask Mar 2017
nebious rubber skinned demons
haunting my dreams
eldritch casters of my fate
shape undefined
and vaguely human
they surronded me
and I knew I was asleep
And I couldnt wake up
and I couldn't fall asleep
Kim McCarthy Mar 2013
We've stood togther at the crossroads
I've always been ready at the fork in the road
With my boots strapped tight and a map in hand
Trying to help lessen the weight of the load

We are never there alone though
So my offered guidance you refuse
You hand half the load to stubbornness
And one of you two choose

My choice is to follow along cautiously
Or head down a different road alone
Leaving you and your friend stubbornness
To venture off with all I own

Before I know whats happening
I'm following in the rear
Lead down the path you've taken
On a dark road to despair

It's the same story everytime
You eventually regret the choice
It's always here, in the middle of no where
You start to hear my voice

Miles back, in the light of day
I stood to block the way
But it wasn't my decision then
So you chose to ignore what I had to say

Here in the darkness, surronded by danger
Huddled next to me, your friend stubborness becomes a stranger
Suddenly you depend on me
I'm looked at as the game changer

Thats when the tables turn
Now I'm handed all the gear
The strength you both had earlier
Has crumbled into fear

I get us to the otherside
We are grateful to be alive
For a short time I'm the hero
I'm the reason we survived

But like a circle goes around
The cycle starts anew
At the beginning of another crossroad
I'm left following stubborness and you
Katlyn Orthman Nov 2012
Welling inside
Facing mirrors
Surronded , no way to hide
Cold like the winter
I'm laying there
The white snow is stained
By my blood
My tears freeze on my face
My vision becoming fuzzy
No one will miss me...
The trees are spinning above my head
If only the clouds above me could hold me
The blade against my skin
Had torn away from me
My emotions
I had bled
I had cried
Alone with myself
I can't lift my head
But I'm aware of the soft fluffy
Snowflakes falling new
Landing around me
Nature calling me to join
Nature asking for me to take away the pain
To stop my struggles
My heart beats in my chest
Heaving labored beats
I just need a little push
To go falling through the black
Open sky
Plummeting to the ground
Breaking through the empty sound
It's okay
They whisper
Nobodies around
I'm scared but I use my last bit
Of strength
To bring the blade
To my throat
I sob now
But I drag the blade across my throat
The pain envolopes me
So wholely
Pulls me from reality
Into the dark
And then I'm falling
Through the endless sky
Baylee Nov 2015
It's in the time when you're surronded
By nothing but air
And no one to talk to that the
Pain becomes too much to bear.

It's when you need it most,
That no one is near,
You bottle everything up,
The pain, emotions, and fear.

Starting a new life,
In a place with no one you know,
Can be one of the hardest things,
But it's a fear you can't show.

You have to protect your brother,
He can't know that you're scared,
As if moving across the country wasn't enough,
Then your mom's health - you weren't prepared.

You suit up to take life head on,
Act as your baby brother's second mom,
Take care of your mom, the house,
And family, while trying to remain calm.

It's a lot to deal with,
A lot of pain to bear,
But you're stronger than you know,
And by this, I swear.

Your support stretches across the country,
You've got people who care and love you,
Life hands us things that aren't easy or a choice,
But we know you're strong enough to push through.

May God bless you and your family,
With whatever life may bring you to,
You are always in my prayers,
I put my faith in Him to take care of you.
Written for someone I love and care so deeply about. Know that you have always got a shoulder to cry on, as long as I have shoulders. Know that I am always on your team. Always supporting you. Always. Love you to the moon and back.
Ingrid Ohls  Aug 2013
Ingrid Ohls Aug 2013
Dad, I hope you're not in your head,
Hating who you are.
It was an accident, I would still try to.
I hope you have peace, quiet for now.
The heartache that surronded your life.
Easing up, floating away until you feel none.
I don't want you to see yourself right now.
I don't want you to think that all you are was a chronic illness, a brokedown body.
That flames have now kissed.
Know that your intelligence still intimidates me.
Your humour quick, smart.
Even as I watched your body attack itself.
Slowly taking your life away.
As your anger and hate for what your body did to you.
Became all consuming, I still know who you are.
You are the amazing cook, terrible math tutor, lunch at home, you were my picture of strength.
You were the one when I was little to cuddle me.
You were the very proud man, who in a few calls could get it done
Dad,  I can still see your face.
I can still see the fright, the knowledge.
The forfeit.
I want you to know I loved you.
I want you to know I respect you more then any other person in this world.
I was with till the end,
and I know you will be with me.
I almost am excited for it to be my time.
To feel those arms that were so strong when I was little hug me once more.
To hear you say, welcome partner, we are home.
Until then, watch me close and yell at me loud enough for me to hear.
Help me with my choices, get me through this tough life.
I wrote this one morning, when I was sitting beside my father's bedside in a hospital. I had it as a draft and just saw it, I don't remember writing it. I wrote the last two or three lines tonight to finish it.

— The End —