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Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
A bloodthirsty old woman you see,
a cockroach from Satan’s
“Crisis Committee”,
For long she pillaged,
children she snatched and slayed
their blood she drank and ate,
to rejuvenate.
She flayed their skin,
affixed in place on her own face,
Corona was her name,
The old hag was insane.

When her evil deeds were told,
the airplanes soared,
in aim to **** us all.
On Earth they made the poisons fall.

They had us all locked down,
with muzzles restrained,
padlocks and chains,
ankle bracelets for home detention,
false tests on prescription,
deceived and plundered,
blamed for infection,
medications proscribed,
fresh air they denied,
On our freedom they put boundaries,
halfwits, scoundrels.

And when they “eased up” on their “measures”,
the camps were full over the rim,
large - scale butchering,
looted livers and kidneys,
burning the living victims,
“to prevent the spread of infection”
evidence concealed for our own protection.

She had working hours,
sleeping before noon,
was contagious only in the afternoon.

Half the world she vaccinated,
with poisons injected,
what is going on,
you are going to see,
billions of dead bodies are yet to be!

Forget we must not,
Lest not forgive,
Let’s arrest and sentence them to death,
they should not be left to live!

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Copyright © by Saša Milivojev, 2020 - 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
Snow. Ice. Bitterness.
Fear. Huger. Distress.


Without water and electricity.
Without liberty.

Nobody, just me,  
and a cold blanket
sighing sadly.
And nothing else.
Betrayals countless.
Without a friendly face.
Without an embrace.

Puddles of tears surround me,
I will cut my wrists to end this misery.

My frostbite wounds
Millions of people are passing by
never a one to stop
to offer a shoulder on which to cry

I don’t need anything
no cash, no bread
no shoes, no roof over my head
just a single heart to start beating
beating for me, crazily.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
Stranger to the audience.
Stranger in the community and the family.
A stranger to one’s own mother,
A shadow to one’s own shadow,
A foreigner in the country of one’s own,
in every land he has been in
In the town he was born in
Abandoned by hope
in every town worldwide
on every planet one could find.

A worldwise vagabond,
With disheartened face,
targeted by murderers and madman alike
Across distant deserts and seas
Windbourne with no goals or dreams.

Betrayed by everyone,
Abandoned tranquilly
“friends” fiends,
He has forgiven them,
Perished to the infinite
Never to be back again.

For noone will ache,
love or forgive,
man is a machine with nothing to give.

All life in one suitcase
unsettled, macabre
soaring across dreary universe
homeless, roofless,
with no dreams or aim,
weary of World’s pain.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
The Ancient of the Days,
can you see what he is wearing,
Cardinal shoes made of children’s skin
wrung out from the veins
Last drop of blood that remains
overflowing tankers

Come through the secret bunkers
Descend to the underground
To the cities of gold
The gardens in diamonds adorned
Hotels palatial
Death camps infernal
Where thousands of children abducted
Cry in the clutches of the devil

They will invite you to dine
Pour adrenalin into your wine
Baby roast on the menu
Bones burning in the fireplace just for you

They will forever be returning
Rejuvenated with blood, rejoicing
to walk among men in shoes of cardinal skin
Stepping over dead bees just the same
Compassion they’ll say is their name
Whilst from those cities underground
From their laboratories
Millions of bacteria and viruses
Are killing your world mercilessly

The poles and icebergs they are melting away
Torrents will bring you to dismay
Tsunami will crumble the cities to ruins
Earthquake will shatter graves and dreams
Everything you have they will turn to dust
Drought will ablaze crops to crust
Of hunger millions will die
Poisons are raining from the sky

To the bones of children cast thy eye
to the bottom of the sea where they lie
look inside the savage eyes,
yearning for demise
gleaming with innocence
of the fallen victims’ cries

The Ancient of the Days can you see
The Heavens are yearning for equity
Without the soul void is poetry
Let the world,
That endures the humiliation silently
Frightened of camps and lethality
- be free.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
And I have died,
in antiquity,
and noone ached for me.
Some rejoiced,
young as I was, as I bled on the cross,
drenched in blood, in agony.

Not a single tear rolled down for me,
when they nailed my bones to yew,
the dzelats were singing sneeringly.
and I was smiling, forgivingly.

In that life so brief,
in that cauldron of hell
in the tarnished jaws
I begged for love with poetry,

And as I have perished
to all I have forgiven,
soaring to Third Heaven.

Into the mountains of crimson jade,
Barefoot with the angels I stroll,
It is raining milk and honey
on the squares of the city of gold,
just as it did before.

Here, there is no pain and misery,
resentment and poverty, fear and sin,
by the beautiful streams,
sweet fruits are blossoming,
here, love is always waiting for you
when you come to stay from far, far away.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Copyright © by Saša Milivojev, 2022 - All Rights Reserved
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
Beams of light are entering shyly
into the darkness through
dungeon bars
Carried from the bridge are resounding
Screams and chains and wailing cries
Confined prisoners the defiant
The suffering paying their price

The walls are echoing
With whispers of the final prayer
Falling down the tears of blood
Frightened by the ferrous tide
And the Infinity’s deadly voicelessness

Perished the wholesome
the innocent the hungry
Against the injustice to rebel
To their children bid farewell
For the freedom of their children
when they drew
that final breath

Drawing close the final moments, my life
May you never forget
That moment of horrid death
The innocent could not object

The prison drowned
in tempestuous sea
Immersed the dungeons
in sharp water entirely
To pieces scattered victims hearts
Bodies and souls torn apart
With a screaming cry
Heavens let out a painful sigh

Saša Milivojev in Venice

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
It’s raining snake venom
from the clear blue skies,
millions of bacteria,
stench of excrement,
genes of mice and rats,
lead powder dust, quicksilver droplets,
on the planet of the “reptiles”
piles of human corpses.

They poisoned God no less,
and all else is vague,
Here comes hunger and agony,
rabies, AIDS and plague.

Put your mask on.
Lock up your doors.
Street is not the place to be,
The horror is outdoors,
the devil has come,
to take you to the camp,
the great dying has begun.

Prepare to retaliate!

Below the camp they are harrowing
it’s gas chambers they’re preparing.

And I am stealing time,
blood-soaked to my knees,
to defend myself with explosives,
as the fool once said:
“Graveyards will be too small for us all”.

Even on the verge of the abyss, no less,
in the face of pestilence be fearless,
someone will remain,
children will be birthing just the same,
Thy will be done,
noone can extinguish the Sun.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Oct 2019
I will quench my thirst on water spring
I will recall bygone memories
Will awaken Sahasrara chakra
With Heavenly lustre from above
I shall join the Light in Glory with Love
That in luminosity its way will find
Bringing Peace to the Spirit of Mankind.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
Sent by God to thaw me
Our genes to entwine
Endure all instead of me
Delight me with the light you shine
Warm my fervent heart like iron

When your soul gave life to me
You flew away like a firefly
Nursed with milk by destiny
Bathed its babe in tears she cried
Embraced was I by loneliness
Murdered by love’s sweet caress

Don’t shed your tears
Don’t kneel
My soul will help you heal
Once all is encompassed by silence and agony
Too late we were to meet, you and me
And so crucified Mother I had to be

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Oct 2019
I have been searching for you
in the centuries
In lost dreams
In icy seas
Tracks covered in snow
And you are no more
Everyone ‘s undone
Winds! Turn me to ice
A monument of ice
To be awakened
By soft rays of light
Once a heart is thawed
It will beat for you
Memories I lost
Turn my blood to frost
Tear droplet so young
On snow covered ground
I shine from afar
But no one awaits
To lessen my pain
That is neverending
Winds! Turn me to ice
A monument of ice
To be awakened
By soft rays of light
Once a heart defrosts
It will beat for you
Sun will disembogue
Like honey that’s thawed.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
(Dedicated to my friend,
Isidora Bjelica)

Tonight, I turned my eyes
Towards star-studded skies
Ever so softly God said to me
That he has gifted you with immortality
God’s envoy in lands of men
Offering a helping hand
It was you, the brave, he was to select
In what you create
Life and death to reflect
To truth once again to light our way
The Pain of the World to take away
Our dungeons to illuminate
Throughout the world, you wandered free
The world enlightened by the spirit of thee
From faces unhappy you set smiles to be free
And so, by God, you deserved to be
Gifted with immortality


Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Oct 2019
To overcome, relinquish
and forget,
black – hearted eyes, as well as innocent,
feigned words of solace
and bitter embrace.
To forget the joys, affections and desires,
hardship and bliss,
friends and enemies,
smiles and tears and prayers.
To be insincere.
To write no more verses.
To trust not a soul.
To understand no one and naught.
To forgive not.
To pass a verdict ‘pon oneself of
remoteness and taciturnity.
And soar towards the glistening
of Cosmic dark infinity.

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2022
(On the consequences of biological warfare
and experimentation on humans.
Disturbing images in verse)

What is the world breathing in?
We are perishing,
***** rains are falling,
Poisons and genes,
Rodents and savages,
The tailed and the horned.

These are not the bacteria nor the viruses
nor the “Conspiracy Theories”,
But Satan’s blood thirsty savages,
Monstrosities from the laboratories.

With a head of the child
and a body of a snake
He is mourned by his mother,
He doesn’t even resemble the old man
- the horned goat - his father.

Millions of ex-people
witlessly meandering the planet,
on all fours! Invertedly.
At times someone even flies,

Jumping locusts,
We’re becoming crickets,
Rodents and cripples,
Vaccinated monkeys,
hair-covered in the scorched rainforests.
Babies are no longer crying,
Only frogs can be heard croaking!

How wicked have we become,
We are the monstrosities,
In the fires of Hell
on roasts we shall turn,
Extinguishing with our tears
and our blood the flames
that forever will burn.
Is this the end?
- It’s not the end.
The end with the punishment
will not come to an end.


Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska

— The End —