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30/M/India    I am just a dreamer who expresses himself through poetry. Recently, I had the opportunity to co-author a book. Feel free to check it out. …
21/F    Words don't mean a thing, till the feelings don't swoop in.
brookyn    I love poems


Tanay  Jul 2018
Tanay Jul 2018
How shall I obliterate those warm memories?
The sweet moments penned in my mind's diary.
Succumbed I was in your trance,
those passionate moves of our dance.
I was alive because you were there.
Nothing mattered, for all seemed fair.
To me, you were the only right.
In my darkest hour, you were the only light.

Then time changed its tide.
We left each other's side.
We became busy in our lives
And everything else just died.

Tanay Sengupta, Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
I wrote this a very long time ago, I think I was 20 back then. I think the poem is pretty simple and obvious, you can read through and get an idea. Ciao!
Tanay  Jul 2018
Are you the one?
Tanay Jul 2018
Are you the one?
Whose words can soothe my soul;
The one with the heart of gold.

Are you the one?
The restless fowl in the night sky;
Scoring over the clouds up high.

Are you the one?
Who can bring me back to life;
Cause I am dead of being alive.

Are you the one?
Will you set me free?
Or, will you bind me to an eternity?

Are you the one?
Whom I have been seeking all my life;
Teach me, teach me how it feels to be alive.

Tanay Sengupta, Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Okay, publishing a poem after a very long time. I write one everyday, but I rarely publish them. Why? Because most of my poems are way too dark. On the contrary, this one is rather simple and self-explanatory for everyone. Enjoy!
Tanay Sep 2018
As the moon shines
And the stars decorate the sky,
A lonely owl hymns
While the bats fly.
Lightning bugs scatter around
Like will-o'-the-wisps at night,
Without any sound
Oh, what a delight!
The neighbour's hound is on guard
She will not allow anyone to pass,
No one is allowed in her yard
At this hour, only a fool will walk on her grass.
Her howl pierces the air
Bringing an end to the silence,
She announces she won't share
She will not tolerate any form of violence.
Across the street, few floors above
Two players are taking their turns,
In the famous game of push and shove
While a tiny candle burns.

Tanay Sengupta, Copyright © 2018.
All Rights Reserved
As usual, I will not explain this poem. I think it is evident by now that I won't explain any of my poems to you. I want you to perceive it the way you want to. Happy reading!