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  Apr 2018 sassybutsweet
i love the way you touch me, holding me so near
i love the way you talk to me, the way you whisper in my ear
i love the way you smile, the way you truly care
i love the way your hair gets, unruly but so cute
i love the way you hold me and the way you sometimes stare
i love it when i'm with you, i cant stand when we're apart
a piece of me goes missing and i dont even know where to start
but a piece of me i already miss, because with you resides my heart
  Apr 2018 sassybutsweet
Özcan Sh
The moon is rising
The street lights go on
The night has arrived
I started my car
And I drove to the empty street
I turn on the radio
And play your  piano song

A tear came out of my eye

I realized how I miss you more and more
It's like a knife stabbing deeper and deeper in my heart ...
Only you can get the knife out of my heart
Because my heart can only be healed by her

I still need you
I still miss you
I still love you.
  Apr 2018 sassybutsweet
President Snow
And as she catch raindrops in her hands
"Do you love me?" She asked

He smiled
Making all her butterflies go mad

"I like you" He replied
And from that moment,
She knew that it was not
Raindrops that made her eyes wet.
"Like" is always never enough.
  Apr 2018 sassybutsweet
You have
without knowing
reached inside
touched my soul
awakening it
with urgent
like an electrical

I yearn to
with you
the circuit

My soul seeks
for a rendezvous

to mingle
in an ethereal

to share
a repast
in the soft candlelight
of awareness
the sweet scent
of the roses
of incorporeal

filling plates
the words

wine glasses
the music

of poetry

You speak
the language
of my soul

whose words are

              ­                             life

whose syntax
is poetry

more than most
have taught me
to heed
the language

to recognize
the melody


to dance

its rhythm
This was written some years ago upon discovering a wonderful poet, one of my favorites, Stanley Kunitz, who was also an avid gardener. I think he was in his 90's at the time. I heard him reading a poem on NPR and I was "smitten".  I bought several of his books of poetry. The one I love best has a lot of pictures of him in his late years still working in his garden.  He died in 2006, just two months short of his 101st birthday.  He's a beautiful soul. You can see it in his face, in his garden and in his poetry!
  Apr 2018 sassybutsweet
I thought if the moon turns away,
I’d put an ear to the ground
hoping to hear the earth’s heartbeat.

I thought if the earth revolves
without a whim or a care,
I’d walk with it
so I could confide in the stars.

I thought that if the stars
don't listen,

Just maybe you would.
  Mar 2018 sassybutsweet
Step one: wait for a down pour even if it seems like forever

Step two: find someone you love

Step three: let your hair down, there is no need for effort

Step four: music that the world should never get rid of

Step five: an outfit you would where anywhere no matter the time or place

Step six: an open heart

Step seven: leave behind the straight face

Step eight: your smile is a work of art

Step nine: a good reason

Step ten: or not

Step eleven: most importantly dance because it is freeing feeling

Step twelve: dance because it brightens everyone's eyes, even if you are a big shot

Finally dance because you can be there for the rainbow after the storm.
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