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I'll show you we had a spark
Even if I have to burn us down
It's easier said than done;
to let someone go,
when all you want is to hold on.
Because the memories can't just be erased ,
of every moment between you.
And those feelings won't simply be replaced
by someone new.
But you know the only thing to do now,
is to leave behind what has fallen apart,
because the damage has gone way too far
to repair what's left of two broken hearts
If we'd lived like normal people-
All of this could have been avoided.
But we didn't.
We were nuts and desperate.
We couldn't help but create this
nothingness that drove us completely crazy,
Still, no one's desperation came close
to matching mine.
They all seemed to be able to go back to their lives.
They got scuffed up and they got on with it,
Only I seemed to be left behind,
crying and screaming,
wanting some satisfaction,
wanting to feel something.
I always sought solace in places
where I know, absolutely,
that it did not exist.

Is this what insanity feels like?
I get drunk to forget myself
And for a little while, pretend I am someone else
Tortured souls feel the most
And me myself and I, don't mean to boast
But I've seen all the coasts

Swallowing me up whole
Pretty words don't mean much when I constantly drink in the ugly
I used to think alone was better
That if I was the one to hurt me
It would feel better than leave myself open for someone to scar me

But the winter winds are blowing from the skies
And this autumn jacket lining is frail and thin

Sipping on bottles of reoccurring notions
Soaring through broken promises

Don't leave me lonely
One foot, another day
Once more, the hallowing wind
Sometimes I just lay awake at night and I think. I think of all the things I shoulda coulda woulda done differently if I could do it all over again with the knowledge I know now. Sometimes I just want to cry. Thinking about all the stars who's wishes I wasted on dreams that were never going to happen. Sometimes I just stop. I think of all the things I coulda shoulda done when I did something wrong. Sometimes I think that's why I have insomnia. I can't stop thinking. I wanna take large chunks of my life and erase and rewrite. Sometimes I lay awake at night and I think of you. And then I tell myself I'm stupid because I don't even know you. A couple of dates some steamy kisses one shared night that's all we've got. But what is that. Sometimes I feel like I can't go on because the weight of everything is crushing me and making me sink. Sometimes I lay awake at night and I try to distract myself from the thoughts of my future. I wanna be a teacher but what kind of teacher am I going to be. Sometimes I lay awake at night and I think. I think of this ****** hand life dealt me and I think of who it made me become. Sometimes I think I hate myself. Sometimes I try my best to cry it all out and I just end up falling asleep.
 Dec 2015 Sarah DeeSarah
Emma A
I uncovered every stone and retraced every step trying to find where we went wrong.
But in the end, I just got lost.
A part of me misses you
I don't know how
To make her stop.
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